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Retired Greek Orthodox bishop: “A woman does not get raped without wanting it”

The Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Dodoni has a big mouth

A prominent retired bishop in the Greek Orthodox church — known honorifically as the Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Dodoni — has caused a bit of a stir with some bizarre comments about rape.

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Men’s Rights Redditors declare themselves too short to date women

Dude brutally height-mogging his parents

The incel-ification of the Men’s Rights movement continues apace. The regulars on the Men’s Rights subreddit, much like the incels I follow, are whining that it’s literally impossible for most men to meet the allegedly quite stringent height standards for women.

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Dennis Prager has figured out a way to blame women for everything wrong with America, including drag queens

Dennis Prager — the right-wing radio blabber who named an entire fake university after himself — has finally figured out how to blame women for nearly everything he dislikes about the world today. In his latest column for the Daily Signal, Prager explains why he thinks “Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country” by being so darn womanish all the time.

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Johnny Depp’s cringey “comeback” at the VMAs was an embarrassment for everyone involved in it

When I heard that Johnny Depp had made a cameo appearance at last night’s VMAs, playing the role of MTV’s iconic “moon person,” I have to admit I was irritated.

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MGTOW Redditor boasts about his awesome life avoiding women except for the ones he videotapes having sex with him oh wait he’s just making shit up

Not a chance, lady!

We’re going back to that Reddit thread from yesterday, because there’s a wonderful comment there that pretty much sums up the Men Going Their Own Way movement.

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Meet the Man Going His Own Way, Especially When it Comes to Tipping Women for Their Services

No more tips for you, ladies!

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit today there’s a dude completely losing it over the issue of … tipping waitresses. Seems that these women, especially the younger ones, sometimes see a big tip from an older guy as a sign that the tipper has feelings for them (in his pants) and sometimes this kind of creeps them out.

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Sex dungeons and Stepford Wives

Not a happy ending

There must be guys out there who watch The Stepford Wives — the original 1975 film anyway — without realizing that it’s a horror film. Guys who would root not for Katherine Ross or Paula Prentiss but for the mysterious men’s organization that runs the town of Stepford, which has developed a, well, unique way to respond to the demands of Women’s Lib, replacing the sometimes uppity women who have just moved into the town with more docile versions of themselves who are both traditional housewives and sexy sex slaves.

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“OnlyFans is going to be the thing that completely ruins society,” excitable Men’s Rights Activist warns

Only fans

So Men’s Rights Redditors are pitching another fit about the alleged evils of OnlyFans, and a fellow called SportsNutJob has some deep thoughts on the matter.

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Check out this YouTube documentary about (alleged) serial con artist, sexual abuser Nicholas Alahverdian

Nicholas Alahverdian, with wife and apparently unnecessary breathing apparatus

If you can’t get enough of Nicholas Alahverdian — the accused serial con artist and sexual abuser who duped A Voice for Men into making him their “false accusations” poster boy — I’d recommend taking a look at this documentary on YouTube.

domestic violence misandry misogyny TERFs

Johnny Depp stans want to #ShutDownWomensMarch over some tweets dissing their idol

Johnny Depp stans are feeling restless. Two and a half months after their idol’s big win in the Depp/Heard defamation case, the stans are patrolling the internet looking for people being disrespectful towards their boy — or saying anything positive about their sworn enemy Amber Heard.