mansplaining misogyny MRA reddit

Men’s Rights man mansplains mansplaining


I saw this in the Men’s RIghts subreddit the other day and I almost wept with joy. Because here, in the wild, was a man mansplaining feminists.

block that metaphor has possibly never spoken to a woman misogyny MRA women are dogs women's jobs aren't real

New Men’s Rights theory: Women were never oppressed, just treated like pampered pets

The old Men’s Rights theory was that women were oppressed once upon a time, but not any more. The slightly newer Men’s Rights theory is that women have never been oppressed — they were pampered by their men, like a cosseted pet.

antifeminism gender policing misogyny MRA

Feminist ladies all want to be men; that’s why they have such deep voices, Men’s Rights Redditor contends

Elizabeth Holmes: The Deepest Voice

I learn so much about feminism from reading the Men’s RIghts subreddit. For example, today I learned that feminists — at least those of the feminine persuasion — all want to be men. And that’s why they all have such deep voices.

a woman is always to blame foids incels pedophilia

Slightly new incel theory: Women drive short men to pedophilia because they won’t sleep with short men

So a regular commenter on somehow ran across a study that found “pedophilic and … hebephilic sexual offenders [to be] significantly shorter than” men who aren’t sexually attracted to underage girls.

The incel’s takeaway from all this: It’s women’s fault that pedophiles exist in the first place because they won’t have sex with short men (allegedly).

asian fetishist cringe incels memes misogynoir misogyny pedophilia racism

Saturday Night Meme Fight: Three-way tie for worst

There’s a lot going on in these three similarly formatted memes, all of it bad. This is how too many incels see the world.

cringe MRA reddit

MRA Poetry Korner: A Rebuttal

It’s going to be a bumpy ride

Scanning the headlines on the Men’s Rights subreddit today, one of them popped out at me: The Lives of Men (Poem by Me). I haven’t read much poetry by MRAs recently, so I had to click on it and I can’t say I was disappointed. I expected the worst, but somehow the poem in question was even worster than that. We’re talking MGTOW Cooking bad.

bad anatomy bad science misogyny penises semen

Not sure that “my dick is like a windshield wiper, but for sperm” is the best pickup line, Chief

Found this on Reddit, sent to a woman by a “new age male” whose election, apparently, is quite hard.

alt-lite cultural marxism misogyny reactionary bullshit toxic masculinity

Senator Josh Hawley blames virtue-hating, Herbert-Marcuse-loving left for trying to destroy men just because they can

And another thing …

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley spent Halloween night trying his best to scare his fellow right-wingers with blood-curdling stories about the left and its diabolical program of destroying men just for fun or something.

antifeminism MRA pig-biting mad reddit we hunted the mammoth

Men’s Rights Redditor: “The world was created by men and everything is run by men, and its not sexist, it’s by FEMALE CHOICE”

Someone is having a little tantrum, huh

Today, a lovely rant from a very angry dude on the Men’s RIghts subreddit. And the regulars there liked it so much they gave it 200 (net) upvotes.

So let’s see what Adddam31 had to say.

creepy FemRAs funny MGTOW misogyny MRA spermjacking Uncategorized

Ten dynamite last-minute costume ideas for a Men’s Rights Halloween

Men’s Rights Activists! Are you scrambling to find a good costume for a Halloween party tonight?

Here are a few suggestions, free of charge.