creepy evil women men who should not ever be with women ever nice guys threats

How to creep out the entire internet, lovelorn banker edition

Dating can be tough. It can be especially tough if your personality is a mixture of petulance and insecurity. And even tougher if you think you can argue someone who’s not interested in you into a second date with an angry, accusatory, sometimes hilarious, sometimes deeply unsettling 1600-word email. And no, I’m not speaking hypothetically…

alpha males cannibalism douchebaggery feminism man boobz review misogyny patriarchy violence against men/women

Man Boobz review: Lucky McKee’s The Woman

I wrote earlier this year about the controversy swirling around Lucky McKee’s film The Woman. After a midnight showing at Sundance last January, one angry man in the audience stood up and denounced the film as a “disgusting movie” that “degrades women.” Given McKee’s nuanced treatment of gender issues in his previous films May and…

evil women life before feminism MGTOW misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles sexy robot ladies

Johnny Appleseed: A Man Going His Own Way?

So yesterday I quoted some random Spearheader who described women (well, white women in particular) as “complete parasitical whores roaming the landscape spreading VD like Johnny Appleseed and fucking men over.” One reader wondered if Mr. Appleseed really went about spreading VD. So I did a little research, and it turns out that it is…

antifeminism antifeminst women douchebaggery misogyny MRA MRA paradox penises reddit video

Reddit’s TwoXChromosomes subreddit overrun with angry dudes

As “activists,” Men’s Rights Activists seem to be good at only two things: harassing people, and flooding comment sections of websites with their endlessly repeated half-dozen talking points. On Reddit, for example, the local MRAs have been quite the little imperialists, invading a number of gender-related subreddits (like r/equality and r/egalitarian) and turning them essentially…

antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men

BREAKING: Irene coverage pre-empts Glenn Beck radio show, MarkyMark annoyed

It seems the evil feminist-controlled media is ignoring a critical aspect of the Hurricane Irene story: the monster hurricane’s effect on the intrepid Man Going His Own Way who calls himself MarkyMark. More specifically, the effect it had on his radio listening pleasure. MarkyMark, who lives somewhere on the East Coast away from the areas…

antifeminism antifeminst women bullying evil women oppressed men rape rapey reactionary bullshit sluts

Slutwalkers and Saints

The SlutWalks have not just driven many MRAs to distraction; they’ve also driven one of the bloggers at the Gates of Vienna to set aside her usual Islam-bashing for a few moments to take on the awful bullies marching in the SlutWalks. Yes, bullies, for how else can we describe young women who go out…

antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men pussy cartel rape rapey reactionary bullshit sluts

Are false rape accusations the fault of feminism?

If you thought the “meat market” guy from a couple of days ago – you know, the one prattling on about the “market makers of pussy” —  was risibly wrongheaded, here’s an even more insidious attempt to reduce the complexities of human sexuality to a question of “supply and demand.” Over on The False Rape…

creepy evil women misogyny patriarchy reactionary bullshit vaginas

The Life Zone: If Saw and Human Centipede had a baby

Three young women wake up, confused and terrified, in a room that looks like a cross between a normal hospital room and the creepy underground lair of some mad scientist from a horror movie. A video screen flickers on and a creepy older man, looking a bit like Academy-award-nominee Robert Loggia, appears on it, telling…

evil women feminism men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men rape rapey violence against men/women white knights woman's suffrage

Using the myth of the “Pussy Pass” to justify rape and murder

Quite a few MRAs and MGTOWers seem to have have convinced themselves that women rarely if ever serve real time, or face any real consequences, for committing crimes. In the parlance of the manosphere, this is known as the “Pussy Pass.” Now, this is, of course, almost complete bullshit. Why the “almost?” Because women do…

antifeminism life before feminism that's not funny!

Life Before Feminism: When a Woman’s at the Wheel …

Men’s Rightsers and MGTOWers regularly lament what they see as the baleful influence of feminism on everyday life and popular culture. So it’s perhaps worth reminding people what things were really like before modern – that is, second and third wave – feminism. Second-wave feminism was in its infancy in 1970 when this charming Goodyear…