allegedly false accusations lying liars misogyny rape sexual abuse sexual assault

Convicted sex offender and former A Voice for Men staffer Nicholas Alahverdian faces three new accusations of sexual assault

The last time we reported on the strange tale of convicted sex offender and former A Voice for Men staffer Nicholas Alahverdian, he was in Scotland awaiting extradition to the US on sexual assault charges in Utah. He was also telling whoever would listen — in a fake posh English accent — that he wasn’t Nicholas Alahverdian at all but rather a professor from Bristol, England named Arthur Knight, a victim of mistaken identity.

misogyny semen stacies Uncategorized

Incel brags about doing something so gross that it will ruin your dinner, even if he’s lying

Don’t say I didn’t warn you

Incel story time! Today’s story is called “STACY ROOMMATE ATE MY CUM,” and it was recently posted on the forums by someone called HiddenUzer.

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“The umbilical chord [sic] does not directly connect to the woman” and other uterine insights from some dumbass politician

Where babies actually come from

It’s not news that many men are a bit confused about what goes on down there in cis women — that is, in the general area where babies are made, from conception to childbirth.

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Online dating apps haven’t ruined dating for men; it’s simply that women have raised their standards

Swipe left!

I…worked on this story for years..and…he just…he posted it on Psychology Today.

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Great White Genocidal North: Albertan government awards, then revokes the award for, an essay suggesting that women are most valuable as baby making machines

How we imagine things went down

Alberta’s associate status of women minister apologized after a screed celebrating women as baby-makers “not exactly equal” to men won third prize in a government essay contest for young women.

abuse allegedly false accusations domestic violence misogyny rape culture sexual abuse

Twitter threads reveal Johnny Depp’s long history of violence and abuse (allegedly)

Over the last several days, a number of threads have popped up on Twitter providing evidence of Johnny Depp’s long history of (alleged) violence and abuse, aimed at intimate partners and random strangers alike. I found these very useful; maybe you will as well. Just be warned that there’s a lot of explicit discussion of abuse that could be triggering.

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The only way to understand the female is through the mastery of semen: Insights into “female nature” from, well, you can probably figure out where they’re from

Semen retention failure

Fellas! Do you remain baffled by the mysteries of Female Nature?That’s probably because you’re trying to understand women by trying to understand women. Because it turns out, according to this dude I found in the semen retention subreddit, the only way to master female nature is by first mastering your semen (and not master-bating).

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A new name for those of us who criticize the manosphere and by gosh is it a clever one

Hey did you ever hear of a movie called “the Matrix?”

It’s always handy, during a political or cultural or even just a regular war war, to have a good derogatory name to call your opponents. During World War I, the allies called the Germans “Huns” — as in “Atilla the,” not “huns, could you pass the butter, thanks babe.”

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Sex robots will turn women into incels and possibly destroy the world but that’s ok if at least women suffer

Sexbot with her Chadbot boyfriend

I haven’t done a sexbot post in a while, but you can rest assured that the MRAs and antifeminists are still obsessed with the idea of making women obsolete with new technologies, in particular new technologies that have titties and can fuck.

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The next game in the Grand Theft Auto series will have a female protagonist, so that’s pretty much the end of civilization right there

The protagonists of GTA V react to the news

It’s been a rough couple of days for video game enthusiasts who hate women and scream about things being “woke” all the time. According to a story on Bloomberg this past Wednesday, sources within game developer Rockstar are saying that GTA 6 will have a lady as one of the main characters.