a voice for men a woman is always to blame allegedly false accusations empathy deficit entitled babies evil moms memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA paranoia red pill

Memeday: Dads! Punish Your Baby’s Mama With Valentine’s Day Dinner at McDonalds

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

It’s Friday again, and that means memes. Today’s batch comes fresh from the A Voice for Men Facebook page. AVFM may be in the middle of a slow-motion collapse, but they’re still doing an amazing job making and/or disseminating almost completely incomprehensible memes.

a voice for men antifeminism Dean Esmay entitled babies grandiosity gross incompetence infighting johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW mike buchanan misogyny MRA paul elam post contains sarcasm the c-word twitter yeah that's the ticket

2015: Year of Triumphs for the Men’s Rights Movement

Forward march!
Forward march!

On this, the last day of 2015, let us take a few moments to reflect on some of the HUGE TRIUMPHS the Men’s Rights movement has had over the past year.

antifeminism evil overpriced women evil sexy ladies manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit vaginas

MGTOW Launches One-Man War on Hoo Has (And the Human Beings Attached to Them)

Isaiah4verse1 has more opinions on vaginas than your gynocologist
Isaiah4verse1 has more opinions on vaginas than your gynecologist

Do you remember Isaiah4verse1?

“Ha, who?” you ask.

#gamergate 4chan 8chan antifeminism Dean Esmay irony alert memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism

MEMEDAY: Brilliant Strategy to Defeat Feminists by Asking if they Mean Black Men Too

Sometmes "gotchas" aren't really "gotchas" at all.
Sometimes “gotchas” aren’t really “gotchas” at all.

MEMEDAY continues with the pic below that I also found on the Twitters.

While not technically a “meme” per se, it’s one of those things that antifeminists like to pass around amongst themselves — and that no one outside their little world will really understand, largely because it makes no damn sense.

anti-Semitism antifeminism antifeminist women conspiracy theory literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA straw feminists

The Protocols of the Elders of Feminism (Or, Gloria Steinem Didn’t Really Say That)

No, Gloria Steinem did not say this.
No, Gloria Steinem did not say this.

Today is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive! If you haven’t donated yet, click that little button below! Thanks! 

I‘m continually amazed by the amount of time and energy that antifeminists put into fighting monsters of their own creation — that is, the imaginary feminists in their heads who bear about as much resemblance to real feminists as the rapacious, Machiavellian characters in The Protocols of The Elders of Zion do to real Jews.

men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit whaaaaa?

MGTOW wonders: Why do women see us as “breeding stock for making babies based on racial traits”

Hey pretty good album
Hey pretty good album

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! If you haven’t already, support this blog by donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

We here at We Hunted the Mammoth often wonder why the so-called Men Going Their Own Way don’t just GO already.

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies evo psych fairy tales hypergamy irony alert it's science! men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penis-shaped things we hunted the mammoth

MGTOW Science Korner: Men Are the Primary Victims of Female Nature, What With All the Babies and Whatnot

Greedy female monkey-branching to a stronger, better provider
Single mom monkey-branching to a stronger, better provider

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

One of the standard critiques of Evo Psych is that it’s a collection of “just-so” stories.

That is, the practitioner of Evo Psych takes a look at the admittedly fragmentary data we have about human existence in the long ago and far away Environment of Evolutionary Adaptation, makes up a story that seems like it might explain what was going on, and — ta da! — we have a brave new truth about human nature that carries the imprimatur of Science.

evil overpriced women evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny red pill reddit

Life is so much better now that I’ve stopped seeing women as human beings, loathsome manbaby explains

Seeing women as objects: Not actually a new idea
Seeing women as objects: Not actually a new idea

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

Members of that strange internet subculture known as Men Going Their Own Way face a bit of a dilemma: they hate women, a LOT, but at the same time most of them want very much to put their penises in them, which kind of gets in the way of the “Going Their Own Way” part of that whole “Men Going Their Own Way” thing.

But one Reddit MGTOW by the name of Isaiah4verse1 has found a solution of sorts to this little problem: He’s simply stopped seeing women as full human beings.

antifeminism crackpottery dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil fat fatties MGTOW misogyny penises reddit vaginas

Worried about your penis size? Blame feminism, MGTOW explains

Not everyone has a giant wiener
Not everyone has a giant wiener

The Great Penis Size Freakout Debate continues. On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one of the regulars has dug up a Youtube video from a random woman who doesn’t like small dicks.

Never mind that men worry a lot more about the size of their dicks than women do — hell, one survey found that women tend to be far more concerned with proper pubic-hair grooming  than the length of their partner’s dingle dangles. Reddit’s MGTOW army saw this video as an example of rare female honesty on this perilous topic.

antifeminism entitled babies MGTOW misogyny reddit that's not funny!

Why Aren’t Men Funny? A Case Study, with MGTOWs

Stranded on Total Lack of Sense of Humor Island
Stranded on Total Lack of Sense of Humor Island

So the fellas on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are trying their hands at humor. It’s not going very well for them.

Here they try  a variation on the old “so-and-so walks into a bar” formula, with Jessica Valenti and Anita Sarkeesian replacing the usual rabbis and priests. (I also make an appearance.) Here they attempt a MGTOW version of Jeff Foxworthy’s “you know you’re a redneck when …” schtick.

But their grandest failure in the humor department is this … thing, which even the regular MGTOWs couldn’t bring themselves to upvote.  I present it in its entirety, because what the fucking fuck: