So I was poking around in the Am I The Asshole subreddit archives when I came across this lovely example of, well, I’m not really sure what it’s an example of but I think you all will appreciate it. It’s kind of incredible, really.
There’s an episode of Seinfeld in which the titular character tries to return a jacket to a high-end boutique. When asked why, he answers “for spite” — he doesn’t much care for the salesman to sold it to him in the first place. That doesn’t go over well with the staff at the boutique and they refuse to take the jacket back.
Whatever you might think abut his stupid car tunnel, or his baby’s ridiculous name, or even his unwelcome attempts to insert himself into the rescue of a group of Thai soccer players trapped in a cave, you’ve got to give Elon Musk credit for one thing: he’s also a huge jackass on Twitter, perpetually tweeting “politically incorrect” quips like the aging edgelord he apparently thinks he is.
Manosphere dudes love talking about science. Unfortunately they don’t seem quite as enthusiastic about learning the science before they talk about it. They’d rather make up their own theories anyway, especially when it comes to biology in general and evolution in particular.
Sorry to have vanished for a few days. I had my second COVID vaccine shot on Wednesday and it kind of messed me up for a couple of days. But in two weeks I will be INVINCIBLE. (I think that’s how these things work.)
MGTOWs, or a good portion of them, anyway, have convinced themselves that they’re really teaching women a lesson by largely staying out of the dating market.
UPDATE: Guilty on all three counts. Discuss.
During the 2016 campaign, you may recall, the right-wing disinfo squad was trying its best to convince the electorate that Hillary Clinton was not a well woman — indeed, that she was in such ill-health she could keel over at any moment.
John Hinkley Jr. tried to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in an attempt to impress Jodie Foster. Is is possible that the young man who killed eight people at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis was trying to impress … a cartoon horse?
I thought that Reddit’s Red Pillers were all about conning women into bed. But some, it seems, are more interested in debating than dating.