antifeminism memes misogyny

ProMaleCollectivists continue flooding the internet with completely incomprehensible and weirdly blurry memes

I don’t know quite how they do it, but every time I take a peek into the ProMaleMemes subreddit I find yet more examples of memes that break every rule of meme-making, and then some.

abortion misogyny MRA reddit Uncategorized

Men’s Rights Redditors are cheering the end of Roe v. Wade — except for the ones who realize an abortion ban will hurt men too

Not a popular opinion on the Men’s Rights subreddit

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, some of the loudest MRAs are celebrating the apparent end of Roe V. Wade with an outburst of mean-spirited gloating. “This is great news,” declares syedalired21.

dating tips misogyny MRA PUA racism reddit sex workers sexual exploitation

Move to “Ooga-boogastan” where sex is more cost-effective, and other dating tips from the MensRights subreddit

Don’t spend “cash for gash” unless you can get it for a big discount

I found some lovely dating advice for frugal men in a discussion of dating apps on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

evil imaginary ladies male supremacy misandry misogyny reddit

Disney is misandrificationizing Star Wars, Men’s Rights Redditor warns

Spaceballs: Far more masculine than Star Wars, anyway

Apparently if a movie series has female protagonists some of the time, it’s an outright cultural assault on men. At least that’s what one Men’s Rights Redditor is arguing. About Star Wars. Take it away, Vinniikii:

incels misogyny MRA rape rape culture slut shaming warren farrell

“Rape is immensely less traumatizing than inceldom,” incel argues, demonstrating why he’s an incel

Let’s take another brief excursion to the forums, where one prolific poster is setting forth a slightly new version of an old incel folk belief — namely, that being raped is really much less traumatic than being an incel.

boobs misogyny MRA reddit shocked SHOCKED

The Men’s Rights subreddit declares war on topless women, if it can find any

First with the toplessness, then with the pinching

Men’s Rights activists have to stretch a bit to find new things to get mad about. Right now Men’s Rights Redditors are working themselves into a tizzy because a city in Colorado made it legal for women and girls to go topless.

In 2019.

antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about homophobia misogyny MRA reddit straw feminists

Feminism is a sexual orientation, explains wannabe Men’s Rights philosopher with his head up his ass

Be careful, men — because feminists want your banana

A couple of weeks back, I wrote about Men’s Rights Inactivism — the almost complete inability of so many so-called Men’s Rights activists to actually do anything like real activism in the real world. I was inspired by a discussion on the Men’s RIghts subreddit in which numerous MRAs reacted with defensive anger after another MRA called them out on this notable failure.

antifeminism evil sexy ladies infighting memes misogyny MRA reddit

Monday memes: The Pro-Male Collective launches a war against feminists, tradcoms and the basic principles of graphic design

Meme posted on r/ProMaleMemes

Today, a brief tour of the Pro-Male memes subreddit, a tiny spinoff of the also tiny ProMaleCollective subreddit, and home to a dissident faction of Men’s RIghtsers that has declared war not only on traditional lMRA targets like feminists but also on most MRAs, whom the Pro-Male dismiss as a bunch of tradcons (traditional conservatives) who don’t hate feminism as much as the Pro-Malers think they should.

But the Pro-Malers share one thing in common with the MRAs they so often target with their memes: they are absolutely terrible at making memes.

antifeminism misogyny MRA reddit straw feminists

Lazy boys: Men’s Rights Activists really can’t stand being reminded of how little activism they do

Men’s Rights Activists: Hard at work or hardly working?

If you want to make a Men’s Rights Activist sputtering mad, try asking them if they’ve ever lifted a single solitary finger in the real world to help their fellow men. Because the overwhelming majority of them haven’t, and won’t.

a voice for men misogyny MRA violence

Bald Men and Donald Trump: The REAL victims of Will Smith’s slap?

You probably haven’t been wondering what good old A Voice for Men — yes, it’s still alive, if barely — has to say about Will Smith’s famous slap. But I’m going to tell you about it anyway, because I found it quite … educational?