$MONEY$ a voice for men antifeminism Dean Esmay doubling down entitled babies gross incompetence gullibility internecine warfare men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam the c-word

His popularity waning, Paul Elam tells MRAs who hate him that he doesn’t want them anyway

I can't HEAR you!
I can’t HEAR you!

It’s not exactly news, at least to long-time readers of this site, that A Voice for Men’s tinpot dictator Paul Elam can’t take criticism — especially when it comes from fellow Men’s Rights activists.

But who knew Elam was so allergic to criticism that he would declare that MRAs who expressed any sort of uneasiness with that embarrassing video he posted to YouTube earlier this week, featuring a drunken Elam and a small group of equally drunken acolytes making crude sexual remarks about two prominent feminist writers, were a bunch of “cowards, cunts [and] concern trolls” who would no longer be welcome at AVFM.

antifeminism antifeminist women creepy evil human females misogyny red pill red pill women reddit sexy robot ladies

Red Pill women now recommending the Stepford Wives as role models

You will be assimilated
You will be assimilated

So one of the inhabitants of the Red Pill Women subreddit — devoted not to pickup artistry but to cultivating a regressive kind of femininity —  has found an unusual source for inspiration. She’s been reading a novel from the early 1970s that contrasts a brash young woman influenced by the “women’s libbers” of the day with a group of more traditionally minded wives living in a certain (fictional) suburb.

antifeminism crackpottery drama kings grandiosity mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men post contains jokes reddit

Reddit MRA: If we let feminism “win,” they’ll throw all men in prison and use them for breeding. Then Muslims will take over.

Wait a minute! All this already happened ... in 1992!
Wait a minute! All this already happened … in 1992!

I learn a lot from reading the Men’s Rights subreddit. For example, I learned today that feminism can’t win, because it’s impossible, but that if it does win, feminists will throw all of us men into prison and use us for breeding. Though they won’t actually be able to throw us in prison. Then Muslims will take over, unless they don’t.

Let’s let the fella who calls himself 192873982 explain, because reading back over that last paragraph, I have to say it doesn’t seem to make much sense:

#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs grandiosity harassment literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Psy-Ops and Stealth Infiltration: The Protocols of the Elders of Roosh

Roosh V's role model?
Roosh V’s role model?

It was a tad ironic, to put to mildly: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that famously phony anti-Semitic “document” purporting to provide the details of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy straight from the Elders themselves, not only helped to inspire and rationalize the vicious Nazi campaign against the Jewish people; it provided the Nazis with a blueprint for their own underhanded actions.

“The Protocols was required reading for the Hitler Youth,” Stephen Eric Bronner notes in A Rumor About the Jews, his history of The Protocols.

#gamergate a woman is always to blame all about the menz antifeminism crackpottery entitled babies evil overpriced women gloating grandiosity marriage strike men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with men ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit

Milo Yiannopoulos: “Nutty broads” made me gay, and will drive most men to sexbots

Hey Ladies! Did Michelangelo paint this to impress some chick?
Hey Ladies! Did Michelangelo paint this to impress some chick?

Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart “journalist” and full-time GamerGate panderer, has weighed in on the topic of the day amongst woman-hating dudes: sexbots, and how non-robot women are going to be so sorry when men desert them en masse for sexy, uncomplaining lady robots.

His 1800-word post on the subject covers pretty much all of the standard manosphere talking points on the coming sexbot utopia for men; he even manages to quote (approvingly, of course) our old friend Heartiste, the woman-hating white-supremacist pickup guru.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism evil human females men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA reddit sexy robot ladies

Feminists are stealing our sexbots, Men’s Rights Redditors warn

They're coming for your hypothetical future sexbots!
They’re coming for your hypothetical future sexbots!

Reddit MRAs are all in a tizzy about the evil feminist plot to deprive them of sexbots that don’t yet exist.

Playing the part of “the feminists” in this scenario: two European robot ethicists — that is, two human beings who study the ethical issues raised by robotics — who have launched what they call a Campaign Against Sex Robots. Their concern? That sex robots will “contribute to inequalities in society” and “further objectif[y] women and children.”

a voice for men antifeminism creepy Dean Esmay douchebaggery entitled babies facepalm harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats oppressed white men paul elam post contains sarcasm rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill taking pleasure in women's pain that's not funny! vaginas YouTube

VIDEO: Go Home, Men’s Rights Movement, You’re Drunk. (Seriously, folks, watch this one.)

Is the Men’s Rights Movement a bunch of middle-aged creeps obsessed with the sexuality of women young enough to be their daughters?

Judging from this video, shot at the first A Voice for Men “family reunion,” the answer is “yes.” Also, the Men’s Rights movement is drunk.

a voice for men antifeminism crackpottery dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about facebook facepalm gross incompetence internet tough guy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men post contains jokes rape culture reactionary bullshit straw feminists whaaaaa?

There’s No Stealing a Red Car … or Violence Against Women: More Bizarre Memes from AVFM

Take that, the literally zero people who have ever made this argument!
Take that, the literally zero people who have ever made this argument!

So it turns out that Toronto poster promoting A Voice for Men (by snottily taking down to women) wasn’t actually an official AVFM production. Or at least it probably wasn’t.

Even the folks at AVFM are a little unsure on that point. But one thing is clear: AVFM thinks the poster is AWESOME!

Here’s what amounts to an official statement on the subject, from AVFM’s Facebook page

a voice for men antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA straw feminists the eternal solipsism of the MRA mind the poster revolution has begun

Hey Ladies! Is this pathetic poster A Voice for Men’s response to threats against Toronto feminists? [UPDATED]

Masters of public relations at work
Masters of public relations at work

UPDATE: This poster (apparently) isn’t an official AVFM poster, but they have endorsed it. See bottom of post for details.

Is the appearance of this poster at a Toronto train station an example of inadvertently terrible timing, or an act of astounding assholery?

The poster in question was spotted at Toronto Transit’s Ossington station yesterday, a day after reports of online threats against University of Toronto women hit the media. Classy, AVFM, classy!

advocacy of violence antifeminism elliot rodger misogyny oppressed men terrorism threats

U of Toronto on edge after online commenter urges men to “start firing bullets into these feminists at your nearest Women’s Studies classroom”

Robarts Library at the University of Toronto
Robarts Library at the University of Toronto

The University of Toronto is on edge in the wake of online comments urging a mass shooting of feminists.

Last week, an anonymous online commenter on BlogTO urged men to “rent a gun from a gang and start firing bullets into these feminists at your nearest Women’s Studies classroom.”

Here’s one of the threats, screencapped by a woman who posted it on Twitter and alerted police: