
Was Roy Den Hollander an “extreme” Men’s Rights Activist? No, he was well within the MRA mainstream

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By David Futrelle

There’s a story in the New York Times today about a video statement put out by Judge Esther Salas, whose son was shot dead and her husband wounded by the self-described antifeminist attorney Roy Den Hollander in what appears to have been a botched hit job targeting her. It’s a heartbreaking story, as Salas recounts the events that shattered her life that awful Sunday two weeks ago.


Do women really enjoy sex? A MGTOW Symposium (of sorts)

“An here’s anudda reason youse ladies don’t like sex ..!”

By David Futrelle

Yesterday, I shared with you one MGTOW Redditor’s opinion on why the female orgasm is “the most selfish and pointless thing in the world.” Today, I’d like to share the opinions of a number of equally thoughtful MGTOW Redditors on a related topic: “Do women really enjoy sex as much as men?”

men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit sex

“The female orgasm is literally the most selfish and pointless thing in the world,” MGTOW sex expert explains

How MGTOWs have sex

By David Futrelle

Today’s insight into human sexuality comes from an anonymous MGTOW Redditor explaining why, in his opinion, women don’t deserve any help with that whole orgasm thing:


MGTOW: Is Meghan Markle part of a secret elite plot to turn all men into simps?

Royal marriage … or Illuminati conspiracy?

By David Futrelle

Reddit’s contingent of Men Going Their Own Way are more than a little bit obsessed with the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, seeing Markle as a devious manipulator trying to transform her husband into a spineless woman-worshipping simp willing to give up many of his royal privileges for the sake of his wife


In the fight against Reddit bigotry, don’t forget about misogyny

He’s not the only problem

By David Futrelle

Reddit is in the midst of a peculiar three-sided civil war. On one side there are tens of thousands of Reddit users who want the site to cleanse itself of racism and hate speech; opposing them are seemingly similar numbers of Redditors who want the site’s shittiest users to be allowed to spew their hatreds unmolested. Hovering over these two armies of users are the site’s administrators, who claim to be on the side of the angels but who have a long history of doing fuck-all about the hatred that permeates their site.


QUIZ: Which of these quotes came from the MGTOW subreddit, and which from the Daily Stormer?

A new, improved logo for Men Going Their Own Way?

By David Futrelle

Pop quiz! Your instructions are simple: Just tell me which of the following quotes came from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and which from articles or comments on The Daily Stormer. (You can click on the “source” links to see them in their original contexts, though that will tend to give away the answers.)


Men’s Rights Redditors have literally nothing to say about George Floyd

By David Futrelle

Sometimes what one says is less important than what one doesn’t say.

I visited the Men’s Rights subreddit today to see what the regulars there were saying about the police killing of George Floyd. Turns out they were saying nothing, nothing at all.

men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny spermjacking

MGTOW urges men to pelt their used condoms with gamma rays to keep sneaky ladies from stealing their sperm

This dude knows something about gamma rays

By David Futrelle

If you’ve been reading this blog for long, you probably know how terrified many manospherians are of getting spermjacked — that is, having some woman they’ve just had sex with fishing their used condoms out of the trash and using the sperm to impregnate herself so she can live the high life off of the sweet child support cash.


The Wit and Wisdom of DangZagnut: MGTOW poet, philosopher, dingus

By David Futrelle

My favorite MGTOW Redditor has to be the prolific and pungent fellow who calls himself DangZagnut. I’ve quoted him many times in posts over the years, on subjects ranging from burning down your ex’s house (he was in favor of this) to Millennial men’s alleged love of, er, “licking the chunks out” of “used pussy.” He also once suggested, with his typical bluntness, that the average woman was basically “a fleshlight that complains a lot.”

empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOWs lose it over plus-sized mannequins, because of course they do

By David Futrelle

The MGTOWs are losing their shit over an imaginary woman again. This time the unfortunate lady in question is the plus-sized mannequin in the photo above, spotted going about her imaginary business in Nike’s flagship London store. Just the thought of making mannequins that reflect the full range of female bodies out there, not just the thin or athletic ones, sends these brave Men Going Their Own Way into a horde of raging babies.