alpha males antifeminism beta males entitled babies homophobia imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression internecine warfare irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy reactionary bullshit red pill reddit rhymes with roosh schadenfreude

Reactionary “game” guru Roosh V divorces The Red Pill, demands full custody of all the pageviews

Roosh V, living the dream
Roosh V, living the dream

Oh dear. Roosh V’s rebranding campaign isn’t going well at all.

The increasingly reactionary pickup guru, who seems deathly afraid of being universally recognized as the creepy old guy at the club that he so obviously has become, is earnestly trying to transform himself into a philosopher of sorts, and a sort of manosphere elder. He recently gave his highly unoriginal philosophy a name — “Neomasculinity” — and proclaimed himself the headmaster of this “new” school of thought.

antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies gender policing MRA reddit transphobia

Men’s Rights Redditors agree: Trans, intersex and genderqueer folks are silly and annoying and hinder true equality

Men's Rights Activists agree: This room oppresses them
This sign oppresses Men’s Rights Activists

Men’s Rights Redditors agree: it’s tough to be a man. Well, a cis man, in any case. And those silly trans people are making it worse.

On the Men’s Rights subreddit, one concerned fellow has discovered a possibly insurmountable obstacle standing in the way of true gender equality: A “Women’s Room” at the University of Queensland that, as a sign on its door notes, is open to “trans*, intersex and genderqueer people as well as cis-females.” The horror! 

allegedly false accusations alpha males antifeminism consent is hard creepy emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies excusing abuse heartiste irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture red pill reddit

Red Pill Redditor angry that people think “any attempt to coerce a woman into sex is automatically ‘abuse.'”

The Red Pill: A Choking Hazard
The Red Pill: A Choking Hazard

A lot of Men’s Rights Activists, would-be pickup artists, and other so-called “Red Pillers” like to complain that feminists have so muddied up the issue of sexual consent that men today can never really be sure if the sex they’re having is actual consensual sex or some newfangled variety of rape.

But in fact the ones doing most of the muddying are them — in some cases because they would like to roll back the progress we’ve made on the issue of consent over the last several decades and return to a world in which pressuring and manipulating and even directly coercing a woman into saying “yes” to sex they don’t want was considered an appropriate “technique” in a man’s dating playbook. 

$MONEY$ a voice for men allegedly false accusations anti-Semitism antifeminism Dean Esmay drama kings irony alert lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men playing the victim red pill

To one Men’s Rights Activist, “lying” about MRAs boycotting Mad Max: Fury Road is worse than denying the Holocaust

Dean Esmay, outraged again
Dean Esmay, outraged again

Uh oh! Dean Esmay of A Voice for Men is outraged by the latest terrible calumny besmirching the good name of the Men’s Rights movement. That Big Lie? That Men’s Rights Activists are boycotting Mad Max: Fury Road.

As Esmay puts it, in his characteristically overheated prose, the very notion that there is such a boycott

is a completely fabricated story by a handful of elitists abusing their power in the media–and betraying their fellow journalists while doing it.

Using his powerful internet detective skills, Esmay has managed to track down “the source of the lie,” which, as he sees it, “appears to have originated from a discredited hate-blogger named David Futrelle … .”

I’ve left off the rest of his sentence, as it is straight-up libel. Well, so is the bit about me being a “discredited hate-blogger,” and the part about the “lie” originating with me. I will give him credit for managing to spell my name correctly.

I’ll cop to the fact that my post on a would-be boycott of Mad Max: Fury Road set off an avalanche of articles on the subject. The Mary Sue, I believe, was the first to pick up the story, and was quickly followed by a few others. And then other writers piggybacked off of them. For better or worse, that’s how it works in online journalism these days.

But if Esmay is looking for the source of the incorrect notion that self-described Men’s Rights activists were behind the “boycott,” well, he’s not going to find it in my post, which contained no mention of Men’s Right Activists at all.

Yep, I reported the 100% true fact that a Youtube bloviater named Aaron Clarey had written a post on Return of Kings urging men, in his words, to “not only REFUSE to see the movie, but spread the word to as many men as possible.” I described his readers on Return of Kings as misogynists, not MRAs, though clearly there is a massive overlap between those two groups.

The idea that this was specifically a Men’s Rights crusade was, to be sure, a bit of sloppiness on the part of the journalists writing about it, who are not quite as familiar as some of us are with all the different varieties of woman-hating shitheads there are in the “manosphere” — especially since their belief systems overlap considerably. As I noted in a previous post on this subject, writing about Esmay’s accusations against a writer for the Huffington Post,

It’s true that the HuffPo writer, in the original version of her piece, wrongly described the MRA-adjacent Return of Kings — which has urged a boymancott of Mad Max Fury Road —  as a Men’s Rights site proper. There are in fact some differences between ROK and AVFM. For example, while AVFM writers have declared women to be “obnoxious cunts,” who control men with their vaginas, ROK writers have suggested that women are actually depraved, disloyal sheep.

You can almost forgive journalists for getting a bit mixed up.

Meanwhile, it’s clear that some MRAs, including some associated with AVFM, have views on the movie that bear a striking similarity to those of Mr. Clarey and his comrades at ROK. It was an AVFM staffer, not Aaron Clarey, who posted this meme on AVFM’s Facebook page. (It’s since been removed, possibly because it contradicts the narrative that Esmay is now promoting.)

From AVFM's Facebook page
From AVFM’s Facebook page

And if you want many other example of MRAs saying they won’t go to see the film because feminism, you’ll find more than a few in this thread on the Men’s Rights subreddit. Oh, and in this thread (archived here) on … the official AVFM Forum.

Yes, that’s right: there are MRAs talking about boycotting Mad Max: Fury Road on AVFM’s own official forum. One declares himself “a (former) Mad Max fan,” another writes “going to skip this one. Mad Max is now dead to me.” “I’m out,” adds a third.

But Esmay seems to think that there is some vast conspiracy afoot, writing that

we are really serious with this question: was anyone paid to put this fake story in the press? If so, who was paid and who did the paying?

Don’t be silly. No money changes hands. At least no human money. We do it under direct orders from our feline overlordsladies.

But as long as we’re asking questions I have one for Mr. Esmay: Are you ever going to do anything about the Holocaust denier and Hitler fan you’ve published many times on AVFM?

Apparently, to Dean Esmay at least, posting that Mad Max: Fury Road is being boycotted by MRAs, when most of the boycotters are in fact merely MRA-adjacent, is a greater crime against truth than denying the Holocaust.


alpha males antifeminism do you even lift entitled babies gender policing red pill

“I wonder if there’s a single person writing on ‘toxic masculinity’ who could out deadlift a certified alpha,” Red Piller wonders

Do you even lift, baby?
Do you even lift, baby?

Here’s what is unquestionably the Red Pill Quote of the Day. Well, to be perfectly honest, of two days ago, but I only saw it just now. It comes courtesy of the FeMRADebates subreddit

$MONEY$ all about the menz antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no girls allowed patronizing as heck penises post contains sarcasm reddit

Ladies, don’t worry about the lack of female film directors. You can always resort to prostitution, MRA explains

From the Men's Rights subreddit
From the Men’s Rights subreddit

Near the top of the Men’s Rights subreddit front page today: a post with 160 upvotes sporting the sarcastic title “Because male film directors (85% of total film directors) getting 87% of the funding is discrimination.

The post is reference to the charge, made by feminist activists, that the fact that the Icelandic Film Centre — which funds and promotes Icelandic films — sends nearly 90% of their funding to men just might be evidence of discrimination against women. 

#gamergate empathy deficit entitled babies evil lying women evil SJWs grandiosity homophobia none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men paranoia post contains sarcasm

Teaching people about slavery, tolerance will lead to destruction of “the heterosexual identity of men,” GamerGater explains

Warning: People knowing about this could destroy heterosexual masculinity.
Warning: People knowing about this could destroy heterosexual masculinity.

Some Green-and-Purple Pill wisdom from the Kotaku in Action subreddit, Reddit’s home for GamerGaters and SJW-haters:

2yph0n 4 points 7 days ago  In school, people are being taught of being "accepting" to other people. People are being taught the concepts of slavery and privileges. Then in the media, everywhere have subliminal messages that being a straight male is the worst thing ever with false rape stats and wage gap fallacies. Thus people are being brainwashed into thinking that the straight males is the big evil. Now that social media is a huge thing now, those people who have the blue pill mindset found a spot to band together and bully others in the name of "Social Justice". So that being said, this is a collusion to the nth degree to destroy the heterosexual identify of men.

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture


alpha males creepy douchebaggery lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises post contains jokes post contains sarcasm red pill reddit sexual assault sexual harassment yeah that's the ticket

Red Pill douchebags clarify proper blowjob-demanding etiquette


On Reddit’s Ask The Red Pill subeddit, a fellow called ThreeEyez comes to the group with a romantic conundrum:

I’ve known some guys to say that they just chill with a girl and just ask her for some head so they don’t have to kiss her. Usually I figured you have to escalate with a chick like make out with her, get her horny, etc. In my case, thats what I usually have to do. Has anybody else had success in just asking?

While one rude fellow tries to derail the conversation with some totally irrelevant comments (“You don’t enjoy kissing? Perhaps you suck at kissing”) others rally and give young ThreeEyez some highly useful advice.

#gamergate kitties

One of these days I’m gonna get organiz-ized, GamerGate edition

Travis Bickle: Not actually a good role model.
Travis Bickle: Not actually a good role model.

So one Reddit GamerGater recently took offense when a commenter in the Kotaku in Action subreddit said something that maybe, possibly, just a teensy bit suggested that Gaters weren’t a fighting force as tightly disciplined as the Marines.

LousyDryad 79 points 4 days ago  We can be organized. Bitch please. A lot of us were raiding in wow 1.13 days, organizing 40 man raids. A lot of us are playing eve online, manipulating markets and fighting wars that costs thousands of dollars. If anything, gamergate showed that gamers can and will organize with ruthless efficiency to pursue their goals. We can be organized? We are one of the best organized movements I ever witnessed. With no rigid structure we're capable of designing worldwide synchronized operations on the fly, as need arises. No one's irreplaceable, no one can be targeted and singled out to bring down the movement. And they said that games don't teach you anything.


You want organized? I’ll show you organized. Here is actual video footage of a worldwide conspiracy against humankind. I don’t know how they do it, but I’m telling you, THESE CATS ARE COORDINATING THEIR ATTACKS.

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture and the thoughtful reader who linked me to them

men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit sexy robot ladies taking pleasure in women's pain

The MGTOWs were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of sexbots danced in their heads

She’s just a love machine

Over on the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars are daydreaming about sexbots. And they can’t seem to decide what excites them more: the prospect of endless on-demand sex with robot super-hotties — or ruining the lives of non-robotic women who won’t be able to compete with the aforementioned robot super-hotties.

It’s really kind of adorable.

Let’s let the MGTOW Nostradamus who calls himself EnterPseudonym explain how it’s all going to go down when the sexbot revolution arrives at last.