If you want to make a Men’s Rights Activist sputtering mad, try asking them if they’ve ever lifted a single solitary finger in the real world to help their fellow men. Because the overwhelming majority of them haven’t, and won’t.
If you want to make a Men’s Rights Activist sputtering mad, try asking them if they’ve ever lifted a single solitary finger in the real world to help their fellow men. Because the overwhelming majority of them haven’t, and won’t.
Women sure do love drama, amirite fellas?
That, in a nutshell, is one Men’s Rights Redditor’s explanation for the popularity of feminism amongst women. These women don’t give a shit about abstract ideas like equality and justice; they just get a rush from playing the victim and pushing feminism on hapless men.
It’s hard to overestimate the degree to which Men’s Rights Activists cause their own problems. Consider this tale of workplace woe, in which a man paranoid about “me too” accusations manages to completely alienate a new employee whose only crime was to offer him a hug.
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So this is definitely one of the stranger posts I’ve ever seen on the Men’s Rights subreddit, which is really saying something, and I’m inclined to say that it’s all bullshit. I mean, I don’t necessarily doubt the body dysmorphia; I doubt the explanation. And I suspect you will too.
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time here at WHTM! If you’re a fan of this blog, please help fund its continued existence by clicking the button below. THANKS!
The slogan of the antifeminsts subreddit is “Exposing the truth about Feminism.” But I’ve been poking around in there a bit and all they really “expose” on a regular basis is that a lot of the subredddit regulars can’t tell the difference between real feminism and obvious jokes or trolling.
As you might have noticed, this site has not been on its best behavior lately; there have been slowdowns, 504 errors, outages. Well, with the help of am internet maven who was very generous with her time and expertise, we’re now back on track. And on a shiny new server. So hopefully things will be running a bit more smoothly from here on out, though there may be a few glitches as we settle in on the new server. There are a few formatting things i need to fix as well.
Well, you’ve got to admit that he gets right to the point.
I examined some of his posting history on Reddit, and determined that 1) he’s not a troll, just a huge jerk, and 2) he does indeed love big boobs.
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ProMaleMemes, with its 148 subscribers, is not the most popular of the Men’s Rightsy subreddits. It’s not just unpopular compared with the original Men’s Rights subreddit, with its 319,488 subscribers; it’s even a bit of a laggard compared with the subreddit that spawned it, the also-highly-unpopular ProMaleCollective subreddit, with its 4608 subscribers.
Today in exceedingly inapt historical comparisons we have a rather incredible comment on the Men’s Rights subreddits suggesting a parallel between so-called “woke culture” and … the Chinese Cultural revolution, which you might remember as a terrifying cultural crusade in the name of Marxist purity that tore apart countless families and left perhaps as many as twenty million people dead.
I saw this in the Men’s RIghts subreddit the other day and I almost wept with joy. Because here, in the wild, was a man mansplaining mansplaining.to feminists.