Just a quick note to reassure regular We Hunted the Mammoth readers that this blog hasn’t turned into a #ResistTrump-only blog — despite what it might look like at the moment.
This has been a strange and monumental week politically. And it’s also been a crappy week for me. I’m still feeling a bit under the weather, and so I’ve been devoting my limited energy to getting these #ResistTrump posts out because, holy crap, you saw what happenedΒ this week.
Anyway, I’m hoping that I will be able to resume my regular posts shortly. The #ResistTrump posts will continue as well, but they wont be the only thing.
Thanks for your patience, everyone!
Get well soon, David!
Feel better soon! (And that typing kitty always cracks me up, every time!)
I think the biggest threat to the rights and status of women, and all people marginalized for reasons of sex and gender in the Western world right now, is Trump and his “deplorables”. Pointing and laughing at the silly manospherians isn’t working.
If you’ll permit me an allegory: we mocked and laughed at the Manosphere loser and let him know that his views weren’t welcome in the clubhouse of polite society. So he left — but now he’s back with his new friends, the Nazi biker gang. Who are threatening to burn the place down.
Pointing and laughing is easy, but the time for pointing and laughing is over. The time to fight is now.
I agree with eataTREE. I was wondering about the direction of the blog back in the Fall when it seemed impossible for us to get to this point, but ever since the election I’ve not once questioned the importance of the political discussion.
And to throw out some more political discussion, have a happy (ish) story:
Rest well for as long as you feel you need to. I’m looking forward to laughing at the usual idiots again, but the #Resist threads have been extremely interesting as well. There isn’t much a foreigner can do, besides spread awareness in their own country, and this blog is the best material to show others.
Nope, there’s nothing that precludes us from pointing and laughing AND fighting.
Mocking Trump, the MRAs and related monsters is an important means of exposing their outrageous lies and unconscionable behavior while pissing them off. It’s also an crucial way of keeping ourselves from losing our shit.
May good health return soon! <3
I hope you feel better soon!
Enjoying the Resist Trump stuff.
He’s pure, distilled manosphere with added vitamin C for extra obnoxiousness.
I think it’s important we mock him *and* fight him.
I think what David is doing here is absolutely essential, and everyone should be doing what they can to resist Trump and his stooges. I don’t think it is hyperbole to say that the Trump regime is the biggest detriment to saving the planet from catastrophic climate change that there is.
I’d like to see some ideas about what those of us who live in other countries can do to resist Trump. If anyone has a brilliant suggestion, please let us know!
I hope you’re feeling better soon, David.
My only suggestion for those in other countries (Speaking as a not-American) is to wake up and start paying close attention to your local scene, things you can effect. Prevent the lying, truth-free nonsense from infecting your own political sphere. Keep them pushed into the margins.
I think the resist Trump threads are an incredible service. As a non-American I’m less likely to personally interact with them, since I would be a distraction, but that doesn’t mean I resent them or wish there were fewer of them.
Well said.
Rest up and get well, David!
I think there’s value in laughing at Trump. He’s so thin-skinned, compelled to respond whenever someone criticizes him.
Getting him so fed up he quits is about as likely as pegging a two-meter exhaust port with a dumb missile, but we can regularly goad him into revealing that he has no chill.
Take your time
Get well soon David.
As a brit, I can’t do much about Trump and I kinda have other things to focus on. I’m getting out so I won’t have to fund the haters and their schemes. I hope the nationalists like the thing they voted for.
Speaking as both a British person and someone who can’t do much as I’m recovering from a total breakdown (the recovery is going well!), I’d also like to hear ideas on what us non-Americans can do to help. Not necesarily for myself as I’m not sure my mental health will let me do much at all, but for others around me too.
I do miss the Other Mammoth, but I fully understand the need for the current focus. This affects all of us, not only those in the US (although you guys are in the front line π ).
A lot of the advice and strategies discussed here are useful and applicable to those of us in other areas of the globe, too.
Too late for that in Aust. I’m afraid. But excellent advice nonetheless – we don’t have a demagogue here, but in many other respects the situations are similar (Australia as US in microcosm, yet again. Sigh).
Yesterday a guy on Twitter was berating a Muslim-Aust woman whom I follow, and telling her to go back to the Middle East (she was born here, but never mind). This guy had a Pepe avatar and a “pro-Trump” tag. According to his bio, he’s Australian π
I’m British and I think #ResistTrump is the most important thing you can do right now.
Focus on the head of the snake.
This website is a wonderful resource and I’m so happy it’s here, but it’s yours; you’re in charge. Do what you want to do.
Peace and love.
This isn’t about resisting Trump per se, but if you’re interested in helping to combat catastrophic climate change (or helping other areas of research), consider downloading BOINC and participating in some of the studies they support:
I participate in climateprediction.net’s Weather At Home program, among others. The best thing about it is that once you’ve set it up, all you need is some idle time on your computer that you’re willing to part with.
It seems to me that as we face the prospect of funding cuts in several areas of research, citizen-science initiatives are going to be increasingly important. Is anyone else involved in one that they’d like to share?
So i just got my first job through the union in 2 months, putting up fences for the inaguration. I feel like the guy whos job it was to hang swastica banners in germany.
So, regarding the peaceful and efficient transition of power: Trump is requesting the resignation of the chief of the D.C. National Guard DURING the Inauguration.
It’s one thing to recall all diplomats immediately. It’s a dick move, and it’s stupid, but it’s his decision. But this is… bizarre.
Major General Schwartz is responsible for security for the Inauguration, but he’ll only be employed until the minute after Trump takes the oath of office. He is then expected to resign and leave.
This actually made me tear up a little: βMy troops will be on the street,β he added. βIβll see them off but I wonβt be able to welcome them back to the armory.β
@Scildfreja I’ve narrowed down the picks for CPC leader to Maxime Bernier and Erin O’Toole. Any (brief) thoughts? [Yes, I’ll be voting.]
David is better than most at pointing and laughing. Especially the pointing. I found my way here because of the pointing and laughing and I’ve learned a few things here, changed my attitude a little.
Don’t dismiss a long game as not working without good reason.