They’re always dealing with the important issues in the Men’s Rights subreddit, like the burning question of whether we should ban women from saying the word “dick.”
Tag: reddit
Another insight into women from a man with zero insight into women. According to one deeply unpleasant dude on the PurplePillDebate subreddit called Round-Relative-7859, “no woman has ever been manipulated into sex.” How does he know this? He redefines manipulation out of existence when it comes to sex. Hey presto, no manipulation.
Over on the Antifeminists subreddit, they’re discussing what is probably the central issue of our age: “Why have feminists made it forbidden to talk about the fact that female comedians aren’t funny?”
The Pledge Drive is in its final days, but we’re still coming up short! So please donate what you can. Thanks! You can also contribute on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
A favorite pastime of the bitterest of men is to imagine just how gloriously easy it is to live life as a beautiful woman. One of these fellows recently sat down and penned an interesting work of fiction on the topic to post in the PurplePillDebate subreddit. So let’s give “How I imagine life as an attractive woman is like” by somanyshawties a quick read; I will be offering some notes.
The Pledge Drive is still going … slowly! So please donate what you can to keep this blog going. Thanks! You can also contribute to me on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
Here’s a question from the AskMen subreddit from some guy who doesn’t understand why it is that no women ever seem to have any interest in sex:
The Pledge Drive is still struggling! So please donate what you can to keep this blog going. Thanks!
It’s always amusing to me when some guy has a Big Theory about why he can’t get laid. It’s never his fault; it’s always some Big Trend, usually having something to do with feminism.
Pledge drives keep this blog alive! Please donate what you can!
There’s apparently a new trend on TikTok in which women film and shame guys who stare at or stalk them in the gym. So naturally, the exquisitely sensitive souls of the Men’s Rights subreddit are convinced this is going to happen to them if they happen to so much as glance at a woman at the gym. In a recent thread on the subreddit, a number of these quietly oppressed men shared their thoughts and fears.
A spicy hot take from the PurplePillDebate subreddit: women benefit from male horniness because horny dudes will help them move their sofa.
It’s tough being an Asian fetishist in the west. Sorry, not an Asian fetishist. Just a guy who happens to have a crush on this Chinese girl at his school and who thinks that feminism has turned western women into “ungrateful assholes with shit personalit[ies],“ unlike the relatively innocent and uncorrupted young women of Japan and China.
Cognitive dissonance is a thing.