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Roosh V declares War on Hugs

WHTM is steadfastly in favor of hugs

I wish I knew how to quit you, Roosh Valizadeh. It’s been several years since Mr. V took shrooms, found God, abandoned his career as a pickup artist, and took up a new life as a religious fanatic. But under it all he’s still the same old Roosh — a raging misogynist and conspiracy theorist who still somehow thinks we all need to hear his thoughts on the world and all the dirty filthy sinners in it.

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Female supremacists urge women to make fake #MeToo allegations to put men on the defensive, idiot claims

Playing the victim to become the queen

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fellow called Henry_Blair — the inventor of a replacement to feminism and the Men’s Rights movement called “Lovism” — has offered up a little manifesto with the less -than-grabby title “Women were given the message that immense privilege awaits them if they only cooperate with the feminist effort to depict men as an abuser-sex and women as a victim-sex.

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PlayStation head: Forget about Roe v. Wade for a minute; let’s talk about my kitties

Tech companies have reacted differently to the impending end of Roe V Wade. While most have remained silent on the issue, some have come out strongly against the Supreme Court’s (draft) opinion. The game developer Bungie denounced what it sees as “a blow to freedom in America and is a direct attack on human rights.” Microsoft and Amazon have gone a step further, pledging to cover traveling costs and other expenses for any employee who has to travel to another state to get an abortion.

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Makeup is essential, because women’s only job is to look pretty, Red Pill douchebags argue

Most manosphere misogynists have a love-hate relationship with cosmetics for women — they love to hate them. As far as the typical MGTOW or Men’s Rights Redditor is concerned, makeup is a devious and deceptive tool women use to look prettier than they really are. Using makeup is akin to fraud, and probably should be outlawed or something.

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Semen is “the real Elixir of the human body,” so DO NOT WASTE IT even if you sort of want to, like REALLY want to, and I mean would it be that big a deal if you did?

Always protect your balls

The guys in the Semen Retention subreddit are just really, really, really into their own semen “the real Elixir of the human body.”

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Happy Mother’s Day — now back to the kitchen! 17 weird, creepy, and sometimes cute vintage cards

Happy Mothers Day! Let us celebrate with a bunch of weird, creepy, retrograde, sexist, and sometimes cute vintage Mother’s Day cards.

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WARNING for water-drinking cervix-havers (and cervix-having water-drinkers) but not for water-drinking cervixes

Remember to check BOTH of your cervixes!

On this lazy Saturday I’m gathering together a little collection of mansplainations I found catalogued on Reddit.

First, a public service announcement for uterus-having water-drinkers. Be careful out there!

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ProMaleCollectivists continue flooding the internet with completely incomprehensible and weirdly blurry memes

I don’t know quite how they do it, but every time I take a peek into the ProMaleMemes subreddit I find yet more examples of memes that break every rule of meme-making, and then some.

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Roosh V leads a “peasant revolt” against rootless cosmopolitanism, soybean oil, and beard trimmers

Roosh resists temptation

Back in his pickup artist days, Roosh Valizadeh was rather fond of fornication, engaging in it as often as possible with women he described as “lubricated holes,” and writing a small library of self-published books devoted to his distinctly rapey version of “game.”

abortion misogyny MRA reddit Uncategorized

Men’s Rights Redditors are cheering the end of Roe v. Wade — except for the ones who realize an abortion ban will hurt men too

Not a popular opinion on the Men’s Rights subreddit

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, some of the loudest MRAs are celebrating the apparent end of Roe V. Wade with an outburst of mean-spirited gloating. “This is great news,” declares syedalired21.