Men’s Rights Activists have scored yet another major victory over the imaginary feminists who live in their heads. On Facebook today, the moderator of the A Voice for Men page asks a question that no straw feminist can answer:
Men’s Rights Activists have scored yet another major victory over the imaginary feminists who live in their heads. On Facebook today, the moderator of the A Voice for Men page asks a question that no straw feminist can answer:
Yesterday, we took a look at some completely ridiculous “Selfish Feminist” memes, based on the premise that women adopt feminism because that way they can reap all sorts of nifty benefits without having to work as hard as men, most notably the FREE DINNERS they constantly con poor schmucks into paying for. (Allegedly.)
In today’s slightly delayed Memeday post, we’re going to be looking at the “selfish feminist” meme, a variation of the good old “hypocritical feminist” meme that’s based on the notion that selfish, spoiled women adopt feminism in order to score equal pay without equal work — and in the greatest crime against humanity ever known — without ever having to pay for dinner.
Paul Elam may have sort of abandoned his Men’s Rights lady hatin’ website A Voice for Men — he announced his retirement from the Men’s Rights movement back in March — but his longtime fans will certainly be relieved to hear that he has not given up the lady hatin’ that made him the internet-famous man he is today.
But now he’s working some racism into the mix.
A couple of days ago, our old friend Stefan Molyneux– the garrulous, absurdly misogynistic YouTube philosopher king — chatted for an hour with Ingrid Carlqvist, a Swedish, er, journalist who has found many fans in the alt-right for her hateful attacks on Muslim refugees.
Over on the technically still alive Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, our old friend August Løvenskiolds deposits a piece of “political analysis” that is so completely contrary to fact and logic and basic historical understanding that we might call it a Wrongness Onion — no matter how many layers of wrongness you pull off of it, there are still more layers lurking underneath.
Last week, semi-professional internet instigator Andrea Hardie treated the world to a rather spectacular Twitter flameout, in which she hurled racist abuse against Beyonce’s allegedly “feral” and “animalistic” fans, and threatened to murder several of them, telling one that “I would love to bolt your ugly face to the roof of my car.”
And we’re back! In this Memeday Rewind, which is something I just came up with as a way to do a followup to my Memeday post on Friday, let’s return again to that awful Feminist Nazi meme — a meme intended to highlight alleged feminist hypocrisies, but which invariably ends up highlighting the meme-makers’ complete and utter ignorance of the subject.