This week, at long last, a civil suit against the organizers of the so-called “Unite the RIght” protest in Charlottesville in 2017 has come to trial.
This week, at long last, a civil suit against the organizers of the so-called “Unite the RIght” protest in Charlottesville in 2017 has come to trial.
So, over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the fellas are discussing whether one should engage with, or simply ignore, any man-hating women in one’s general vicinity.
Incel ideology is a complicated mess of hatred and self-hatred. The most famous incel, the mass killer Elliot Rodger, alternated between grandiosity and self-pity, but his deepest anger was directed at the attractive women who ignored him; his intention, on his “day of retribution,” was to massacre “the very girls who represent everything I hate in the female gender: The hottest sorority of UCSB.”
So this dude called rochesterslim went to the Men’s Rights subreddit today with some questions:
I found this wall of text posted to the BlatantMisogyny subreddit, and I really, really, really want it to be true.
A Men’s Rights activist, an incel, and an antisemite walk into a restaurant. The restaurant owner says, “hey Larry, do you want your usual table for one?”
On Coming Out Day yesterday, DC comics made a big announcement: Superman is bisexual.
Is bad news for the women of Afghanistan good news for Western incels? Contemplating the resurgent Taliban’s “ultrastrict regulations and penalties for women,” one Incels.is commenter calling himself Mainländer finds himself rooting for repression, declaring that even if the Taliban take things a bit far, all their rules for women “weren’t invented for no reason.”
Misogyny is hate, so why aren’t crimes motivated by misogyny considered hate crimes? That’s a question a lot of people in the UK have been asking for a long time.
Playboy magazine, perhaps feeling a little starved for attention, decided to put a man in lingerie — the Playboy bunny suit — on the cover of its October issue. The man in question is “influencer” and former MTV star Bretman Rock, the first out gay man who’s appeared on a Playboy cover ever, looking a little bit fierce, if we’re still allowed to use that word.