#gamergate zoe quinn

READ THIS: How Zoe Quinn's angry ex-boyfriend not only started what became #GamerGate but directed it behind the scenes

As Eron Gjoni sees it, the harassment Zoe Quinn has endured because of his actions isn't a big deal because she has a Patreon
As Eron Gjoni apparently sees it, the harassment Zoe Quinn has endured because of his actions isn’t a big deal because she has a Patreon account.

I‘m on a brief blog hiatus, but I wanted to direct your attention to idledillettante’s definitive account of how Eron Gjoni, Zoe Quinn’s vengeful ex-boyfriend, not only launched what became #GamerGate but has shaped and directed  it both in public and behind the scenes. And it’s all carefully documented with screenshots of Gjoni’s own words online — on 4chan, on Reddit, on Twitter, and on his own blog, often in direct violation of the restraining order that’s supposed to prohibit him talking about Quinn online.

Here’s idledilletante’s summary of the whole sordid story:

1. Eron knowingly promoted his tell-all blog post about Quinn on 4chan, knowing it was likely to cause harassment.

2. Rather than try to quell the harassment (As he might have you believe), Gjoni actually basked in the attention, to try and stir up even more agita against his ex.

3. Once confronted with his actions, Eron tried to distance himself from #gamergate, and move his involvement of Quinn behind the scenes. Unfortunately we have evidence of this string-pulling.

4. Eron’s fight against his restraining order is merely a continuation of the harassment he was already engaging in. If he wins his legal battle he’s likely to post even more private info about Quinn as a reward for his backers.

5. Gjoni has essentially ruined his good name in pursuit of this revenge quest. He knows this, and it makes him bitter that his plans to sideline Quinn in her own industry have backfired so spectacularly.

6. Gjoni sexually harasses women critical of him; especially when caught in a lie or backed into a corner logically. I find this a telling clue about his real attitude about women, although Gjoni claims to be a feminist.

But I suggest you read the whole thing; the details are creepy and revealing indeed.

#gamergate 8chan bullying conspiracy theory entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny transphobia

8channers defend themselves against charges of transphobia with more transphobia

Panning for poop on 8chan
Panning for poop on 8chan

Yesterday, I noted some of the nasty transphobia that had shown up in a recent /gg/ thread on 8chan, undercutting somewhat the claims to respectability we’ve been hearing a lot of from GamerGaters recently. Well, 8channers noticed my post, and weren’t exactly pleased about it.

But their responses to my post, well, they didn’t exactly suggest that the transphobia I saw in the earlier thread was some sort of fluke.

Oh, sure, some of the commenters complained, as my critics often do, that I had “quote mined” the earlier thread.

#gamergate 4chan 8chan advocacy of violence antifeminism entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs feminism grandiosity gross incompetence harassment hate speech hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny transphobia twitter

GamerGate plays Good Cop, Viciously Transphobic Cop

GamerGaters: You're not fooling anyone.
GamerGaters: You’re not fooling anyone.

#GamerGaters have been spending a lot of time lately trying to convince the world that they’re really quite reasonable people, actually, and that the “movement’s” reputation as a hotbed of hateful bullying is undeserved.

Today on 8Chan’s /gg/ board, for example, one enterprising anon announced the start of “OP FIREHEART,” a combination of “Operation Firefly + Operation Lonely Hearts.”

#gamergate 4chan 8chan a woman is always to blame anti-Semitism antifeminism comics creepy entitled babies evil SJWs gross incompetence literal nazis men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim zoe quinn

#GamerGate explained in 8 terrible, horrible, no good cartoons

Some people should probably not try to draw cartoons
Some people should probably not try to draw cartoons

Whoever said that a picture is worth a thousand words clearly hasn’t been looking at the artwork of #GamerGate — unless by “a thousand words” you mean the word “poop” repeated a thousand times.

Nonetheless, to honor the hard work of GamerGate’s unsung graphic heroes, and on the off chance that I might not be fully grasping the subtle meanings of these aesthetically impaired visionaries, I would like to present to you all today a series of [] incomprehensible GamerGate Cartoons, which I have collected from 8chan and Twitter and various other places I don’t even remember.

CONTENT WARNING: Cartoon violence, misogyny, raging anti-Semitism, really bad drawing.

#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism doubling down douchebaggery entitled babies feminism harassment homophobia imaginary oppression irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Former-#GamerGate-r (and continuing douchebag) Internet Aristocrat fights WAM! with slurs, abuse, dumb photoshops

Internet Aristocrat: Fighting corruption with targeted abuse
Internet Aristocrat: Fighting “corruption” with targeted abuse

YouTube garbage blabber Internet Aristocrat — you know, the guy that helped to kick off #GamerGate with the first video attacking Zoe Quinn but who’s since broken from the “movement” for reasons — has been working himself into a lather over Women, Action & the Media’s Twitter reporting initiative.

So he’s decided to take a principled stance against this terrible threat to free speech — or at least free speech that includes targeted abuse and bigoted slurs — by posting a series of detailed, logical essays elucidating the dange …

a voice for men bullying doubling down empathy deficit harassment hypocrisy misogyny MRA paul elam red pill transphobia

In which Paul Elam, alleged human rights champion, tells me to kill myself



 Paul Elam @AVoiceForMen  ·  2 hours ago  David Futrelle: Please kill yourself

So that was A Voice for Men founder Paul Elam’s response to a recent post of mine talking about Christopher Cantwell, an AVFM contributor who also likes to tell people to kill themselves.

In an AVFM post also titled David Futrelle: Please kill yourself, Elam waxed eloquent upon this theme:

David, please go kill yourself.

You should, however, before you slip away into the dark void that resembles your capacity for logic, consider that you may want to get out more. A lot more, actually.

“Please kill yourself,” in the context of Twitter and a lot of other internet exchanges is par for the course.

That is sadly true, Paul. I see that as a problem; you apparently see it as an excuse for the harassment and abuse you and your followers so enjoy heaping upon your opponents in the name of “Men’s Human Rights.”

Apparently, in Elam’s world, the best way to fight male suicide is by telling other men to kill themselves.

Oh, but one of Elam’s fans has an answer to that, too:

RedPillPhil ‏Futrelle isn’t a male so there’s no hypocrisy

Human rights advocates at work!

a new woman to hate a voice for men antifeminism douchebaggery entitled babies evil SJWs evo psych fairy tales harassment internet tough guy irony alert mansplaining misogyny MRA no girls allowed twitter

Woman slams sexist shirt; Twitter douchebags tell her to kill herself. Worst offender? A contributor to A Voice for Men

No girls allowed?
No girls allowed?

Very cool: We humans have landed a space probe on a goddamned comet!

Not cool:  when one European Space Agency dude gave an interview about the landing, he was wearing a shirt festooned with cheesecake images of scantily clad women.

Even less cool: when Atlantic magazine science writer Rose Eveleth pointed out that this choice of attire doesn’t exactly broadcast the message that women (other than scantily clad ones) are welcome in STEM, she received a torrent of abuse from angry Twitter dudes, including requests for her to kill herself.

The cherry atop this crap sundae? The nastiest Twitterer of the bunch, who not only went after Eveleth but her defenders as well, is a regular contributor to A Voice for Men.

#gamergate 8chan drama kings

It’s Veterans Day, #GamerGaters. Lay off the military imagery and remember those who fought in real wars


Today is Veterans Day in the US, a day to honor those who’ve served in the armed services. That is, real soldiers, who have fought in real wars.

As one person with a silly name but a good point wrote on Reddit:

There are many examples of military-themed calls to action and propagandizing in [Kotaku in Action, the main GamerGate subreddit] used to rally their users into a virtual “battle” against ideas that they don’t agree with. …

Today, take a step back and remember that very real people fought in very real battles and answered very real calls to action for their country. Today should serve as a sobering reminder of not only those who served, but also how ridiculous [GamerGaters] sound when they pretend that this is some type of war they are nobly fighting for when there are those who actually serve bravely for their country.

GamerGaters love comparing themselves to soldiers fighting a war against, well, whatever it is they think they’re fighting a war against.

harassment twitter

Twitter teams up with Women, Action, and the Media to target online harassers


Oh, Twitter, how I love you and hate you. On the one hand, Twitter can be a powerful grassroots organizing tool, a personalized media aggregator, a way to meet and interact with friends and colleagues, and of course one of the world’s most effective distributors of cute cat pics and fart jokes.

On the other, it can empower harassers — from individual stalkers to virtual mobs — and provide a way-too-easy way to send anonymous threats.

And unfortunately, Twitter hasn’t made much of an effort to deal with its abusive users. It can take days, weeks, sometimes months for the site’s harassment cops to do anything about persistent harassers, and all too often the suspended harassers pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and go right back to harassing their enemies with brand-new accounts — a blatant violation of Twitter’s rules that seems to be very seldom punished.

But there’s some good news on this front. Twitter is teaming up with Women, Action and the Media (WAM), a small feminist nonprofit, in a pilot program designed to fight this kind of harassment. WAM! has some experience here; this is the group that pressured Facebook into taking hate speech more seriously.

all about the menz douchebaggery harassment irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy PUA rape culture rhymes with roosh sexual assault sexual exploitation sexual harassment

Can the Julien Blanc problem be solved with … more patriarchy? One misogynistic douchebag says yes.

Patriarchy: Also good for protection against hell lizards.
Patriarchy: Also good for protection against hell lizards.

One favorite tool in the misogynist’s toolkit is the old “if women want to be protected from violent men it proves they need patriarchy” argument. It’s a rather silly argument, but those making it tend to do so with enormous smugness, feeling that they’ve got the ultimate “gotcha” to use against feminists.

Cast in point: A post today on Roosh V’s reliably horrendous Return of Kings blog arguing that, as its title puts it, “#TakeDownJulienBlanc Shows Feminists Need The Patriarchy To Protect Them.” Never mind that the woman-led campaign against the abusive pickup artist seems to be doing pretty well already.

“Well feminists, I’ve been waiting for this a long time, and it’s finally come,” the ROK contributor who calls himself runsonmagic writes. “I’ve been waiting for the day you’d ask us to bring back patriarchy.”