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MRA post of the day: “There’s no such thing as tOXic masculinity you dumb c___.”

Well, you’ve got to admit that he gets right to the point.

I examined some of his posting history on Reddit, and determined that 1) he’s not a troll, just a huge jerk, and 2) he does indeed love big boobs.

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The Federalist declares war on Lizzo for being unapologetically fat and possibly killing people with COVID or something

The Federalist has come up with a new scapegoat for the COVID pandemic: Lizzo.

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If a “Pro-Male” meme fell in a forest and there was no one to see it, would it make any sense?

ProMaleMemes, with its 148 subscribers, is not the most popular of the Men’s Rightsy subreddits. It’s not just unpopular compared with the original Men’s Rights subreddit, with its 319,488 subscribers; it’s even a bit of a laggard compared with the subreddit that spawned it, the also-highly-unpopular ProMaleCollective subreddit, with its 4608 subscribers.

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Women shouldn’t be allowed to see or speak, explains dude who’s posted 587 times on

Helen Keller wants wants nothing to do with your incel ass

They have such … interesting discussions over on the forums. And by “interesting” I mean “stomach-churningly horrendous.”

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Equal Rights, Equal Fights? Men’s Rights Redditor offers to be a punching bag for women in order to save other men from violence, and somehow this makes sense to him

Bluto: Men’s Rights martyr

To hear some Men’s Rightsers tell it, one of the cruellest injustices against men in our allegedly gynocentric world is that men can’t punch women without everybody getting all mad at them.

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I’m back, for real this time, and I’ve brought Roosh with me

How I feel setting up a new computer

Ok, so I’m really back this time. I just needed to have a few more days to clear my head of manosphere nonsense. Also, did I mention that my computer had become basically unusable for anything involving the middle of the keyboard, like typing and doing searches and those sorts of things.

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Playing antifeminist telephone with the boys from the Men’s Rights subreddit

One possibly true story about the Talking Heads is that, while working with Brian Eno on their genre-shattering album Remain in Light, the band members, or perhaps Eno, decided they wanted to do a song that sounded like Joy Division. The only problem was that none of them had heard Joy Division before, and apparently (this part of the story makes no sense) couldn’t track down any of their recordings.

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“Lesbians don’t get periods” and even more great insights into the enigma that is woman from the NotHowGirlsWork subreddit

We’re going back in!

There were way too many amazing screenshots of self-confident mansplainers of women’s bodies and sexuality to fit in my post on r/NotHowGirlsWork the other day. So I’m doing another one. Like right here, and right now. It’s the very post you are reading at this moment!

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MGTOWs warn men (again): Women are vampires who will eat your souls

One of the advantages of having so ridiculously many tabs open in your browser that your computer regularly freezes up is that sometimes, when you’re going diligently through these tabs to shut down any especially unnecessary ones, you discover something that would be so perfect to write about on your blog, We Hunted the Mammoth.

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“Damaged feet = damaged pussy” and other insights into the mysterious female, from the NotHowGirlsWork subreddit

Today, some amazing screencaps from social media documenting what happens when guys who slept through sex ed try to explain women’s sexuality to women. As you’ll see, these were all captured in the wild and reposted on the NotHowGirls work subredddit — an amazing source for this kind of thing.