homophobia misogyny PUA red pill

Red Pill dude worries: Will going to a mostly female college turn me into a girl?

Checking out the new guy

Today we return to the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, in which wannable Red Pill alphas turn to their more experienced brothers for assistance in the art of alphahood.

fatphobia misogyny red pill

Red Pill Redditor: Not dating fat women is my way of giving to the world

What’s the point of living, many people wonder, if you’re not, in some small way, making the world a better place? One Red Pill Redditor recently spelled out his particular contribution to world goodness: saying “no” to fat women who want to date him.

memes MGTOW misogyny MRA

Manosphere Meme-splosion


One thing you can say about manosphere meme-makers: despite years of practice, they never seem to get any better at it. Consider the following memes I collected today from an assortment of places from Pinterest to Twitter.

MGTOW misogyny rapey

Fix all your sex problems with this one weird MGTOW trick!

Attention, MGTOWs:

chad incels misogyny

Incel: The only winner in the upcoming sexual revolution will be Chad

The domain is down, at least for now, but the regulars are still unhappily chatting away on the backup domain And they still have stories to tell one another about men, women, and Chad.

conspiracy theory coronavirus MGTOW misogyny simps

Is the pandemic a Chinese plot to turn all men into simps? One confused MGTOW thinks so

Will these soon be mandatory?

We’re through the looking glass, people!

incels memes misogyny rape culture

Well, here’s the worst incel meme I’ve seen in a long time

Caution: You may throw up in your mouth a little bit.

With a title like “The true reason why women HATE RAPE” you know it’s going to be just awful, but somehow the rest of the meme manages to be worse than my lowest expectations.

boobs butts incels misogyny

Women’s “most desired political agenda” is to show off their ass cracks, laments ass-averse incel

It’s Saturday night (where I live anyway) so let’s play a little drinking game. I’ll post a long rant about “ass culture” I found on the forums. You drink every tune the author uses the word “ass.” Easy peasy. Let’s begin.

Dunning–Kruger effect MGTOW misogyny

Fellas, is it gay if you sweep women off their feet with your charm?

Extremely gay

Charming men! Be on the lookout, because the men of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit have declared war on you.

mass shooting misogyny racism

Check out my piece in the Washington Post on the Atlanta spa killings

Check out my piece on the Atlanta spa shooter in the Washington Post.