alt-lite alt-right antifeminism antifeminist women cuck cuckolding empathy deficit entitled babies evil wives hypergamy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA paul elam PUA reactionary bullshit red pill reddit rollo tomassi roosh v Stefan Molyneux

“Paternity Fraud is Evolutionary Rape and Murder,” and might itself JUSTIFY MURDER, argues dude high on manosphere fumes

By David Futrelle Manosphere men are obsessed with the idea that women are naturally unfaithful, willing and eager to cheat on their husbands or boyfriends with any alpha male that happens to glance in their direction — a female proclivity these guys like to call “hypergamy,” a highfalutin word borrowed from anthropology and radically redefined…

/pol/ 4chan advocacy of violence Alek Minassian alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism AntiFa empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-rejecting ladies gab harassment incels intellectual dork web ironic nazis Islamophobia jordan "slappy" peterson literal nazis mass killing mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men playing the victim racism rape rape culture rape is good actually terrorism TROOOOLLLL?

“Jack Corbin,” online pal of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, wants to force “Attractive Left Wing Traitor Women” to pay “sexual reparations” to incels

CORRECTION: The original version of this post contained a picture of someone who was not “Jack Corbin.” I have removed it. My apologies. By David Futrelle Fascist shitposter “Jack Corbin” — a serial harasser of antifascist activists and a onetime online buddy of Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers — thinks he’s found a solution to the problem…

racism trump

Trump cornered: Thoughts on the Democratic victory and the enormous dangers ahead

By David Futrelle We won yesterday, and won big. It might not feel like much of a victory, because we lost some Senate seats and a couple of longshot races that I and a lot of other people had half-convinced ourselves we were going to win. It might not seem like much of a victory…

anti-Semitism citation needed civility Dunning–Kruger effect false flag memes none dare call it conspiracy not a cult npc playing the victim QAnon

Blazing hot takes on mail bombs from the #MAGA crowd

UPDATE, FRIDAY 10/26: They’ve nabbed a suspect, a 56-year-old Florida man whose van is covered with pro-Trump stickers, alongside “CNN SUCKS” stickers and  pictures of Hillary Clinton and other Democrats depicted in crosshairs. Somehow I don;t think this is going to stop these people from crying “false flag.”  By David Futrelle At yet another of…


Intolerable Cruelty: The #BeersForBrett hashtag is the ultimate symbol of Trump’s kingdom of spite

By David Futrelle Perhaps the most heartbreaking and enraging moment of Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony before the Senate came after Senator Patrick Leahy asked her to recall her most indelible memory of the night she said that now-Supreme-Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her. Ford replied without hesitation: It was, she said, “the uproarious…

empathy deficit entitled babies has possibly never spoken to a woman hypergamy irony alert jordan "slappy" peterson men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Lobster math: Jordan Peterson fans calculate optimal age for men to marry to obtain highest quality females

By David Futrelle There comes a time in every Jordan Peterson fanboy’s life when he starts to think about settling down with a high quality female for mating purposes.

advocacy of violence alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies ironic nazis literal nazis milo things that aren't satire threats

Eclipsed by a chocolate powder, Milo Yiannopoulos is sending threatening messages to journalists, going full fashy

By David Futrelle It used to be that when you — and by “you” here I actually mean “I” — went to find pictures of Nazi-adjacent media provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos to use on your blog, all you had to do was to type his first name into Google Images and ta da! there were dozens…

alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism chris cantwell figurative nazis hate literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men paul elam rhymes with roosh

Congrats! A Voice for Men and Return of Kings have both been designated hate groups by the SPLC

By David Futrelle A big round of applause for two websites that have featured here on We Hunted the Mammoth from the beginning: A Voice for Men and Return of Kings have both been officially recognized by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups. 

aggrieved entitlement alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism daily stormer entitled babies light treason literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever nazis with guns racism

Nazis debate: How Nazi should Nazis be when they’re out Nazi-ing around in public?

So roughly 150 neo-Nazis, alongside some alt-rightists who are basically Nazis but kind of like to pretend that they aren’t, went a-marching in Pikeville, Kentucky this past weekend, dressed to the 88s in an assortment of Nazi-esque uniforms, carrying flags festooned with swastikas and an assortment of other Nazi-ish symbols, chanting chants containing the word…

aggrieved entitlement alt-right irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism vox day

Racist alt-right fantasy author Vox Day is totally not a Nazi, according to Vox Day

The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive continues! If you appreciate the blog, please donate what you can! THANKS!  Fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale has been called many terrible things. A “racist shithead.” A “racist dickhead.” A “human garbage pile.” A “sentient colostomy bag.” “A racist numpty poopgoblin.” And those are just…