WTF is a MGTOW? A Glossary

On this blog, MRA does not stand for Magnetic Resonance Angiography

NOTE: This page is in desperate need of revision and expansion. In the meantime, I suggest you use Rationalwiki’s Manosphere Glossary.

For newcomers to this blog, here’s a handy guide to some of the strange acronyms and lingo you’ll encounter here and in the “manosphere” in general. (For a definition of that term, see below.) I will update this entry periodically as needed.

First, the acronyms you’ll see most often here:

MRA: Men’s Rights Activist
MRM: Men’s Rights Movement

MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way MGHOW: Man Going His Own Way.

Ok, so what do those terms mean?

MRM: The Men’s Rights Movement: A loosely defined, but largely retrograde, collection of activists and internet talkers who fight for what they see as “men’s rights.” Unlike the original Men’s Movement, which was inspired by and heavily influenced by feminism, the self-described Men’s Rights Movement is largely a reactionary movement; with few exceptions, Men’s Rights Activists (or MRAs) are pretty rabidly antifeminist, and many are frankly and sometimes proudly misogynistic. Those who oppose the MRM are generally not against men’s rights per se; they are opposed to those who’ve turned those two words into a synonym for some pretty backwards notions.

MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way: As the name suggests, MGTOW is a lot like lesbian separatism, but for straight dudes. MGTOW often talk vaguely about seeking “independence” from western and/or consumer culture, and a few MGTOW try to live that sort of zen existence. But most of those who embrace the term have a deep hostility towards and/or profound distrust of feminists and women in general. Many MGTOW refuse to date “western women” and some try to avoid women altogether.  I think the Man Going His Own Way acronym MGHOW adds another layer of confusion to an already awkward acronym, so I use MGTOWer instead.

Some other terms and acronyms you’ll run across here:

Anglosphere: Countries in which English is the primary language, or, more narrowly, those countries that used to be British colonies. They are full of evil Western Women (see below).

Incel: Involuntarily Celibate. A term, and identity, adopted by some dateless guys (as well as some women, but it’s the men we’ll focus on here). While there is nothing shameful about being dateless, or a virgin, or having a really long dry spell sexually — most of us have been there at some point — the term “involuntarily celibate” seems to suggest that the world owes incels sex, and that women who turn down incel men for dates or sex are somehow oppressing them. For those (male, straight) incels who are genuinely socially awkward or phobic, this can be a self-defeating stance that can lead to bitterness towards women. And often does.

Mangina: Derogatory term used by MRAs, MGTOW, etc. to describe guys who disagree with them — e.g., me. You can figure out the various connotations of this term yourself.

The Manosphere: The loose collection of blogs, message boards, and other sites run by and/or read by MRAs, MGTOW, and assorted friendly Pick-up Artists. The primary source of material for this blog.

NAWALT: Not All Women Are Like That. Dudes in the manosphere make so many ridiculous and untrue generalizations about women that they’ve come up with their own little acronym to describe the most common reaction to their nonsense: “not all women are like that.” Remarkably, many seem to think that making a reference to NAWALT is actually some sort of clever rebuttal of their critics.

PUA: Pick-up Artist. PUAs are obsessed with mastering what they see as the ultimate set of techniques and attitudes — known as “Game” — that will enable them to quickly seduce almost any woman they want. There is a vast literature on “game” online, though PUA (insofar as it is not complete bullshit) is at its essence simply a male version of the age-old ploy of “playing hard to get.”

Western Women: Also known as WW. Evil harpies, at least according to many in the manosphere. Contrasted with “foreign women,” a term that (in the manosphere, at least) sometimes refers to all women outside the Anglosphere, but often refers to a subset of these women from poor and/or Eastern countries, mostly Asian, who are regarded as more pliable and thus more desirable to haters of “Ameriskanks” and other WW.

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13 years ago


Oh wait, I get it! A clever portmanteau of the words ‘man’ and ‘vagina’. Because women have vaginas, you see, not men. But here it’s applied to a man to suggest he’s an honourary female or otherwise lacking in man parts!

Wow, good one, MRAers. I can’t believe this word hasn’t been thought of before now and that it isn’t used in every single post you make, with its powers of absolute pwnage over feminist-whipped pussies. You should probably start doing so right away, as you will come across as a comedic genius. And not remotely 12 years old.

13 years ago

Right, comet, it’s a juvenile insult, not at all like the feminist-created comedic gems like ‘douchecanoe’, ‘flounce’ and ‘mansplaining’, which could have been penned by Shakespeare himself.

But hey, if you think you can do better, maybe you’ve got a suggestion. What would you call a hysterical little lapdog who spends his life humping the leg of any nearby woman and growling impotently at men who approach?

13 years ago

What would you call a hysterical little lapdog who spends his life humping the leg of any nearby woman and growling impotently at men who approach?


13 years ago

cute, but doesn’t fit.

13 years ago

Oh Pam, that was perfection.

13 years ago

blockquotecute, but doesn’t fit.

You’re right, you’d have to insert “hawt” beside “woman” for it to be more appropriate.

13 years ago

Oooops, messed up the closing tag on that one. Wish there was a Preview function here.

13 years ago

Oh Pam, that was perfection.

Yeah, I snickered a little when it was the first thing that came to mind.

13 years ago

“Right, comet, it’s a juvenile insult, not at all like the feminist-created comedic gems like ‘douchecanoe’, ‘flounce’ and ‘mansplaining’, which could have been penned by Shakespeare himself.”

Douchecanoe? That’s a new one on me. You’re assuming that someone needs to identify as feminist/read feminist sites in order to find MRAs moronic.

“But hey, if you think you can do better, maybe you’ve got a suggestion.”

IOW, ‘I know you are, so what am I?’

13 years ago

Oh, and ‘flounce’? As in, storm off/lose temper in an exaggerated manner? Pretty sure that one’s in the dictionary, guy…

13 years ago

It’s all nice and well that you mock and critize the insane and rabid mysoginy of the so-called MRA’s. There deluded reactionary bullshit nauseating.

But I think you are being a hypocrite in ignoring the greatest threat to the mainstream acceptance of socially progressive ideas, and a society without the pathetic and counterproductive gender wars.
Because there is just as much insanity and bigotry from people who call themselves feminists.

What about the likes of Melissa Farley, Sheile Jeffries, Julie Bindel etc ?
Their sex-worker bashing, transphobia and general sex-phobia and male bashing are any more noble or excusable than what the MRA’s do. And a lot more harmful because they give feminism a bad name, and actually have positions of influence.

When I’m in a paranoid mood, I sometimes wonder if those radfems are actually conservative agents trying to destroy feminism from within.

13 years ago

you guys so crazayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! (not actual crazy)

Porky D
13 years ago

I disagree with the judgement on western women – all women everywhere suck.

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

I think you need to add TFL = True Forced Loneliness, guys that believes there is a conspiracy that prevent them finding a girlfriend.

13 years ago

Men going there own way?!?!


How soon can we count on that?

I want a precise date and time.

13 years ago

March 2010. That was my precise date and time Hindu. After that I just swore off women. I was depressed, hurt, bitter, angry and sad from the ten trillion rejections and excuses of why I could never get a date, a girlfriend, nothing.

Since then, my work performance has improved. I got a promotion (first in over nine years), my work improved, I started rediscovering my hobbies of old, and I feel okay without medication, without counseling, without empathy, shaming, or maning up so to speak. I actually enjoy the comapnay of women, and have become friends with a few. Platonic. It’s cool.

John Lennon said once “Oh the guy I offended by my comments about my stance on Christianity? He wants a sincere apology? He can have it. I’m sorry I offended you. I am sorry if it hurt you. My comments were taken and printed wrong. I apologize, if you’re that hurt and you really mean it. Sure. You can have it ya know.”

Just like that. I got a lot of traveling to do now. Fun things I want to try. I have not blamed women since 2010. My life got better.

The time was at 4:20 on March 10 to be precise Hindu! You guys are awesome. Later!

13 years ago

You omitted Blue Piller – men who have swallowed the Feminist line so thoroughly they defend their masters. Adopted from the movie “The Matrix”.

13 years ago

Never saw that flick. Saw Keanu Reeves in that band he was in “Dogstar” or something like that in San Jose back in the 1990’s. Swallowing feminist logic? No. I am a huge anti-feminist. I just got tired of feeling sad. In March 2010. I had enough of women. I don’t hate or dislike them, but really I don’t want anything to do with them anymore when it comes to most things. I have so much that I like, and enjoy. I make a good living. I am in my forties with no kids. No x-wife or girlfriends. So much volunteering, hobbies, rebuilding a vintage scooter. I am going to visit the UK next year. When I put “women, dating, relationships” out of my life, instead of being all butt-hurt about it. My life got better. The few female friends I have are just that. Friends.

Have a great day!

13 years ago

You can’t be anti-feminist and have women friends. It’s impossible to be a friend to someone you don’t respect– and if you’re anti-feminist, you can’t respect women.

Feminism is merely the belief in equality between women and men (and all genders). You can’t respect someone you don’t feel is equal to you; ergo, you can’t be anti-feminist and have women friends.

13 years ago

Please dear friend, re-read my post. I said I was anti-fimenist, not anti-woman. There is a difference.

I have never seen a feminist today behave “equally” to man they know nothing about. Please follow your own tennants before you attack mine. 🙂 Feminism today is women are innocent victims, and men are evil. Feminism used to be about equality, now it isn’t.

If I cannot have woman friends because I am anti-feminist by your standard, I really feel sorry for you. Hope you get over it, and learn that people are people.

13 years ago

To MorgainePen,

“Feminism is merely the belief in equality between women and men (and all genders).”

If this is indeed true why are so many different types of feminism in the world today? I ask this because if feminism is as you say a simple belief in the equality between the sexes then it would seem to me that there would be only one type of feminism not many types which is what we find to be the case today. Furthermore if the fact that this isn’t just one type of feminism leads me to conclude that there must be other constituting beliefs that fall under the rubric of feminism it is just a logical deduction.

Thank you for reading

13 years ago

I saw Susan Faludi speak in the early 1990’s at my undergraduate in Vermont. I was the only “male” in the audience and she pointed that out, I did not mind that. She was intelligent, and I honestly believe that she did bring up some pointed, solid issues at that time.

What bothered me were my fellow students who were all women with their take-back-the-night rallies, their activism, their anti-porn stances, their shrill angry voices…….

They all dated dullards, guys who did date rape, guys who did hit, guys that were abusive, guys who were porn addicts, guys who only could think: sex, sports, beer.

It took me years to realize that a good portion of these women used “feminism” as a guize to cloak themselves in “victim” mentality when THEY made poor decisions. They went for these guys because they made them “feel” good. When they were hurt by these types of guys I would be the guy who would have to listen for hours about how “horrible” this guy was. Would these women date me?????? No, no…I was always too nice. Doesn’t matter anymore.

A sensitive guy like myself in “those days” was always sitting in my dorm room alone because I wasn’t exciting like these guys these women supposedly denounced.

Hypocrites I guess you could say. Like many Christians, and multi-millionaires who claim to have some sort of “brotherhood” or commonality with the poor.

It was a long time ago. I just feel really great lately.

People are people. Some good, some bad.

Catch you all later!

13 years ago

Oh Jason, Jason. You really should have tried turning this around before you posted this. Let’s play:

It doesn’t take long to realize that a good portion of MRA’s and MGTOW’s use their “movement” as a guise to cloak themselves in “victim” mentality when THEY made poor decisions. They went for shallow and vacuous women because they made them “feel” good. When they are hurt by these women, they rage against half of humanity. Would they date those nice girls who spent years sitting alone in the dorm room wanting a date? Girls who didn’t have perfect asses, perhaps, but who would treat them with kindness and respect. Perhaps overweight girls, girls with bad skin and buck teeth, sure, but if those men cared a little less about their own “feelings” they could have had good relationships with those types of girls — as opposed to being so-called “sensitive” guys who only want to date girls who are beautiful, yet call them shallow bitches for dating handsome jerks; “sensitive” guys who are always found hanging around emotionally vulnerable women until it becomes painfully obvious that their “sensitivity” won’t get them into a woman’s pants even on the worst of her days; “sensitive” guys who wish women would stop caring so much about feeling good themselves and instead concentrate on making “sensitive guys” feel good. And of course, guys who argue that only a woman who has never had a bad relationship is a credible feminist — despite the fact that a good chunk of feminism is a response to women (still) being culturally indoctrinated from childhood to tolerate a shit-ton of bad behavior from men.

13 years ago

You lost me. I really don’t know what you mean by “turning this around” I was not laying blame, asking, or expecting or demanding sympathy.

I just got tired of armchair feminism, and I just quit caring about looking or wanting a relationship. It’s a wash, you know. After I quit fretting about women, dating, love, or whatever…..I actually now have a few real female friends who are just that. My life is okay.

My life got better. It really did, and continues to. I was not looking for a challenge or discussion. I just responded to a comment from Hindu wanting to know exactly what time and date I went my own way, and I just answered honestly.

Please have a great day!


13 years ago

Jason: I really don’t care what choices you’ve made in your own life, whether or not you want a relationship, whether you are happy in celibacy, whether you just want to hook up, etc. I’ve no dog in this matter: as long as you don’t cause damage to anyone else, I don’t care how you live. That’s your business.

It’s when you argue shit like “feminism is just an excuse for women making poor relationship choices”, or “those girls I was interested in just wanted relationships to make them feel good, instead of treating relationships as a means to reward ME for being a good person”, or “only women who have never had a bad relationship are credible as feminists” — that’s what I take issue with. I don’t know what “sensitivity” means to you, Jason, but criticizing women for wanting to feel good — with the implication that women should instead exist solely for making deserving men feel good — denies women agency and is thus a textbook example of objectification. And hypocrisy, too, since your logic can also be applied that the “Men’s Rights Movement” is merely an excuse for men who have made poor relationship choices. Such positions are subject to criticism regardless of how “honest” it is on your part to hold them.

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