incels misogyny n o means no sexual inequality

You can’t have a “right to sex” without somebody losing the right to say no: A response to Alexandra M. Hunt’s controversial Twitter thread

In a Twitter thread yesterday, a self-described “public health activist and grassroots organizer” named Alexandra M. Hunt set forth the outlines of what she sees as a solution to the problem of “involuntarily” celibate men. Many of her suggestions are sensible and good in themselves — decriminalizing sex work, improving sex education, “creating outreach programs that help young people develop healthy sexual habits.”

alt-right misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles rape advocacy sexual abuse white supremacy women's suffrage

Pedophile, kidnapper, child porn advocate and failed politician Nathan Larson dies in jail

Larson, doing his best “Blue Steel”

Newsweek has confirmed a rumor that has been spreading online: the wonderful human being known as Nathan Larson has died in custody. Last month, actually.

abuse incels misogyny sex workers

Why sex workers aren’t the “solution” for incels

Here’s a hint

Once in a while, someone will step forward with what they see as a “solution” for incels: hire sex workers to take care of their celibacy, the root cause of their hatred and bitterness.

homophobia misogyny transphobia

Right Wing journos baffled, angered over Madonna’s “I’m gay” video, lash out with homophobia, transphobia, and ageism

Yeah, this is Madonna

The Pledge Drive is winding up today! If you haven’t donated yet, please do!

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Madonna’s “I’m gay” Tik-Tok video has confused a lot of people on the internet, myself included. In the video, Madonna taps into a TikTok meme in which people announce “if I miss this, I’m gay,” before throwing something at or perhaps into a wastebasket. Or maybe a basketball hoop. I don’t know, I don’t generally watch TikTok if I can help it.

divorce domestic violence dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about marriage strike misogyny MRA

MRA decides to avoid the pains of divorce by not marrying — and moving to Kentucky. And that’s just the start of his wonderful plan

So that’s the plan, dudes, whaddya think?

The Pledge Drive is almost over. But we’re still not quite where we need to be. And so if you haven’t donated yet, please do!

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Jacare_o has it all figured out. In a post on the Men’s Rights subreddit today, the imaginative young man lays out a foolproof plan to raise a family “safely” in the gynocentric world of today.

ableism creepy evil fat fatties fox news reactionary bullshit

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld, 58, laments that college students aren’t sexy any more

Fox’s Greg Gutfeld, Mr. Sexypants

The Pledge Drive is going better! But we’re still not quite there. Please donate what you can!

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You can also give by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1. Thanks!

Weird how obsessed these right-wing pundits are with the sexuality of kids half one-third their age.

domestic violence evil ex-wives misogyny

Will the haters turn Angelina Jolie into Amber Heard 2.0?

Angelina Jolie: Already being cast as the villain

The Pledge Drive is going better! But we’re still not quite there. Please donate what you can!

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Now that Angelina Jolie has filed court documents alleging that a drunken, raging Brad Pitt assaulted her and two of their children on a private plane in 2016, the open question is whether or not misogynistic haters will be able to turn her in the public mind into “another Amber Heard” — that is, another famous woman viciously dragged through the mud after coming forward with eminently plausible domestic violence accusations.

breitbart dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil fat fatties misogyny racism transphobia whaaaaa?

Batshit Breitbart: “Democrats Embrace Child Mutilation, Morbid Obesity to Replace Working Class”

Breitbart’s John Nolte

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Sometimes it’s useful to remind ourselves just how batshit Breitbart is. Take yesterday’s column by John Nolte, which argues that the “Democrats are embracing permanent child mutilation and morbid obesity” as a way “[t]o replace working-class, black, and Hispanic voters” they’ve been losing in recent elections.

antifeminism makes no sense at all misogyny reddit

Reincarnated Gertrude Stein roams the Antifeminists subreddit

Gertrude Stein lookin all Gertrude Steiny.

So I was scrolling through the Antifeminists subreddit, as one does, and I ran across a post that was just completely baffling.

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about incels mass killing misogyny racism sexual harassment

Jesse Singal is famously bad on trans issues. Is he an incel apologist, too?

A 25-year-old California incel was recently arrested and charged with hate crimes, after he allegedly sprayed women with pepper spray in a series of attacks that he filmed and put on YouTube. With the hate crime “enhancements” on top of his various felony charges, he could face up to 13 years in prison.