bad science chad thundercock creepy has possibly never spoken to a woman incel kitties looks theory men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

This random incel’s theory on how bone structure determines everything about you will rattle your bones

Chad using his superior bone structure to charm the ladies

The Spring 2018 WHTM pledge drive is now lurching to a close — still a short of what I need in order to make the site ad free! If you’ve donated already, THANKS! If not, please click that little button below. 

By David Futrelle

In their forums online, where no one can see what they look like, self-described “involuntary celibates” come across as some of the most repugnant human beings that have ever walked the earth. Yet somehow incels think it’s their looks, not their personalities, that drive the women away.

men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOWs: We don’t hate women! Also MGTOWs: Learning to hate women is the best thing to happen to me!

How MGTOWs see themselves .NOTE: No one else sees them this way.

The Spring 2018 WHTM pledge drive is on! Go YOUR own way by donating generously! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

Do MGTOWs hate women? It’s not a difficult question for most of those who’ve ever encountered the MGTOWs to answer. (The answer, by the way, is “yes.”)

a voice for men misogyny MRA reddit

MRAs pretend to care about workplace deaths. They’re silent on Sen. hopeful Don Blankenship, responsible for the deaths of 29 miners

Don Blankenship: Coal miner killer

The Spring 2018 WHTM pledge drive is on! Please donate generously so I can keep exposing MRAs as the hypocrites they are! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

Anyone who has ever tried to discuss almost anything with a Men’s Rights Activist knows how much they pretend to care about those killed in workplace accidents — more than 90% of whom are men.

gynocentrism gynocracy homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

97% of powerful women are lesbians pursuing a “clit-o-centric” agenda, man with obviously faulty gaydar declares

*Henny Youngman voice* That’s no lady … that’s my boss!

The Spring 2018 WHTM pledge drive is on! Please send money! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

So I was taking a lazy Sunday stroll through the Men Going Their Own Way  subreddit when I spotted a post about life in our alleged “gynocratic hellscape.” That’s an automatic click for me.

bad science cuck femoids incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit ridiculous baby men roasties

Today’s Incel Insight: “Attractive men are the WOMEN of the male gender” because they have it so easy

Young woman oppressing ugly men by thinking a thing about a dude on TV

The Spring 2018 WHTM pledge drive is on! Please donate generously to make the incels mad! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

Help, help! The incels are being oppressed (again). Let us look into the Braincels subreddit to see exactly how:

incel misogyny reddit

Escape from Incel: Redditor explains how he extracted himself from the toxic subculture and rejoined the real world


By David Futrelle

On Reddit’s IncelTears — a subreddit devoted to mocking and critiquing the toxic incel subculture — someone claiming to be a former incel has posted an account of their escape from inceldom. It’s a throwaway account, but the story he tells seems pretty convincingly true to me.

incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men post contains sarcasm rape rape culture rape is good actually reddit

Prevent future incel terrorism by banning makeup, forcing women to have sex with creepy weirdos, creepy weirdo suggests

Cher weaponizes her eyelashes in an attempt to bamboozle men with makeup trickery

By David Futrelle

So here’s a screenshot floating around the internet that offers a sensible, common-sense solution to the problem of incels literally murdering people because they’re angry no hot women with have sex with them.

alt-right cringe culty jordan "slappy" peterson men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men racism

Jordan Peterson superfan asks fellow cultists how to “effectively converse” in the manner of a human being

Jordan “Slappy” Peterson: Bla bla bla blablabla

By David Futrelle

I think I may have found the Jordan Peterson-est post in the Jordan Peterson subreddit so far.

men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

I bet she had a man in there doing the difficult bits: Gross dudes dunk on hero pilot Tammie Jo Shults

Tammie Jo Shults, after the landing

By David Futrelle

A lot of people are pretty impressed with Tammie Jo Shults, the pilot who guided Southwest Airlines flight 1380 to a safe landing in Philadelphia on Tuesday after one of the plane’s engines exploded in mid-air, displaying a remarkable calm in the face of potential disaster in the audio recordings of her conversations with air traffic controllers that have gone viral on YouTube.

aliens alpha males bad boys chad thundercock creepy hamstering incel mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Are incels the new alphas? Incels think women lurk on their forums “because we give them the hate” they know they deserve

Protip: This is not the look of a woman who is secretly in love with you

By David Futrelle

I know I write a lot about incels on this blog. It’s not just because they’re such hateful and self-destructive shits; it’s also because they’re so perversely fascinating.