alt-right anti-Semitism grandiosity irony alert literal nazis trump

Tila Tequila brings D-list celebrity glamour to Alt-Right conference in DC this weekend

Tila Tequila is a bisexual former reality TV star of Vietnamese descent whose stage name incorporates the name of an alcoholic beverage made in Mexico. She’s also a Hitler-loving Alt-Right Trump fan who likes to joke about the Holocaust.

"ethics" aggrieved entitlement alt-right daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies grandiosity literal nazis matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men return of kings trump

Matt Forney urges fellow racists to apply for jobs with Trump in order to make leftists sad

Donald Trump’s appointments to his administration so far suggest that he’s building a “team of racists,” as Jonathan Chait of New York magazine has put it. Naturally, Trump’s many fans on the far right are thrilled.

advocacy of violence alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism breitbart daily stormer domestic violence empathy deficit entitled babies literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny trump

Daily Stormer: Hail Steve Bannon as the new king of “bitch-slapping Jew-haters”

Sleazy bigot Steve Bannon, the former Breitbart boss who Donald Trump wants as his chief White House strategist, isn’t terribly popular in Washington at the moment. But he’s getting a lot of support from the white supremacists he pandered to at Breitbart — from former Klan leader David Duke; from Richard Spencer, the guy who came…

alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape culture recommended reading trump

Donald Trump ticks all 14 boxes in Umberto Eco’s list of what makes a fascist a fascist

One of the most perceptive analyses of Trump and his followers was written more than two decades ago. I’m talking, of course, of Umberto Eco’s oft-discussed essay on what he calls Ur Fascism or Eternal Fascism, his attempt to set forth the central features that define Fascism. I reread it today for the umpteenth time, and was…

alpha males alt-right antifeminism hypergamy irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny racism rape rape culture reddit

What do women want? “Some stupid savage to breed them,” Reddit MGTOW explains

The Pledge Drive continues! If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below!  Thanks! At long last, Freud’s famous question “what do women want” has been definitively answered. By some dude on Reddit.

alt-right anti-Semitism attention seeking crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever pandering racism vox day

Vox Day declares Nazism “semiotically useful,” specifies which kind of Jew is ok to him

Racism can be so confusing! Consider the case of everyone’s favorite racist dickhead fantasy author, Theodore “Vox Day” Beale. Ever since he discovered, two years ago, that his DNA contained enough Native American blood “to qualify for membership in most Indian tribes,” Beale has been using these DNA results to do a sort of end-run…

alt-right antifeminism creepy literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever oppressed white men racism

Looking for love with all the wrong racists: Neo-Nazis offer dating tips

Say what you want about the tenets of Internet Nazism, at least it offers lovelorn white supremacists handy dating advice.

anti-Semitism homophobia infighting ironic nazis irony alert Islamophobia milo racism

Twitterbanned gay Jew Milo Yiannopoulos still having trouble winning over Internet Nazis

Pity poor Milo Yiannopoulos! It turns out that his Twitter ban isn’t the only painful public rejection that Breitbart’s bully “journalist” has been dealing with this convention week. No, he’s also having more than a little bit of trouble with some of the Internet Nazis he’s been trying so hard to woo.

alt-right irony alert literal nazis

Daily Stormer declares bloody Sacramento rally the first big victory in “the dawning race war”

The quarterly WHTM Pledge Drive continues! If you appreciate this blog, and can afford it, please click the “donate” button below. Thanks! America’s home-grown fascists are still giddy that some of their own managed to stab a bunch of leftists during the miniature riot that broke out at the Traditionalist Worker Party rally in Sacramento on Sunday.


10 injured, 5-7 stabbed at Neo-Nazi rally in Sacramento; group behind rally led by Trump superfan Matthew Heimbach

The Pledge Drive continues! If you appreciate this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below and send some bucks my way!  Thanks! Violent clashes broke out between neo-Nazis and protesters at a rally in Sacramento today organized by the Traditionalist Worker Party, a group headed by Matthew Heimbach. Seven people have reportedly been…