WTF is a MGTOW? A Glossary

On this blog, MRA does not stand for Magnetic Resonance Angiography

NOTE: This page is in desperate need of revision and expansion. In the meantime, I suggest you use Rationalwiki’s Manosphere Glossary.

For newcomers to this blog, here’s a handy guide to some of the strange acronyms and lingo you’ll encounter here and in the “manosphere” in general. (For a definition of that term, see below.) I will update this entry periodically as needed.

First, the acronyms you’ll see most often here:

MRA: Men’s Rights Activist
MRM: Men’s Rights Movement

MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way MGHOW: Man Going His Own Way.

Ok, so what do those terms mean?

MRM: The Men’s Rights Movement: A loosely defined, but largely retrograde, collection of activists and internet talkers who fight for what they see as “men’s rights.” Unlike the original Men’s Movement, which was inspired by and heavily influenced by feminism, the self-described Men’s Rights Movement is largely a reactionary movement; with few exceptions, Men’s Rights Activists (or MRAs) are pretty rabidly antifeminist, and many are frankly and sometimes proudly misogynistic. Those who oppose the MRM are generally not against men’s rights per se; they are opposed to those who’ve turned those two words into a synonym for some pretty backwards notions.

MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way: As the name suggests, MGTOW is a lot like lesbian separatism, but for straight dudes. MGTOW often talk vaguely about seeking “independence” from western and/or consumer culture, and a few MGTOW try to live that sort of zen existence. But most of those who embrace the term have a deep hostility towards and/or profound distrust of feminists and women in general. Many MGTOW refuse to date “western women” and some try to avoid women altogether.  I think the Man Going His Own Way acronym MGHOW adds another layer of confusion to an already awkward acronym, so I use MGTOWer instead.

Some other terms and acronyms you’ll run across here:

Anglosphere: Countries in which English is the primary language, or, more narrowly, those countries that used to be British colonies. They are full of evil Western Women (see below).

Incel: Involuntarily Celibate. A term, and identity, adopted by some dateless guys (as well as some women, but it’s the men we’ll focus on here). While there is nothing shameful about being dateless, or a virgin, or having a really long dry spell sexually — most of us have been there at some point — the term “involuntarily celibate” seems to suggest that the world owes incels sex, and that women who turn down incel men for dates or sex are somehow oppressing them. For those (male, straight) incels who are genuinely socially awkward or phobic, this can be a self-defeating stance that can lead to bitterness towards women. And often does.

Mangina: Derogatory term used by MRAs, MGTOW, etc. to describe guys who disagree with them — e.g., me. You can figure out the various connotations of this term yourself.

The Manosphere: The loose collection of blogs, message boards, and other sites run by and/or read by MRAs, MGTOW, and assorted friendly Pick-up Artists. The primary source of material for this blog.

NAWALT: Not All Women Are Like That. Dudes in the manosphere make so many ridiculous and untrue generalizations about women that they’ve come up with their own little acronym to describe the most common reaction to their nonsense: “not all women are like that.” Remarkably, many seem to think that making a reference to NAWALT is actually some sort of clever rebuttal of their critics.

PUA: Pick-up Artist. PUAs are obsessed with mastering what they see as the ultimate set of techniques and attitudes — known as “Game” — that will enable them to quickly seduce almost any woman they want. There is a vast literature on “game” online, though PUA (insofar as it is not complete bullshit) is at its essence simply a male version of the age-old ploy of “playing hard to get.”

Western Women: Also known as WW. Evil harpies, at least according to many in the manosphere. Contrasted with “foreign women,” a term that (in the manosphere, at least) sometimes refers to all women outside the Anglosphere, but often refers to a subset of these women from poor and/or Eastern countries, mostly Asian, who are regarded as more pliable and thus more desirable to haters of “Ameriskanks” and other WW.

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12 years ago

Why do people who don’t actually read this blog keep commenting on it?

Because there’s MISANDRY to fight dammit!!!

12 years ago
12 years ago

I’d just like say that @pecunium, @Argenti Aertheri, @katz, and others have restored my faith in men (and people).

I’m an occasional reader who was just exploring the site, but the aplomb and skill with which you guys eviscerated the troll makes me happy. I didn’t read the whole thing (!) but did a good portion of it and just got fed up with the troll, so ended up reading the responses to it. You guys responded so much better than I could have, my response would have ended in multi-paragraph strings of profanity. You also make me hopeful that I can find a partner, fwb, wev, pal, etc, (unlike troll asserts, I do think about boning my friends, but I also like having friends to begin with) who is as feminist as you are. I’d be happy to buy any of you a drink if you’re ever in good old CA.

12 years ago

Ditto to what Lurkerina (damn that’s a good name) just said.

12 years ago

Should “Alpha,” Beta,” and “Omega” be added?

12 years ago

David Futrelle, you HAVE to be a woman (er, -myn)….there’s no other way…

Else that little introduction of yours at the top as the fairy-wanded anti-misogynist relieving the world of the “male torture” just couldn’t have been there…

“Exposing Misogyny”…..MRM is a “loose set” of blogs articles etc….Blah!

Wait until that “loose” set becomes a little tighter…you’ll run like you’ve never run before…

Take Care.

12 years ago

*points and laughs at most recent troll sneaking into glossary to make passive-aggressive bullshit threats!*

12 years ago

Oh yeah, we’re totally not a hate movement. We just like to go around threatening our critics on the internet, that’s all.

12 years ago

I recently stumbled upon the manosphere, and have been completely baffled as to what, exactly, its purpose is – thanks for making sense of all this reactionary weirdness.

12 years ago

Hi manboobz. Thanks for this. Eye opening stuff.
But I was hoping some nice person could help me find an outlet.
The MRA sites are far to hostile, angry and deluded for me, but other men’s movement sites are too…I don’t know how to say it.
The thing is, I would love to find a site that critiques the sociological theories of gender politics without it resorting to disregard and name calling. The sites I’ve found so far do one of two things: they either lambast every feminist and their theories, or they celebrate every feminist and their theories. Isn’t there a middle ground? Can’t I go somewhere to debate separatist feminist theories without being called a misogynist?
Any direction would be great.

12 years ago


I’m not sure what you mean by “separatist feminist theories,” but a great site for male gender issues is No, Seriously, What About the Menz, by illustrious Manboobz commenter Ozymandias.

But, if I were you, I wouldn’t put so much of a premium on finding middle ground. The most reasonable view is not always the one that’s halfway in between. It’s better to just look at each issue/position and decide how you feel about it without concerning yourself with where it falls on the spectrum of opinions.

12 years ago

Everonn: “Someone disagrees with my halfwit misogynist theories, so I will impotently threaten him over a textual medium with a threat that could never conceivably come to pass. Having done so, I shall now resume simultaneously eating Cheetos, masturbating into an empty whiskey bottle and weeping.”

Diana (@DianaMayim)
12 years ago

I’ve got a good term to counter the manosphere: either Feminet or Womanet. 🙂 Love this blog.

12 years ago

So whats the difference between MRM and MGTOW aren’t they same really?

12 years ago

Some helpful leads for those hoping to understand the reactionary world of “men’s rights” include Chris Hedges’ EMPIRE OF ILLUSION, and Viktor Malarek’s THE JOHNS.

12 years ago

I would offer that the “men’s rights” illness is compounded by the unreality of bourgeois ( I would suggest, capitalist) “feminism” which is presented to us by the corporate media, of hypercompetent females and “gender neutrality” which seems to be calculated to inflame the anger and vengeance of males who feel that they have lost their place in the world…

Dick Armey
Dick Armey
12 years ago

Good you for starting a blog all about your pro_female beliefs. American? I hope so, cause the very existence of this is something of the “only in America” category. Very specific glossary too. Very happy for that. It’s refreshing for sometimes personal acronyms to have a detailed definition. Leaves out the guess work. Although I have a question. I see all over that ya talk about what’s wrong. What’s right in your eyes? What’s your end game? What’s the social norm you write this thing hoping for someday? I’m curious. Cause like this reads like one of those high horse “enlightened” blogs like members of the church of atheism do. The ones that lament how tough it is to be all enlightened in a world that’s so full of (condescending intelligence based insult here). Like O’Neil really trying not to believe that. Specific and detailed (like this glossary) points on what the ideal to strive for actually is, would be appreciated.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Dick – You might find the sort of info you’re looking for at

Manboobz isn’t an introduction blog, it’s specifically about mocking misogyny/misogynists. And looking at kitten videos. 🙂

Dick Armey
Dick Armey
12 years ago

Well thank you kindly for that. It was informative. But I have an idea about the general movement I’d just like to know this bloke David’s take. After all my good friend no two people ever explain a concept the same and sometimes a different viewpoint helps to “connect the dots” so to speak.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Probably because feminism isn’t monolithic. Lots’n’lots of different people with just as many opinions. I’d suggest maybe contacting Dave via the link he provides in the side bar if you want a conversation or more reading pointers.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Dave, you mean you haven’t bought Reddit Island and deported ’em all yet? That’s not the way to serve our feline feminist overlords. Overladies.

Jon Curtis
Jon Curtis
12 years ago

MANGINA: A man that BLINDLY sides with a woman for no other reason than that she is a woman REGARDLESS of the logic and rationality of the situation.
Example: “I don’t care if that lady you have never seen before in your life was hitting you repetitively over the head with a rock! You don’t hit a woman you jerk! I’m gonna kick your ass!”
That should sound like nonsense to ANYONE.You don’t even have to be an MRA to use the term, Boobz. Get it right.

12 years ago

STRAWMAN: (see above)

12 years ago

Oh, come on. You want a serious discussion of social justice issues? Stop using gender-based insults as shorthand for people you disagree with. Being an unmitigated, irredeemable git is entirely independent of gender, and genitals have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Grow up.

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