I learn so many things by reading Reddit on the regular. Here are a few historical insights I picked up on the Antifeminist subreddit today.
I learn so many things by reading Reddit on the regular. Here are a few historical insights I picked up on the Antifeminist subreddit today.
GQ Magazine just dropped a massive 7000-word article on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and to hear the reactions of some of her haters it’s as if it had been dropped directly on their toes.
A prominent retired bishop in the Greek Orthodox church — known honorifically as the Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Dodoni — has caused a bit of a stir with some bizarre comments about rape.
So Men’s Rights Redditors are pitching another fit about the alleged evils of OnlyFans, and a fellow called SportsNutJob has some deep thoughts on the matter.
Johnny Depp stans are feeling restless. Two and a half months after their idol’s big win in the Depp/Heard defamation case, the stans are patrolling the internet looking for people being disrespectful towards their boy — or saying anything positive about their sworn enemy Amber Heard.
It’s always handy, during a political or cultural or even just a regular war war, to have a good derogatory name to call your opponents. During World War I, the allies called the Germans “Huns” — as in “Atilla the,” not “huns, could you pass the butter, thanks babe.”
I haven’t done a sexbot post in a while, but you can rest assured that the MRAs and antifeminists are still obsessed with the idea of making women obsolete with new technologies, in particular new technologies that have titties and can fuck.
Fellas! I mean, straight ones! Do you ever find yourself checking out a cute gal in the melon department in the supermarket and you want to ask her out but you’re not sure if she’s a feminist, which is important because you definitely don’t want to date one of those?
At one point in the Depp/Heard trial, Amber Heard referred to herself as an “actor,” instead of an “actress,” and some of the boys in the Antifeminists subreddit are evidently still pig-biting mad about it.
Here are some reactions to the Depp/Heard verdict collected from the Men’s Rights subreddit.