By David Futrelle
Here’s today’s tidbit of wisdom on the mysterious creatures known as “women” from one of Twitter’s many Men Going Their Own Way.
By David Futrelle
Here’s today’s tidbit of wisdom on the mysterious creatures known as “women” from one of Twitter’s many Men Going Their Own Way.
By David Futrelle
Doing this blog, I’m reminded again and again that the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Indeed, oftentimes the enemy of my enemy is just as shitty as my enemy, if not more so.
By David Futrelle
So today I’d like to present the first post in what I hope will become a long-running series: MGTOWs Explain Sex.
By David Futrelle
Welcome back to what has become a veritable MGTOW weekend here at We Hunted the Mammoth!
By David Futrelle
A quick question for all of you.
When you see a woman wearing artfully distressed jeans with holes in them, what’s the first thing that pops into your head?
By David Futrelle
Despite their often quite limited experience with vaginas in the field, so-called Men Going Their Own Way have very strong opinions on the subject. For example, that vaginas are all super stinky and gross. Sour, like grapes.
By David Futrelle
Today (March 8th) is International Women’s Day, also known as International “Men Being Dicks About International Women’s Day” Day — and few men are celebrating that second holiday more enthusiastically than Reddit’s contingent of Men Going Their Own Way.
By David Futrelle
Stretch your mind a little with these lovely memes, courtesy of some of Twitter’s most creative Men Going Their Own Way. While almost all of these images raise more questions than they answer, some are so thoroughly incomprehensible that they sort of broke my brain. If you can explain them, please do.
By David Futrelle
Misogynists generally like to think of themselves as rational fellows with a love of SCIENCE! But it turns out that more than a few of them have confused SCIENCE! with “things they pull from the collective posteriors that vaguely line up with their retrograde hatred of all things female.”
By David Futrelle
Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are lamenting the recent shutdown of a Chinese sex doll sharing service only four days after it opened. (Apparently people thought it was creepy and perverse, or something.)