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Men oppressed by women not wanting to be stared at in the gym

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There’s apparently a new trend on TikTok in which women film and shame guys who stare at or stalk them in the gym. So naturally, the exquisitely sensitive souls of the Men’s Rights subreddit are convinced this is going to happen to them if they happen to so much as glance at a woman at the gym. In a recent thread on the subreddit, a number of these quietly oppressed men shared their thoughts and fears.

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Misogynistic backlash getting worse in France, new report finds

“Masculinist” attitudes are common among young French men

The misogynistic backlash isn’t confined to the Anglosphere. Indeed, a new report from France’s High Council for Equality between Women and Men finds “alarming” levels of sexism in French society, especially among the young.

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The loneliness of the long-distance Asian fetishist

It’s tough being an Asian fetishist in the west. Sorry, not an Asian fetishist. Just a guy who happens to have a crush on this Chinese girl at his school and who thinks that feminism has turned western women into “ungrateful assholes with shit personalit[ies], unlike the relatively innocent and uncorrupted young women of Japan and China.

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Baffled MRA asks: Given that we live in a gynocracy, how the heck was Roe v Wade overturned anyway?

Cognitive dissonance is a thing.

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Alpha males lose it over lesbian feminist M&Ms

Earlier this week, the Mars corporation set off another culture war skirmish by launching a new, all-female package of M&Ms as a way of showing some sort of candy-related solidarity with the women of the world. “We’re celebrating women who are flipping the status quo, transforming the world around them to make it a more colorful and welcoming place for all,” the company declared.

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Study finds that some women work much harder than men; Men’s Rightsers have a fit

On Monday, The Conversation ran an article by two anthropologists titled “Women work harder than men – our anthropological study reveals why.”

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Men’s Rights activists are getting psyched up about artificial wombs again, hoping they will render feminism obsolete

Men! Grow your own baby in a tube to fight misandry

Artificial wombs are in the news again, not because they’re an actual thing for humans but because some guy made a video suggesting that soon they will be. Filmmaker and biotechnologist Hashem Al-Ghaili has put together a CGI-heavy fake ad for an imaginary “birthing facility” in which 30,000 fetuses could be simultaneously gestated in spiffy plastic pods.

antifeminism misandry reddit

D’oh! Homer Simpson’s idiocy oppresses men, Men’s Rights Redditor explains

Homer Simpson: Not very bright

It’s an old comedic trope: Bumbling husband, sensible wife. From the Honeymooners to King of Queens, this trope is played out in countless sitcoms, old and (relatively) new. And no sitcom husband is quite so bumbling — and just plain dumb — as Homer Simpson, who couldn’t say or do a smart thing to save his life.

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Eliminate single women by getting rid of office jobs, the Federalist advises

Sorry, ladies! No more office work for you

Yesterday we looked at the ongoing Republican tantrum about single women–who went for Dems nearly 70 percent of the time in the midterms. Now one bold conservative revanchist has a bold plan to eliminate this democratic advantage–by eliminating single women.

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Only “moist holes” would call a man an incel, Men’s Rights Redditor argues

No, you!

So Men’s Rights Redditors are complaining about being called incels again.