makeup is a lie MGTOW misogyny

“Make-up is for psychopaths,” explains angry MGTOW in intermittently ALL-CAPS rant

Ugly woman deceiving men with makeup

MGTOWs have a bit of a thing about makeup, which they consider a dastardly way for ugly women to fool men into thinking they’re hot. MGTOWs dismiss makeup-wearing women as con artists and “spineless, mindless c*nts.” Some MGTOWS even think women should be denied equal rights until they give up the lipstick and eyeliner; others argue that the makeup-wearers are destroying the gene pool by flooding it with their ugly DNA.

cringe misogyny red pill

How to use hickeys to dominate your women, according to some Red Pill Redditor

Score! This will increase my sexual market value for sure

Over on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, they’re talking about hickeys. More specifically, they’re talking about how alpha men like themselves can strategically use any hickeys they come to possess as a tool to impress the ladies.

bad science incels misogyny transphobia

Incels agree: Trans men are “the stupidest people on earth” for giving up their female privilege

Incels, confused as always

Add “trans men” to the long and ever-growing list of things that incels just don’t understand.

men who should not ever be with women ever red pill

Red Piller finds the perfect girlfriend. There’s just one problem: She’s (gasp!) 30

Typical 30-year-old woman, according to the Red Pill

Good news, everyone! One lucky Red Pill Redditor has found the girl of his dreams.

MRA TERFs transmisogyny transphobia

Men’s Rights activist tries to convince fellow MRAs that trans people “are our most valuable allies.” It doesn’t go well.

La la la, I can’t hear you

Transphobe activists like to flip words around to serve their peculiar political purposes. Unwilling to call trans women trans women, they invert the gender and label them “Trans-Identified males,” which (according to the twisted transphobe logic) makes everyone who supports trans women into “Men’s Rights Activists.”

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about MGTOW misogyny

MGTOWs debate the best way to “Red Pill” 14-year-old boys

Getting them while they’re young

It’s depressing to think that some Men Going Their Own Way have children. It must be awful for their daughters to have to deal with such floridly misogynistic dads, and the situation isn’t that much better for the sons who have to endure hateful and unhelpful “red pill” prothletizing during their formative years.


A note for regular readers of this blog

Just a note to let you all know why I haven’t been posting. My mother died last Friday. I hope to begin posting again soon, but right now I’m taking it a day at a time.

bad science hetsplaining homophobia lesbians don't real red pill

Reddit Red Pillers ask the important question: Are lesbians real?

Red Pillers see themselves as serious, scientific students of the human condition, helping one another make sense of the sometimes hard truths of human nature. In the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, they deal forthrightly with important questions about life and how to live it. Like: What do I do if my girlfriend insists on walking in front of me? Is playing piano a beta cuck activity? And perhaps the most perplexing question of all: Are lesbians real?

mansplaining misogyny NoFap precious bodily fluids

Reddit NoFappers explain why women are like bees

So the guys over in the Semen Retention subreddit — a more hardcore spinoff of the larger NoFap subreddit — are discussing the mysteries of female nature, as weirdo misogynists are wont to do. Specifically, the guys are trying to explain to one another why men often seem socially awkward, while women seem like naturals who can easily get along with anyone.

homophobia MGTOW misogyny toxic masculinity transphobia

Gucci releases a dress for men to challenge “toxic masculinity.” MGTOWs respond with … toxic masculinity

Yes, he’s also wearing pants

Gucci has inserted itself into the culture war by releasing a weirdly dowdy dress for men at the low, low price of $2600 a pop. The dress, more a publicity stunt for the brand than an actual product anyone will ever buy, is said to be a challenge to “toxic masculinity.”