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There is no such thing as a woman good at sex: Part 1 in a new series, “MGTOWs explain sex”

If a woman moves during sex, she’s probably a slut

By David Futrelle

So today I’d like to present the first post in what I hope will become a long-running series: MGTOWs Explain Sex.

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Incels embrace Austin bomber Mark Conditt as one of their own. Was he?

Austin bomber Mark Anthony Conditt: Incel or normie?

By David Futrelle

The motives behind the deadly string of bombings that 23-year-old Mark Anthony Conditt unleashed upon Austin before blowing himself up remain a mystery. A press conference yesterday, in which police revealed that Conditt had made a 25-minute recording confessing his crimes, left observers of the case with far more questions than answers.

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And now for today’s anatomically confused meme from some dude

Note to confused dudes: This is not how human females work

By David Futrelle

Does no one fact check their jokes any more? Below, a meme involving (cis) lady parts that is somewhat undermined in the hilarity department by the meme-maker’s apparent unfamiliarity with cis lady parts.

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Brave Redditor advocates for LGBTQAPWSITSOWMWEYAAMGTOWWBSB rights, minus the L

Again with the sexbots?

By David Futrelle

Welcome back to what has become a veritable MGTOW weekend here at We Hunted the Mammoth!

men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape rape culture reddit

“Whenever I see a woman in ripped-up clothes, I assume she has a rape fantasy,” creepy MGTOW Redditor explains creepily

Ripped jeans: Apparently too much for MGTOWs to handle

By David Futrelle

A quick question for all of you.

When you see a woman wearing artfully distressed jeans with holes in them, what’s the first thing that pops into your head?

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MGTOWs agree: Gay men are lucky because “vaginas are objectively gross”

MGTOWs learned everything they know about vaginas from old feminine hygiene ads (Note: This is from a real ad for Kotex)

By David Futrelle

Despite their often quite limited experience with vaginas in the field, so-called Men Going Their Own Way have very strong opinions on the subject. For example, that vaginas are all super stinky and gross. Sour, like grapes.

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“Girl Power is a state-sponsored eugenics program enforced at gunpoint,” explains dude that no woman will sleep with for some reason

Today England, tomorrow Spice World

By David Futrelle

I‘ve been poking around on the Braincels subreddit, which is the subreddit that arose from the ashes of the original Incels subreddit, banned after many years of complaints for being so egregiously hateful it was starting to embarrass the site admins.

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MGTOWs celebrate International Women’s Day by airing grievances against ungrateful female parasites

Phasers set to “waaaaaaah!”

By David Futrelle

Today (March 8th) is International Women’s Day, also known as International “Men Being Dicks About International Women’s Day” Day — and few men are celebrating that second holiday more enthusiastically than Reddit’s contingent of Men Going Their Own Way.

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Why is it worse for women to cheat than for men? “Because Penis,” Redditor explains

Cloudy with a chance of … you don’t want to know

By David Futrelle

From the Unpopular Opinions subreddit, a rather ingenious explanation as to why it’s much, much worse for men (well, cis men) to cheat on (cis) women than it is for women to cheat on men:

domestic violence empathy deficit entitled babies incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Women in abusive relationships should be jailed as accomplices, “involuntarily celibate” Redditor argues

What incels fantasize about

By David Futrelle

Leave it to the terrible excuses for human beings who populate the Incels subreddit to take victim blaming to its perverse extreme.