
Check out my review of Laura Bates’ “Men Who Hate Women” on NPR

I‘ve got a review up on of Laura Bates’ new book Men Who Hate Women, an often disturbing deep dive into the worlds of incels, MGTOWs, Red Pillers and assorted other manosphere misogynists.

anti-Semitism chad conspiracy theory creepy incels misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles

“The Jews are behind the simultaneous hypersexualization and sexual segregation of fertile teenagers from the wider male population,” incel declares

We live in an age unusually receptive to conspiracy theory — with a veritable army of QAnoners caught up in baroque, sadistic theories of retribution against political and cultural elites; with the vast majority of Republicans believing (or purporting to believe) that, actually, Donald Trump won the election; and with a cohort of Americans convinced that Bill Gates is planning to plant microchips in their bodies with a vaccine shot.

cuckolding Dunning–Kruger effect evil single moms fatphobia MGTOW misogyny racism

“I WILL NEVER RAISE ANOTHER MAN’S CHILD,” declares MGTOW in epic(ally stupid) rant

Men! you are not obliged to raise a son whose father is clearly Andy Richter

A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do, and sometimes that thing he’s gotta do is to write a 1300-word rant about evil single moms who want to find new fathers for their kids.

creepy domestic violence misogyny rape culture violence against women

26 creepy, threatening or otherwise completely inappropriate vintage Valentine’s Day cards

Today, a little trip back in time to Valentine’s Days past. Which turns out to be a lot weirder than you might have expected, at least if the Valentine’s Day cards our ancestors gave each other are any indication.

alt-right misogyny violence against women

Some of the Capitol attackers have histories of abuse against women? Sad, but not surprising

Larry Rendall Brock Jr, Capitol hill attacker, ex-wife harasser

On Wednesday, the HuffPost published an important article titled “At Least 9 Far-Right Insurrectionists Have A History Of Violence Against Women.”

alpha males beta males misogyny red pill Uncategorized

A Red Pill dilemma: The girl I just started seeing tested positive for COVID. How do I keep the sexual tension alive?

It’s tough, sometimes, to be an alpha male lady slayer. Especially in the age of COVID. Consider this unfortunate dude, who took his COVID-related dilemma to the Ask The Red Pill subreddit.

bad anatomy bad science incels misogyny rape

“Femoids are naturally designed to be raped,” incels insist

There’s a guy on the incel-centric Black Pill Club forums who posts what he calls a “Daily Femoid Hate Thread.” They’re always bad, but on Monday he really outdid himself with a post on how women are “designed” to be raped.

anti-Semitism block that metaphor MGTOW misogyny

Women are like beer improperly refrigerated by Jews, metaphor-loving MGTOW explains

Block that metaphor! In the MGTOW subreddit, a fellow called clownworld_pariah tries to explain the alleged degeneracy of contemporary women in the only way he knows how: by comparing them to beer.

chad incels misogyny rape culture reddit redistribution of sex

Chad tech guru blames Reddit incels for sending GameStop’s stock to the moon

This marketing professor will beat up your marketing professor

So you’ve heard about the whole GameStop thing, right? The denizens of a stock trading subreddit have collectively levitated the stock price of troubled game retailer GameStop up roughly a kajillion percent since last fall, screwing over several hedge funds that were betting on the company’s stock going down the toilet. (You can get all the gory details of what’s going on here.)

evo psych fairy tales incels misogyny rape

Incel: Rape laws are “the biggest form of white-knighting ever”

After ten years of writing about the manospehre, you’d think there wouldn’t be much these guys could say that would shock or surprise me any more. But incels keep lowering the bar, somehow managing to be worse than I expect on a regular basis.