Nearly 300,000 Americans have died of Covid already and cases are spiking nationwide. Meanwhile, over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit the regulars have been talking about what a great thing Covid has been for MGTOWs, at least according to their own perverse logic.
Tag: mgtow
Found this one in the MGTOWChristian subreddit, under the title “I hate the false religion of woman worship.”
Over in the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars recently found themselves debating “Why do women hate when men get with younger *legal aged* chicks so much?” Naturally, the assorted commenters had a lot of very creepy opinions on the subject.
The Scottish Parliament just voted (unanimously) to make tampons and other period products available for free to those too broke to pay for them. It’s a big victory for the campaign against “period poverty.” Now no one in Scotland will have to miss school or work because they can’t afford sanitary products.
There’s really nothing too stupid to get upvotes on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. Consider this weird little paean to the glory of properly submissive Central American and Southeast Asian farm girls.
Over in the MGTOW subredddit, one fellow offers up what he thinks is an ingenious strategy for dealing with demanding women.
He’s figured you out, ladies! Or so he thinks. One bold MGTOW has a new explanation for why women generally prefer taller men. It’s because every woman is a golddigger at heart, and tall men die younger than short men, which means a briefer wait to cash in on the life insurance.
Here’s an intriguing, if slightly confusing, conspiracy theory I found in the MGTOW subreddit today from a commenter who’s convinced that women are allowing themselves to be the “useful idiots” in a vast and seemingly nonsensical plot to destroy the world’s economy.
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Adults tend to celebrate (non-pandemic) Halloween in one or more distinctly different ways. They may dress up in elaborate costumes and go to parties. They may stay at home to provide candy to all the miniature goblins that wander by — or take their own miniature goblins out on a candy-collecting mission. Or they might turn off all their lights and hide in the dark until trick-or-treating is over.
MGTOWs have a bit of a thing about makeup, which they consider a dastardly way for ugly women to fool men into thinking they’re hot. MGTOWs dismiss makeup-wearing women as con artists and “spineless, mindless c*nts.” Some MGTOWS even think women should be denied equal rights until they give up the lipstick and eyeliner; others argue that the makeup-wearers are destroying the gene pool by flooding it with their ugly DNA.