Men’s Rights Activists! Are you scrambling to find a good costume for a Halloween party tonight?
Here are a few suggestions, free of charge.
Men’s Rights Activists! Are you scrambling to find a good costume for a Halloween party tonight?
Here are a few suggestions, free of charge.
This week, at long last, a civil suit against the organizers of the so-called “Unite the RIght” protest in Charlottesville in 2017 has come to trial.
So this dude called rochesterslim went to the Men’s Rights subreddit today with some questions:
A Men’s Rights activist, an incel, and an antisemite walk into a restaurant. The restaurant owner says, “hey Larry, do you want your usual table for one?”
Rooting around amongst antifeminist memes yesterday I found a cartoon that threw me for a loop — a macabre vision of body horror disguised as a cute cartoon. At first you just notice that it’s a cartoon of a happy young woman on a bike — then, perhaps only microseconds later, you glance down and YAAGGHH WHAT IS THAT WHAT THE FUCK WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS LEGS!?!!
So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are debating a perennial question: Why Is Dating So Hard For Men In The Modern World?
Ok, they’ve finally done it. A post in the Men’s Rights subreddit has turned my brain to mush.
Over on the AntiFeminism subreddit, some of the regulars are getting royally pissed-off at the dictionary — or at least at Dictionary.com — for not defining “feminism” as a movement of anti-male hatred.
Whatever you might think abut his stupid car tunnel, or his baby’s ridiculous name, or even his unwelcome attempts to insert himself into the rescue of a group of Thai soccer players trapped in a cave, you’ve got to give Elon Musk credit for one thing: he’s also a huge jackass on Twitter, perpetually tweeting “politically incorrect” quips like the aging edgelord he apparently thinks he is.
I‘ve got a review up on NPR.com of Laura Bates’ new book Men Who Hate Women, an often disturbing deep dive into the worlds of incels, MGTOWs, Red Pillers and assorted other manosphere misogynists.