Here’s a creepy bit of copypasta i found crossposted on the MGTOW subreddit and the incel-infested Black Pill Club site. It’s a little apocalyptic fantasy envisioning some variety of “WW3” tearing down our allegedly lady-dominated society and putting “strong men” in charge again.
Tag: nuclear war
By David Futrelle
Men’s Rights Activists, Red Pillers, and so-called Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the possibly impending collapse of civilization. In the post-apocalyptic world they imagine, they’ll be the ones with the skills and supplies to survive, and the once-proud women who rejected them in the past will come groveling to them for help, desperate to trade their bodies for a can of beans.
By David Futrelle
In normal times, a president literally threatening to obliterate an entire country would be the lead story on every news outlet for weeks. But this is the age of Trump, so this alarming development has to compete, news-wise with: A GOP determined to take away health care from 20 million people, some dramatic developments in the investigation that could bring the nuke-talking president down. And then there are the hurricanes and earthquakes.
By David Futrelle
You may find the recent ramp up in nuclear tension with North Korea rather unsettling. The regulars in the Incels subreddit just wish that Kim Jong Un would nuke us already.
By David Futrelle
Donald Trump took a few minutes out from his golf vacation today to threaten North Korea with the “fire and fury” of a massive, possibly nuclear, military strike. “They will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before,” a stern-voiced Trump, his arms uncharacteristically crossed, told reporters at his Bedminster golf club.
With Trump talking about starting a new nuclear arms race, this may not be a rhetorical question. Discuss. No trolls or Trump supporters.
I’m also putting up a No-Trump-talk thread for those who’d rather talk about anything other than Trump.
It’s official: Trump voters are Wile E. Coyote. Like that clueless would-be-roadrunner-murderer, they’ve run our country off a cliff. They just don’t realize it yet.