In the wake of the Toronto van attacks, the mods on have apparently decided to hide some of the more incriminating discussions on the site. Like this little thread, which they deleted — but not before the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine grabbed a copy of it.
It’s not like any of you need any more reminders that incels are some of the worst people on planet earth, but here’s one anyway, in the form of a comment on from a dude who thinks that following 14-year-olds down the street in order to freak them the hell out is kinda fun and every incel should try it.
So here’s a screenshot floating around the internet that offers a sensible, common-sense solution to the problem of incels literally murdering people because they’re angry no hot women with have sex with them.
UPDATE: The CBC has confirmed with Facebook that Minassian’s post declaring himself an incel and hailing Elliot Rodger is real.Â
By David Futrelle
As I write this, it’s still not completely clear if Alek Minassian, the alleged driver of the van that killed ten pedestrians in Toronto yesterday in what appeared to be a very deliberate attack, is in fact a self-identified “involuntary celibate” trying to take revenge against the “Chads” and “Stacies” and other “normies” he blames for ruining his life — or if these reports are simply some sort of 4chan-style hoax.
It’s Saturday, and I’m feeling lazy, so I’m going to ignore all the frantic, sloppy tweets coming from Donald Trump’s bedroom at Mar-al-Lago and focus on the important non-Trump news of the day.
Men’s Rights Activists, Red Pillers, and so-called Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the possibly impending collapse of civilization. In the post-apocalyptic world they imagine, they’ll be the ones with the skills and supplies to survive, and the once-proud women who rejected them in the past will come groveling to them for help, desperate to trade their bodies for a can of beans.
I know I write a lot about incels on this blog. It’s not just because they’re such hateful and self-destructive shits; it’s also because they’re so perversely fascinating.