incel irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit vaginas

Quiz! Computer-generated recipe title, or misogynistic slur for women?

Robots love cooking!

Yesterday I ran across an amusing blog post from research scientist Janelle Shane who, just for the hell of it, has been “training this neural network to generate cookbook recipes by letting it look at tens of thousands of existing recipes.”

antifeminism evil fat fatties lazy women eating bon bons men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape culture reddit

Why feminists are feminists, explained by some dude who hates feminists, women, and choosing paint colors

What women want?

Hey feminist ladies! Have you ever wondered just why it is you’re feminists?

creepy incel irony alert misogyny reddit

Lonely incel wants “human female” to appreciate him. And all human females killed.

Oh, r/Incels, must you be so incelish?

Found in Reddit’s r/Incels. I don’t even have a joke here. Please, dude, get therapy — for your sake, and for the sake of any “human females” in your immediate vicinity.

a woman is always to blame aggrieved entitlement chad thundercock empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Incels agree: It’s “unfair and cruel” to expect men to enjoy sex with women over 30

Happily, we don’t live in a world in which we’re put to death at the age of 30

The incel subreddit is filled with angry dudes who think their inability to convince any human females to have sex with them — their “INvoluntary CELibacy” — is some kind of human rights violation.

a new woman to hate aggrieved entitlement empathy deficit entitled babies evil widows men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

The absolute worst take on the death of Navy SEAL Ryan Owens, courtesy of Reddit’s MGTOWs

Carryn Owens at Trump’s Joint Session address last week

The most memorable moment in #SecondPlacePresident Trump’s speech to Congress last week came when he spoke directly to the widow of slain Navy SEAL Ryan Owens.

Some saw Trump’s tribute to Owens as supremely presidential, others saw it as a “crassly manipulative” ploy to absolve himself from blame for the bungled raid that led to Owens’ death. Some thought he had truly honored the visibly grief-wracked Carryn Owens; others thought he had cynically exploited her for his own political self-aggrandizement.

The regulars in Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way subreddit have a rather different take on the whole thing.

aggrieved entitlement alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny racism red pill reddit

Men Going Their Own Way are treading a well-worn path to alt-right racist extremism

“You’ve got your racism in my misogyny!” “You’ve got your misogyny in my racism!”

Last month, Reddit admins shut down three subreddits catering to the internet Nazi phenomenon known as the alt right. Not because these subreddits were filled with vile bigotry and hate speech — though they were of course filled with that — but because Reddit’s alt-righties had repeatedly violated the site’s rules against doxxing, according to Reddit’s statement announcing the ban.

alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Women: Resource-stealers or tools of the Satanic Jewish elite? A MGTOW debate

Women: Always climbing through your window to steal your resources

So today one regular commenter on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit posted what he must have thought would be an uncontroversial opinion — at least amongst his fellow MGTOWs.

aggrieved entitlement antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil working women irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit women's jobs aren't real

Men’s Rights Activists respond thoughtfully to the upcoming “World Without A Woman” strike

Women: On strike or just lazy, amirite fellas high five

So the people who brought us the Women’s March on Washington have another big idea: A general strike of all American women. So far the idea looks to be just that, an idea; they haven’t even picked a date yet.

alt-right anti-Semitism literal nazis reddit

Incomprehensible Neo-Nazi philosopher wannabe launches war on the “Jew mind space of uprooted thought”

Prepare to have your MIND BLOWN

So over on the alt-right subreddit, because of course there is such a thing, the regulars are discussing an article from a  century-old encyclopedia suggesting that Jews are many times more likely to be insane than their goy counterparts.

aggrieved entitlement entitled babies evil overpriced women evil sexy ladies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Men Going Their Own Way go to the stock market, do a business

Young women manipulating the sexual stock market

CORRECTION: In the original version of this post, I misstated the number of children who comprise Vincent Adultman. It is three. I have corrected the mistake below.

Today’s weird and inappropriate MGTOW metaphor for women comes to us from the world of finance. Well, sort of.