alpha males beta males irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever PUA red pill reddit vaginas

New Red Pill theory: Talking about relationships causes vaginas to reabsorb all moisture

Seems there's a drought
Seems there’s a drought

In the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, one perplexed alpha male thinks he may have irrevocably broken his sex thing’s vagina hole by accidentally talking about relationship stuff with her. 

a robot woman is always to blame evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paranoia reddit sarkeesian! sexy robot ladies

MGTOW Redditor warns unwary men of the dangers of sexy lady robot … SPIES!

Fembots: As dangerous as they are seductive
Fembots: As dangerous as they are seductive

So the fellas in the MGTOW subreddit are as excited as our old friend Heartiste about that Daily Mirror article predicting that we’ll all be schtupping robots in 50 years.

antifeminism boner rage misogyny reactionary bullshit red pill reddit

“Is it just me? Or are women biologically inferior to men?” Red Piller asks

Just like a woman, always complaining
Women: Always complaining

A Red Piller wonders aloud: Do women totally suck, or is it just me? 

alpha males beta males cuckolding dozens of upvotes dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil sexy ladies evil ugly women hetsplaining homophobia mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill reddit

Lesbianism is a plot to deny men sex with hot women before they get old, Red Piller explains

By the time she switches to men .... it'll be too late! (Because she'll be old and ugly by then.)
By the time she switches to men …. it’ll be too late! (Because she’ll be old and ugly by then.)

Scientists may not have the whole “what causes homosexuality” thing figured out to everyone’s satisfaction yet, but one Red Pill Redditor thinks he has an answer.

Shockingly, it has to do with his boner, and the fact that not all women are interested in it.

LionLaw 49 points 17 hours ago*  I feel like being a lesbian is a phase for women, something they all eventually grow out of (for the most part) once the threat of the wall becomes all too real. Maybe not a "phase" per se, but more like an excuse to waste away her youth and good looks before her beta in shining glasses comes to marry her while she fucks chad on da side. Edit: Jesus, I wouldn't touch those women with a stick

The rest of the Reddit thread contains numerous other Red Pillers offering their own theories about lesbians, so, er, go read that if you want to bathe more in the intellectual equivalent of a fetid hot tub filled with red bull, ignorance, and poop.

H/T — r/thebluepill (the good ones)

#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism boner rage bullying entitled babies homophobia misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm reddit

GamerGaters attack study on video game losers lashing out at women … by lashing out at women

Women ruining the lives of men by invading the male space of gaming
Women ruining the lives of men by invading the male space of gaming

So the #GamerGaters are mad about a new study that suggests that some of the most dickishly misogynistic male gamers are quite literally losers. That is, men playing video games like Halo and Call of Duty online tend to lash out at women players when they’re doing their worst.

Looking at the behavior of a number of men and women over the course of 163 games of Halo 3, researchers Michael Kasumovic and Jeffrey Kuznekoff from the University of New South Wales and Miami University found that

4chan anti-Semitism douchebaggery hate hate speech literal nazis post contains sarcasm racism reddit

Reddit’s plan to “contain” hate is so backwards that Reddit bigots are begging to be “contained”

Oops. I’m not sure Reddit is winning this fight.

Earlier this week, Reddit announced a perplexing new plan to “contain” the worst bigots on the site. Instead of simply banning the bigots, their subreddits would simply be “reclassified.” Redditors would have to sign into them much as they now sign into the site’s NSFW subreddits, and, presumably to avoid angering advertisers, Reddit would remove all ads from them.

In other words, as I noted the other day, Reddit has decided to fight the bigots … by funding ad-free forums for them.

Well, the folks in the 4/chan subreddit (not 4chan itself; the Reddit incarnation of it) want to get into that sweet, sweet ad-free action. So one enterprising channer suggested that they spam a thread with the n-word to prove they’re as hateful as the hateful assholes of r/coontown:

racism reddit yeah that's the ticket

Reddit to White Supremacists and other bigots: We’ll host your forums — at our expense!

DailyMotion has helpfully labeled some of Snake Island's most notable features
Much better policy; Send Reddit’s bigots to Snake Island

So the new Reddit CEO — returning co-founder Steve “Spez” Huffman — announced the site’s much-anticipated new content guidelines today, and to say that they are disappointing is a bit of an understatement.

Essentially, he told the site’s many varieties of bigots that they could continue to spout their various bigotries on Reddit without repercussions, so long as they didn’t actually threaten to, you know, go out and murder or otherwise physically harm people whose sexual preferences or skin color or religion (or whatever) didn’t meet their approval.

Only now the bigots will be posting on Reddit s dime.

a woman is always to blame gross incompetence hypocrisy irony alert misogyny reddit

So it wasn’t Ellen Pao who fired that popular Reddit staffer after all? But the angry mob isn’t apologizing.

Reddit's Alexis Ohanian "can't comment on the specifics."
Reddit’s Alexis Ohanian “can’t comment on the specifics.”

As you may recall, the recent week of hate and abuse directed at Reddit CEO Ellen Pao, which led to her becoming ex-Reddit-CEO Ellen Pao, was triggered by the firing of a popular admin Victoria Taylor, one of the few people on Reddit’s staff who actually seemed to respond to user concerns. The firing was said to be an example of Pao’s supposed “incompetence,” a sign that she didn’t really understand Reddit or Reddit culture — and that she needed to go.

One problem with this line of argument was that there was never ever any proof that Pao was responsible for firing Taylor.

And now it seems pretty clear that she wasn’t. Over the weekend, Reddit co-founder and Chairman of the Board Alexis Ohanian seemed to admit, albeit somewhat obliquely, that he was the person responsible for the firing, commenting on Reddit that

imaginary oppression MGTOW misogyny reddit

An Air Mattress, a Motorcycle, and a Flat-Screen TV: Living the dream, MGTOW-style

The good life?
The good life?

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam celebrates the simple pleasures of

A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread-and Thou

Reddit’s MGTOW contingent has a somewhat different notion of what constitutes the good life. It involves a motorcycle in one’s bedroom. 

a new woman to hate misogyny racism reddit

Yeah, well, YOU’RE the real racists and misogynists, one Ellen Pao hater declares

No racism here! Screenshot from an anti-PAo video.
No racism here! Screenshot from an anti-Pao video.

The misogyny of many of those who badgered Ellen Pao out of her CEO position at Reddit was about as subtle as an explosive fart at a dinner party. And it’s not exactly difficult to find evidence of widespread racism directed at her as well.

There was the whole “Chairman Pao” thing, for example, and the blatantly racist “humor” that it unleashed: