So over on the Antifeminists subreddit, I found this guy, with a very specific set of worries about contemporary women, all of which seem to involve the specter of a man with a large penis and six-pack abs.
So over on the Antifeminists subreddit, I found this guy, with a very specific set of worries about contemporary women, all of which seem to involve the specter of a man with a large penis and six-pack abs.
Watch out, straight dudes! You may find yourself pining for a girlfriend, but find that there aren’t any on offer, because the lesbians have taken them all.
Today is a day of mourning and rage amongst those who believe in the rights of pregnant people. The Supreme Court ruling striking down Roe V. Wade is a massive step backward, and may presage similarly retrograde attacks on everything from contraception to gay marriage. It’s bad news all around.
Men’s Rights Activists have discovered a new entirely hypothetical danger — that evil feminists, mad about the end of Roe V Wade, will force the government to mandate vasectomies for all pubescent boys.
Men’s Rights Redditors think and hope that the verdict in Amber Heard’s defamation trial will end forever her career as an actor. They just hope that whatever she does in the future to make money will be as degrading as possible.
At one point in the Depp/Heard trial, Amber Heard referred to herself as an “actor,” instead of an “actress,” and some of the boys in the Antifeminists subreddit are evidently still pig-biting mad about it.
Here are some reactions to the Depp/Heard verdict collected from the Men’s Rights subreddit.
Every new bit of news out of Uvalde makes me angrier and more depressed.
Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fellow called Henry_Blair — the inventor of a replacement to feminism and the Men’s Rights movement called “Lovism” — has offered up a little manifesto with the less -than-grabby title “Women were given the message that immense privilege awaits them if they only cooperate with the feminist effort to depict men as an abuser-sex and women as a victim-sex.“
Most manosphere misogynists have a love-hate relationship with cosmetics for women — they love to hate them. As far as the typical MGTOW or Men’s Rights Redditor is concerned, makeup is a devious and deceptive tool women use to look prettier than they really are. Using makeup is akin to fraud, and probably should be outlawed or something.