MGTOW misogyny racism white supremacy

Garbage man husbands and the feminine orgasm shit: MGTOW potpourri

You can learn a lot about women from the fellows in the MGTOW movement, especially if you don’t mind that everything you learn is completely wrong.

elliot rodger incel mass shooting misogyny member arrested for plotting a mass shooting at an Ohio university

Another one.

Today the Department of Justice announced that

armageddon incels MGTOW misogyny we hunted the mammoth

Just another incel fantasy of a nuclear war putting “strong men” in charge again

Nuclear war is cute and funny

Here’s a creepy bit of copypasta i found crossposted on the MGTOW subreddit and the incel-infested Black Pill Club site. It’s a little apocalyptic fantasy envisioning some variety of “WW3” tearing down our allegedly lady-dominated society and putting “strong men” in charge again.

conspiracy theory MGTOW misogyny toking the doobies

Legalizing weed: A plot to make men stupid enough to marry thots? One MGTOW says “yes”

Today’s Conspiracy of the Day comes from a post on the MGTOW subreddit from a dude who’s worried that the “push” for marijuana is part of a secret plot to make men stupid enough to marry “thots.”

dating tips double standard evil fat fatties misogyny PUA pussyconomics red pill

Pussyconomics: Widespread obesity is inflating the valuation of non-fat American Woman, Red Piller argues

Bad news, Red Pillers: Not only are fat women flooding the sexual marketplace in the US — they’re actually making mediocre women who aren’t fat look better by comparison. At least according to one Red Pill Redditor.

blm conspiracy theory critical race theory homophobia misogyny rape rape culture satan

Scott Lively attacks gays as “predators” but thinks Bill Cosby, hetero predator, is just fine

Scott Lively, probably saying something terrible

Scott Lively is a writer, a pastor, an activist, and a raging homophobe. He’s probably best known for writing a thoroughly debunked book arguing that gays did the Holocaust.

alpha males beta males block that metaphor chad cuck MGTOW misogyny simps

MGTOW Redditor: Alpha males are the real cucks

Bad news for Chads! According to one MGTOW Redditor, Chads should no longer be considered the ultimate males. Nope! It turns out that Chads — and alpha males in general — are obsessed with getting attention from women. Which makes them wimps, simps, and cucks, all rolled into a ball.

evil human females father's rights MGTOW misogyny

Messages designed to ruin your Fathers’ Day from the MGTOW subreddit

I‘m not sure which of these is worse. This first message is from a father to his son, who is also a father, and it’s mostly about how shitty the “females” of the world have been to both of them, allegedly.

gender policing homophobia MGTOW misogyny npc penises

Women get vocal fry from “guzzling too much dick” and other insights into female speech patterns from awful dudes

Over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the guys don’t seem to care much for women’s speech patterns, and would probably prefer it if women didn’t (or couldn’t) speak at all.

Dunning–Kruger effect MGTOW misogyny reddit

“Men are the prize,” declares man who is very clearly not a prize

Over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, an excitable fellow by the name of ClutchNes is giving a little pep talk to his peers.