#gamergate 8chan a woman is always to blame antifeminism entitled babies evil SJWs flip flops imaginary backwards land misogyny post contains sarcasm sarkeesian! self-congratulation twitter

Super Fun Anita Sarkeesian Pop Quiz

GamerGate may have to retire this bit of propaganda.
GamerGate may have to retire this bit of propaganda.

Today, a quick quiz to see how closely you’ve been following controversies in the world of video gaming.  Well, a quiz that’s sort of been shoehorned into a poll. The correct answer(s) come after the bump. Enjoy!

#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism attention seeking entitled babies evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam

Men's Rights elder Paul Elam to #GamerGaters: Pay attention to MEEEEE!

I don't think you're going to make it, dude
I don’t think you’re going to make it, dude

Pity poor Paul Elam! The Men’s Rights elder has spent, by his estimation, nearly half of his life ranting and raving against the supposed evils of feminism, and for what?

The movement he claims to lead has had no tangible victories in the real world beyond sullying its own name; traffic at his website has stalled out; and his latest publicity stunt – appropriating the name of the White Ribbon antiviolence campaign for his own dubious ends – has put him and/or his allies at legal risk without garnering him much of the attention he clearly craves.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery dark enlightenment domestic violence evil women excusing abuse f. roger devlin men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men patriarchy racism whaaaaa?

Manosphere philosopher F. Roger Devlin asks: "Is the Violence Against Women Act an attempt to get back at men for their failure to put women in their place?"

I don't get it either.
I don’t get it either.

You may remember woman-hating white nationalist F. Roger Devlin as the guy who invented “hypergamy” – or at least the misogynistic cartoon version of the concept popular in Men’s Rights and other “red pill” subcultures.

Well, Devlin also has some thoughts on domestic violence, and they make even less sense.

#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism creepy entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil SJWs friend zone gamebros hypocrisy imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA nice guys okcupid oppressed white men playing the victim reactionary bullshit reddit twitter

#GamerGate's new champion is a wax replica of Patrick Bateman who thinks gamers are a bunch of dateless nerds

Actual unretouched photo of Mytheos Holt, #GamerGate's new champion
Actual unretouched photo of Mytheos Holt, #GamerGate’s new champion

Watch out, Milo Yiannopoulos, you’ve got competition! #GamerGate has a new journalistic champion — and this one, like Milo, seems to have come straight from central casting, a virtual embodiment of every snooty reactionary preppie stereotype from every bad 80s movie.

A libertarian think tanker and erstwhile journalist with the unlikely name of Mytheos Holt, this new contender has one great advantage over young Milo: as you can see in the photo above, which I have not photoshopped in any way, he appears to be made entirely of wax — which means that unless someone accidentally sets him near a heater he will last forever.

a new woman to hate a voice for men antifeminism douchebaggery entitled babies evil SJWs evo psych fairy tales harassment internet tough guy irony alert mansplaining misogyny MRA no girls allowed twitter

Woman slams sexist shirt; Twitter douchebags tell her to kill herself. Worst offender? A contributor to A Voice for Men

No girls allowed?
No girls allowed?

Very cool: We humans have landed a space probe on a goddamned comet!

Not cool:  when one European Space Agency dude gave an interview about the landing, he was wearing a shirt festooned with cheesecake images of scantily clad women.

Even less cool: when Atlantic magazine science writer Rose Eveleth pointed out that this choice of attire doesn’t exactly broadcast the message that women (other than scantily clad ones) are welcome in STEM, she received a torrent of abuse from angry Twitter dudes, including requests for her to kill herself.

The cherry atop this crap sundae? The nastiest Twitterer of the bunch, who not only went after Eveleth but her defenders as well, is a regular contributor to A Voice for Men.

#gamergate 8chan drama kings

It’s Veterans Day, #GamerGaters. Lay off the military imagery and remember those who fought in real wars


Today is Veterans Day in the US, a day to honor those who’ve served in the armed services. That is, real soldiers, who have fought in real wars.

As one person with a silly name but a good point wrote on Reddit:

There are many examples of military-themed calls to action and propagandizing in [Kotaku in Action, the main GamerGate subreddit] used to rally their users into a virtual “battle” against ideas that they don’t agree with. …

Today, take a step back and remember that very real people fought in very real battles and answered very real calls to action for their country. Today should serve as a sobering reminder of not only those who served, but also how ridiculous [GamerGaters] sound when they pretend that this is some type of war they are nobly fighting for when there are those who actually serve bravely for their country.

GamerGaters love comparing themselves to soldiers fighting a war against, well, whatever it is they think they’re fighting a war against.

#gamergate 8chan cultural marxism drama kings dramatic reading entitled babies evil SJWs grandiosity irony alert narcissism none dare call it conspiracy YouTube

This tribute to "the millions of gaming dead" is the most ridiculously overblown GamerGate video you may ever see

Today, the most pretentious, and also probably the most ridiculous GamerGate video I’ve seen so far.

Over black-and-white footage of assorted video game shooters, the YouTuber who calls himself PowerIndustry tries to provide a bit of inspiration to his comrades in the virtual trenches who have chosen, as he puts it, to “stand and fight.”

For those who can’t make it through the whole nine minutes– and there may be more than a few of you – here’s Mr. PI’s basic argument.

#gamergate 8chan men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny transphobia

Inside #GamerGate's super seekrit plan to take over Tumblr with cute cat pics and Vivian James

Actually, it's about ethics in cynical Tumblr takeover plots
Actually, it’s about ethics in cynical Tumblr takeover plots

GamerGaters claim they’re on the side of truth and righteousness, but they sure do love monologuing like cartoon villains.

They claim to be shocked by alleged evidence of journalistic collusion, yet they happily plot strategies and “operations” together both in secret and in broad daylight. They claim to be about ethics, but regularly employ not-so-subtle subterfuge to try to disguise their carefully coordinated propaganda campaigns as spontaneous uprisings.

This week, GamerGaters on 8chan launched a new “operation” to win over the hearts and minds of the masses on Tumblr. And it’s as ethically bankrupt as anything they’ve ever done.

Operation Firefly, as it’s officially known, is an attempt to take the GamerGate “fight” to a “new frontier.” Tumblr.  As the originator of the initiative explains it in a somewhat less-than-stirring manifesto:

#gamergate 4chan a woman is always to blame anti-Semitism antifeminism conspiracy theory creepy doubling down emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies gamebros irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim post contains sarcasm zoe quinn

Actually, it's about Zoe Quinn. The midwife of #GamerGate has no regrets.


Do you remember when #GamerGate was young? You know, back before #NotYourShield and Vivian James and bizarrely complicated conspiracy theories involving Gawker, Weird Twitter and some sort of international Jewish conspiracy?

Remember when #GamerGate was still called #BurgersAndFries, and the angry gamebro army was focused on the real enemy of all that is good and true – a young game designer by the name of Zoe Quinn?

If you’ve been feeling nostalgic for those good old days, you’re in luck. A sprawling blog post by a female friend of Quinn’s obsessive, accusatory ex-boyfriend Eron Gjoni takes us back to the dog days of August when his even more sprawling thezoepost was unleashed upon the world.

#gamergate 4chan 8chan a woman is always to blame antifeminism creepy evil SJWs hamstering imaginary backwards land literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sarkeesian! threats twitter

Why are #GamerGaters so quick to excuse an anti-Semitic caricature of Anita Sarkeesian that's literally derived from Nazi propaganda?

The other day, I posted a screenshot of an 8chan comment featuring the drawing above, a crude caricature of Anita Sarkeesian that’s a not-very-subtle variation on a racist and anti-Semitic cartoon that originally ran in a neo-Nazi newspaper.

Here’s the original, in all its crapitude: