There’s really nothing too stupid to get upvotes on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. Consider this weird little paean to the glory of properly submissive Central American and Southeast Asian farm girls.
There’s really nothing too stupid to get upvotes on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. Consider this weird little paean to the glory of properly submissive Central American and Southeast Asian farm girls.
Over in the MGTOW subredddit, one fellow offers up what he thinks is an ingenious strategy for dealing with demanding women.
Incels feel so little empathy for women and girls that they simply refuse to believe that they could ever feel bad about themselves.
He’s figured you out, ladies! Or so he thinks. One bold MGTOW has a new explanation for why women generally prefer taller men. It’s because every woman is a golddigger at heart, and tall men die younger than short men, which means a briefer wait to cash in on the life insurance.
We get letters! From angry weirdos! In this case, the strange missive came in the form of a comment that someone calling himself The Depletionist tried to leave here in response to a post of mine. I didn’t let the comment through, but it’s too good — by which I mean too terrible — not to share with you all.
Here’s an intriguing, if slightly confusing, conspiracy theory I found in the MGTOW subreddit today from a commenter who’s convinced that women are allowing themselves to be the “useful idiots” in a vast and seemingly nonsensical plot to destroy the world’s economy.
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Incels have a curious double standard when it comes to virginity. They view their own virginity as both a cause and a symbol of ultimate failure and deprivation, proof that they’re inherently worthless in the sexual marketplace and possibly in life itself.
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Over on Incels.co, one of the site’s more prolific commenters offers some insights into the motivation behind his vote for Trump.
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On this election day eve, 4chan’s /pol/ board is awash in Trumpmania, with the president’s fans calling on fellow anons to do everything they possibly can to support their beloved leader.