Hey, everyone! Are you ready to play? Get out your (imaginary) MGTOW Jargon Bingo card and take a look at this lovely comment from a Redditor called VeritasDitum in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
Hey, everyone! Are you ready to play? Get out your (imaginary) MGTOW Jargon Bingo card and take a look at this lovely comment from a Redditor called VeritasDitum in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
Over in the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars are again discussing the nature of women, as they are wont to do. Are women innately slutty and evil, or do they just not know any better?
Men who retain their semen think that the practice gives them almost magical powers — increased energy, concentration, and charisma, to name just a few of the things these guys think they get from simply not jerking off for a month or two. The Semen Retention subreddit is filled with testimonies from guys claiming that their non-masturbation hobby has made them superior men.
I still don’t know what the Proud Boys have to be proud about, but I definitely understand the “Boys” part of their name, given that members of the violent nationalist gang often act like they’re five years old, stuck in the “girls are icky” stage of childhood development.
As this garbage year comes to a close, I thought I’d dig out some of my favorite posts from the past year. I think they’re all worth revisiting. Enjoy!
Apparently Milo — the disagreeable human, not the comforting chocolatey drink — has seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest too many times.
Will women with deep voices be the ruination of western civilization? The folks at the Daily Stormer seem to think so.
Over on the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars are once again getting mad about the fact that some women expect men to pay for dinner on dates.
On Christmas, the Telegraph posted an article with a startling headline: “Lesbians facing ‘extinction’ as transgenderism becomes pervasive, campaigners warn.”
On Sunday, Elle magazine posted one of the strangest stories I’ve read all year, describing how business crime reporter Christie Smythe left behind her job and her husband to pursue a relationship with one of the men she covered on her beat.