By David Futrelle
So. Some of the dudes on were having a discussion of “dating health risks” a while back, and naturally the talk turned quickly to semen.
By David Futrelle
So. Some of the dudes on were having a discussion of “dating health risks” a while back, and naturally the talk turned quickly to semen.
By David Futrelle
I found this in the MGTOW subreddit. And, no, it doesn’t make any more sense to me than I suspect it will to you.
By David Futrelle
I suppose I should begin my telling you what the dogpill is, in case you don’t already know. And I should probably apologize in advance, because things are about to get really, really gross.
By David Futrelle
The Federalist has once again delivered a hot take so blazingly bad that the entire internet, it seems, has risen up to point and laugh at it.
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! WHTM is ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks!
By David Futrelle
Members of the He-Man Woman Haters club known as Men Going Their Own Way — like many of their manosphere pals — love to fantasize about what they see as the imminent arrival of realistic, affordable sexbots so sophisticated they can barely be distinguished from real-life sexy human ladies.
By David Futrelle
Men Going Their Own Way love to talk about science. Too bad they don’t really understand how it works.
By David Futrelle
The alt-rightification of the Men Going Their Own Way movement continues apace, with Reddit MGTOWs echoing racist alt-right talking points to argue, as many MGTOWs long have, that women should never have been given the right to vote.
By David Futrelle
It’s not just the incels who are utterly obsessed with the semen of other men. Nope. So are the (allegedly) voluntarily celibate guys who call themselves Men Going Their Own Way.
By David Futrelle
With his sham FBI background report prematurely closed, and his confirmation vote looming, Brett Kavanaugh is omnipresent in the media at the moment. Cable news is pretty much wall-to-wall Kavanaugh, and social media is overflowing with takes — hot and otherwise — on the overgrown frat boy who somehow became a Supreme Court nominee.
By David Futrelle
So I ran across this cartoon on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. I guess it’s supposed to be a tribute to MEN for doing all the hard work that keeps the world going while women eat bonbons and play with children, or something.