WTF is a MGTOW? A Glossary

On this blog, MRA does not stand for Magnetic Resonance Angiography

NOTE: This page is in desperate need of revision and expansion. In the meantime, I suggest you use Rationalwiki’s Manosphere Glossary.

For newcomers to this blog, here’s a handy guide to some of the strange acronyms and lingo you’ll encounter here and in the “manosphere” in general. (For a definition of that term, see below.) I will update this entry periodically as needed.

First, the acronyms you’ll see most often here:

MRA: Men’s Rights Activist
MRM: Men’s Rights Movement

MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way MGHOW: Man Going His Own Way.

Ok, so what do those terms mean?

MRM: The Men’s Rights Movement: A loosely defined, but largely retrograde, collection of activists and internet talkers who fight for what they see as “men’s rights.” Unlike the original Men’s Movement, which was inspired by and heavily influenced by feminism, the self-described Men’s Rights Movement is largely a reactionary movement; with few exceptions, Men’s Rights Activists (or MRAs) are pretty rabidly antifeminist, and many are frankly and sometimes proudly misogynistic. Those who oppose the MRM are generally not against men’s rights per se; they are opposed to those who’ve turned those two words into a synonym for some pretty backwards notions.

MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way: As the name suggests, MGTOW is a lot like lesbian separatism, but for straight dudes. MGTOW often talk vaguely about seeking “independence” from western and/or consumer culture, and a few MGTOW try to live that sort of zen existence. But most of those who embrace the term have a deep hostility towards and/or profound distrust of feminists and women in general. Many MGTOW refuse to date “western women” and some try to avoid women altogether.  I think the Man Going His Own Way acronym MGHOW adds another layer of confusion to an already awkward acronym, so I use MGTOWer instead.

Some other terms and acronyms you’ll run across here:

Anglosphere: Countries in which English is the primary language, or, more narrowly, those countries that used to be British colonies. They are full of evil Western Women (see below).

Incel: Involuntarily Celibate. A term, and identity, adopted by some dateless guys (as well as some women, but it’s the men we’ll focus on here). While there is nothing shameful about being dateless, or a virgin, or having a really long dry spell sexually — most of us have been there at some point — the term “involuntarily celibate” seems to suggest that the world owes incels sex, and that women who turn down incel men for dates or sex are somehow oppressing them. For those (male, straight) incels who are genuinely socially awkward or phobic, this can be a self-defeating stance that can lead to bitterness towards women. And often does.

Mangina: Derogatory term used by MRAs, MGTOW, etc. to describe guys who disagree with them — e.g., me. You can figure out the various connotations of this term yourself.

The Manosphere: The loose collection of blogs, message boards, and other sites run by and/or read by MRAs, MGTOW, and assorted friendly Pick-up Artists. The primary source of material for this blog.

NAWALT: Not All Women Are Like That. Dudes in the manosphere make so many ridiculous and untrue generalizations about women that they’ve come up with their own little acronym to describe the most common reaction to their nonsense: “not all women are like that.” Remarkably, many seem to think that making a reference to NAWALT is actually some sort of clever rebuttal of their critics.

PUA: Pick-up Artist. PUAs are obsessed with mastering what they see as the ultimate set of techniques and attitudes — known as “Game” — that will enable them to quickly seduce almost any woman they want. There is a vast literature on “game” online, though PUA (insofar as it is not complete bullshit) is at its essence simply a male version of the age-old ploy of “playing hard to get.”

Western Women: Also known as WW. Evil harpies, at least according to many in the manosphere. Contrasted with “foreign women,” a term that (in the manosphere, at least) sometimes refers to all women outside the Anglosphere, but often refers to a subset of these women from poor and/or Eastern countries, mostly Asian, who are regarded as more pliable and thus more desirable to haters of “Ameriskanks” and other WW.

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Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Wars also result in the deaths of many civilians, e.g. see for WWII and for WWI. So women have already died as casualties in both world wars.

Also, non-action related military deaths are counted, such as drowning (e.g. when a troop ship outside of the action sinks), and infection from wounds (e.g. person is shot/hit with shrapnel, wound is survivable but due to lack of antibiotics the ensuing infection killed them).

But then MRAs have never shown any ability to master history, let alone statistics.

11 years ago

Sparky: That would only be fair. I’m sure Disgruntled would approve; he’s in favor of equality.

We’ll also sterilize all the neurotypical, decimate the non-First Nations people with smallpox, and have a massive witch hunt against anyone suspected of being straight.

11 years ago

Can we prosecute anyone who isn’t a communist for being un-American too?

11 years ago

katz: We should also probably put up a bunch of “No non-Irish need apply” signs, and ship a bunch of non-Japanese-Americans off to internment camps for a few years. And make Christians pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster in school. For fairness, and all that. Because all that makes perfect sense. :/

11 years ago

We will put up every piece of writing except the Ten Commandments outside courthouses.

11 years ago

The global statistics on the abuse of girls are numbing. It appears that more girls have been killed in the last fifty years, precisely because they were girls, than men were killed in all the wars of the twentieth century. More girls are killed in this routine “gendercide” in any one decade than people were slaughtered in all the genocides of the twentieth century.

That’s a paragraph in the introduction of the book I’m reading (Half the Sky). Thought it might make Disgruntled feel better.

11 years ago

Disgruntled you are a disgusting human being, please go away already.

Just Saying!
Just Saying!
11 years ago

What a big drama queen he is. He is making HIMSELF ‘disgruntled’ and could change that but oh no, every woman on the planet MAKES him feel that way. What a very weak minded individual he is. His comment made me cringe for him so at least I felt something lol.

11 years ago

I love how people like Disgruntled make no secret of the fact they don’t want to make life better than it is now for men; they just want to make life worse for women. And they don’t realize how revealing that approach is about them personally.

11 years ago

Aw, you people took all the good retorts already!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“whatever additional gender-types have entered the fray (trans-sexual and others proclaiming they are outside the M/F duality).”

At least he didn’t compare me to a carrot? I kinda liked that troll though, since, you know, I’M A CARROT!! Disgruntled is still being fucking stupid though, seeing how binary trans* men and women are, uh! binary gendered and not some “additional gender-types”.

11 years ago

I oppose helping the MRA re-brand themselves as PUA, they see it as a step up in terms of credibility and respect. PUA is more of a geek-thing.

11 years ago

I oppose helping the MRA re-brand themselves as PUA

That’s nice, dear. Not sure why you raise it as an issue, here or anywhere, though.

…they see it as a step up in terms of credibility and respect.

Do they? Citation needed.

PUA is more of a geek-thing.

Is it? Citation needed.

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
11 years ago



11 years ago

Aw, Disgruntled is so disgruntled. I like how he acts that FEMINISTS are responsible for women being barred from the armed forces. Yeah, buddy, that’s totally what happened.


PUA is more of a geek-thing.

*eyeroll* It’s more of an asshole thing, you mean.

11 years ago

What’s nice dear? Who’s a dear, dear?

If you had been approached by one of these PUA guys in a bar, who comes up with some sh– like “do you think David Bowie was hot”, you would know they’re geeks.

If a Conservative Republican MRA guy approached you in a bar, he would be like “I know you hate men but how bout it”?

11 years ago

Is OH some sort of madlibs generating bot?

11 years ago

I do not comprehend what your investment is? What did I say to make you so mad?

11 years ago

Do you deny being offended by something I said?

Ally S
11 years ago

I suspect that OH isn’t sober.

11 years ago

OK, I’m going to play a nice game of “ignore the attention seeking weirdo” now.

11 years ago

LOL Recently I’ve ran into one of those misogynist blogs surfing the internet. I couldn’t believe such dinosaurs are still somewhere around. Thanks, you gave here quite accurate definition of the typical characters of MRM. And I guess there are bad news for MGTOWs: women are turning into WW in the all parts of the world.

11 years ago

It’s either that or admit what you’re trying to say.

11 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen, she’s crazy about me, I could get her if I wanted.

11 years ago

::snicker:: OH doesn’t know the difference between “mad at someone” and “mildly puzzled by their nonsense”.

I hope they are drunk posting. I’d hate to think this was written sober.

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