By David Futrelle One of the tenets of Red Pill thought, uncritically adopted by incels, is that the supersexy Chads who are out there having sex while incels stew at home are literally having sex with almost all women — not just their hot “looksmatches” but also the women that even incels think are ugly.
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By David Futrelle “Here Comes My Baby,” is a deceptively cheerful-sounding song of unrequited love, written by Cat Stevens when he was a teenager. And it has the stink of high school heartbreak all over it. It occurs to me that it might be the ultimate incel anthem.
By David Futrelle In the morally inverted world of the forums, there’s a bit of a debate going on over whether or not coronavirus could possibly end up being, well, a very good thing for the incels of the world.
By David Futrelle “RoNyyso,” a 21-year old incel just about to start college, dreams of being a doctor. Well, at least he dreams of making a doctor’s salary. There’s just one little problem: He’d prefer that Chads and Stacies remain sick.
By David Futrelle Now the incels are mad at the Buddha.
It’s pledge drive time! If you’re a fan of this blog, please donate what you can to keep it going by clicking the button below. THANKS! By David Futrelle Attention all Stacies! Now you and all your, er, foid friends can enjoy all of the thrills and chills of a date with Chad … without…
By David Futrelle By now you’ve all seen endless variations on the Chad vs. Virgin meme, and probably a few featuring Stacy and Becky as well. Most of them, like the originals, tend to be more depressing than funny, reflecting the spread of toxic incel ideology into the “normie” world.
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! WHTM is ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks! By David Futrelle This Chad guy the incels talk about all the time? He’s apparently a very busy guy, devoting many hours a day, every day, to partying…
By David Futrelle It’s Friday! So let me just ruin your weekend in advance by making you read this horrible thing from the forum containing the phrase “pussy mouthwash.”
By David Futrelle The MaleForeverAlone subreddit is every bit as hateful a place as the banned Incels subreddit was, but it’s small enough that it seems to have flown under the radar, avoiding the ban that would be sure to follow if it started to give Reddit the same sort of bad publicity that r/Incels…