dark enlightenment evil SJWs vox day yeah that's the ticket

Puppies soundly defeated at Hugo Awards; Vox Day declares “I meant to do that.”

Yeah, we're not buying it from you either, Vox.
Yeah, we’re not buying it from you either, Vox.

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So the Hugo Awards were last night, and, as many of you no doubt already know, the Puppies went down in defeat.

For those who haven’t been following the ongoing culture war in the world of science fiction, a group of cultural reactionaries decided to try to strike a blow against what they see as the Social Justice Warriorization of the SF world by essentially stuffing the ballot boxes for the Hugo Award nominations with two slates of their own candidates, dubbed the Sad and the Rabid Puppies. They succeeded in this ignoble task, with many of the categories in the final ballot filled entirely with writers put forward by one or the other of the Puppy slates.

hate speech homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit red pill transphobia vox day

Vox Day: Military history proves that those who “tolerate effeminacy” will lose to those who murder gays


Vox Day, the not-quite-Nazi fantasy author and generally repellant human being, is evidently upset that some people would like trans folks to be allowed to serve openly in the military. In a blog post today (archived here), Vox (Theodore Beale) cites recent gains by ISIS as proof that armies that “tolerate effeminacy” will inevitably lose to, well, armies run by people who hate gay and trans people enough to murder them.

No, really. Here’s his argument, in all of its horrendous, er, glory:

evil SJWs schadenfreude vox day yeah that's the ticket

John Scalzi signs $3.4 million book deal; far-right rival Vox Day crushed under 442 tons of sour grapes

Vox Day (Artist's conception)
Vox Day (Artist’s conception)

So the noted science fiction author (and evil Social Justice Warrior) John Scalzi just signed a $3.4 million dollar, 13-book deal with Tor books, his publisher.

Scalzi’s longtime nemesis, far-right fantasy author and garbage human Vox Day, wants us to know that Scalzi’s grapes, all $3.4 million worth of them, are very sour indeed.

a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism beta males crackpottery creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim PUA red pill vox day

Fat women oppress men by making them sad in their pants, Red Pillers complain

The Militant Baker, oppressing men. Click on the pic for her blog.
The Militant Baker, oppressing men. Click on the pic for her blog.

It isn’t just “game” guru and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh who thinks he’s being oppressed by the existence of women who aren’t model-thin.

Over on Vox Day’s Alpha Game blog, the regulars are up in arms about a Daily Mail story telling the story of a woman who conducted a little experiment on OKCupid, putting up two otherwise identical profiles — one featuring pictures of herself when she was thin, the other with pictures of herself after she gained some weight. The woman reported that the “fat” profile got half as many responses as the thin one.

Vox Day’s fans are outraged that the “fat” profile got any responses at all. “How she gets even one like is beyond me,” Yohami complained. Laguna Beach Fogey concurred, adding that “[w]e need more fat-shaming–not less.”

#gamergate dark enlightenment drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs gamebros hypocrisy irony alert jordan owen men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill sarkeesian! vox day

Vox Day to David Pakman: #Gamergate is about the “right” of gamers and game developers to be immune from criticism

Vox Day: I ran his head through some Photoshop filters this time.
Vox Day: I ran his head through some Photoshop filters this time.

Yesterday, I wrote about Vox Day’s extravagantly evasive — yet highly revealing — interview with David Pakman. But the interview also featured a few striking moments of candor. One of these came when Day — a sometime gave developer as well as the biggest asshole in Sci Fi — offered his answer to the question: “What is Gamergate really about?”

Suggesting that the issue of “corruption in game journalism” was little more than “the spark that set the whole thing off,” Day declared that

what Gamergate is fundamentally about is the right of people to design, develop and play games that they want to design, develop and play without being criticized for it.

Which is an. er, interesting perspective, as there is in fact no “right” to be immune from criticism.

#gamergate gaslighting mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture vox day

Did Vox Day, #GamerGate-r and Sci Fi douchebag, just confess to serial rape on the David Pakman Show?

Vox Day:
Vox Day: “I’m smarter than practically everyone else out there.”

Earlier today, several readers alerted me to a new video out with an alarming title: Vox Day Admits to Sex with Women Without Consent, Says Gay is a Birth Defect.

The video, a 46-minute interview of Science Fiction’s biggest asshole conducted by YouTuber David Pakman, doesn’t quite live up to its sensational title (which I now see Pakman has changed).

While Day — real name Theodore Beale — does indeed say that gayness is a birth defect, he’s evasive when Pakman asks him point-blank about some of the more amazingly wrong and creepy things he’s written about rape. Indeed, he’s so evasive in his answers it’s easy to lose track of what exactly Pakman is trying to get him to clarify.

alpha males dance party dark enlightenment grandiosity gross incompetence irony alert reactionary bullshit red pill vox day YouTube

Vox Day wrote lyrics for an early-nineties industrial dance band. They’re just awful.

Vox Day, techno pop star

As racist, woman-hating fantasy writer Vox Day (aka Theodore Beale) likes to remind people, he was kind of a big deal in the industrial dance music scene back in the day, with three Billboard Club Hits to his name.

Well, sort of. Beale — he wasn’t known as Vox back then — was briefly a member of a largely forgotten industrial dance group called Psykosonik in the early nineties.

Now, I was listening to a lot of industrial dance music back in those days, and was particularly enamored of the label (Wax Trax!) that Psykosonik was on. Yet somehow I never noticed them.

alpha males antifeminism attention seeking dark enlightenment lying liars men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism vox day

Vox Day says his totally-not-racist comments have been taken out of context. In context they’re even worse.

Guys, wait up!
Guys, wait up!

Racist, woman-hating fantasy author Theodore Beale (aka Vox Day) is upset that people are calling him racist. I mean, it’s not like he called all black people “savages,” he objects; he merely called one black woman — speculative fiction author NK Jemisin — a “half-savage” in a portion of a blog post that, he complains, has been taken out of context. Indeed, he sniffs,

the fact that the same ungrammatical excerpt chopped out of the middle of a sentence keeps being trotted out again and again should alert the dialectical mind to the probability that there simply isn’t very much, if any, there there.

Ah, context! A lot of shitheads who say terrible things complain, when others point out these terrible things, that their words have been taken out of context. So I thought I’d do Vox a little favor here and provide the context to his infamous quote so we can all see how much there is there. 

#gamergate alpha males anti-Semitism antifeminism cultural marxism dark enlightenment drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs grandiosity homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny not-quite-explicit threats patriarchy reactionary bullshit red pill vox day

Vox Day: Christians need to follow the lead of #GamerGate and the Spanish Inquisition to defeat seculars, Satan

NOBODY expects the, well, you know.
NOBODY expects the, well, you know.

Over on Vox Popoli, everyone’s favorite far-right fantasy author Vox Day (Theodore Beale) is pig-biting mad that pizza parlors in Indiana won’t be allowed to refuse service to gay people. And so he’s doing his best to rally the troops for a real-world Culture War Deathmatch, urging Christians — or at least the right kind of Christians — to “stop their cowardly cowering before the world” and start acting like “the apostles and martyrs and crusaders and inquisitors who preceded them.”

Oh, and like the dudes who’ve been having a giant public temper tantrum about video games and evil SJWs with dyed hair for the past 7 months:

a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy dark enlightenment elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny omega males PUA reactionary bullshit red pill vox day

Vox Day: Could Andreas Lubitz’s murder/suicide by plane been prevented "if the sluts of the world were a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs?"

Andres Lubitz: Mass murderer?
Andreas Lubitz: Mass murderer?

French prosecutors are saying that the co-pilot of the Germanwings Airbus A320 that crashed in the Alps brought the plane down deliberately, after locking the pilot out of the cockpit. If so, this was one of the most horrific cases of murder/suicide the world has ever seen.

At the moment, we don’t know enough about the co-pilot, 28-year-old Andreas Lubitz. to know what motivated him to allegedly crash the plane. French authorities are saying that they don’t think it was an act of terrorism. But that may be because they have a rather simplistic definition of terrorism.