It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! If you’re a fan of this blog, please help fund its continued existence by clicking the button below. THANKS!
By David Futrelle
So-called “Gender Critical” feminists — that is, the artists transphobes formerly known as TERFs — like to fantasize about removing the “T” from LGBT, severing trans people from the solidarity and support of the broader community of which they now are a central part.
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! If you’re a fan of this blog, please help fund its continued existence by clicking the button below. THANKS!
By David Futrelle
Over on the right-wing culture war blog One AngryGamer, the highly excitable Billy D is absolutely losing it over a lesbian kiss in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Because apparently it doesn’t correctly represent the demographic realities of Dagobah or Tatooine or wherever the movie is set (I really haven’t been paying much attention).
The pledge drive is in trouble, and I really need your help.
Though many of you have already donated – and I can’t thank you enough for that – the total so far is considerably less than I need to cover my expenses. So if you haven’t donated yet, please do.
I know this is an
awkward time to ask for money. But if you can spare even a few
dollars, you’ll be providing a lifeline to an independent, ad-free
blog that deflates some of the most toxic shit out there in the “Red
Pill” world. And you’ll enable me to keep serving up daily posts
without worrying constantly about how to cover the next rent check.
Or insurance
premium. Most of my money problems are due to the US’s mess of a
health care system – I spend more on medical expenses than I do on
rent. A recent trip to the emergency room for searing back pain
didn’t exactly help my financial position.
I’m expecting
things to improve in 2020. I’m working on building up my freelance
writing business again, and I’ll be unveiling a new project soon.
But right now, frankly, I need all the help I can get.
I love doing this blog, and I’m forever grateful that it brings something to so many people’s lives. You folks – pledge drive donors and regular supporters — have enabled me to keep We Hunted the Mammoth going for nine years, and I hope that together we can keep it going for the tenth year and beyond.
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! If you’re a fan of this blog, please help fund its continued existence by clicking the button below. THANKS!
By David Futrelle
In 1941, writer Dorothy Thompson invented what she described as “an interesting and somewhat macabre parlor game” called “Who Goes Nazi?” The idea was simple: the next time you’re at a party, or some other social gathering, take a look at those around you and try to guess which ones would, “in a showdown … go Nazi.”
Presumably the TERFs will be picketing this store next
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! If you’re a fan of this blog, please help fund its continued existence by clicking the button below. THANKS!
By David Futrelle
Over on the “Gender Critical” subreddit — the most popular hangout for Reddit’s Trans-Excluding Radical Feminists (TERFs) — the regulars are getting good and mad at an unnamed trans women because she said in a video that she wanted to look pretty.
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! If you’re a fan of this blog, please help fund its continued existence by clicking the button below. THANKS!
By David Futrelle
Yesterday, the acid-loving, frequently-naked internet personality Aella — perhaps best known for a series of Reddit “Gone Wild” posts involving garden gnomes — had some thoughts on trans women she decided to share on Twitter. This was perhaps not the best idea, as these were the thoughts:
Today marks the start of the third and final fund drive of 2019 for We Hunted the Mammoth. Let’s close out the decade on a high note! By which I mean: please donate if you possibly can.
NOTE: The PayPal links should be working now!
If you read this blog regularly, making a donation is a bit like giving a present to yourself. We Hunted the Mammoth owes its continued existence solely to donations from people like you. There are no ads, no secret troves of Soros cash behind this blog. I’m just a guy with a couple of cats in a messy apartment. (And frankly, the cats aren’t much help.)
All you need to do is click on the little button, so here it is again. You don’t need a PayPal account; a credit card is fine.
If you want to avoid PayPal, you can Venmo me at David-Futrelle-1. (If neither way works for you, email me at dfutrelle at gmail and we can figure something out.)
If it’s easier for you, consider donating on a monthly basis. Even $5 or $10 a month can make a big difference to the financial stability of the blog (and of me).
If you can’t swing a donation right now, there are other ways to contribute – offering tips, publicizing posts on social media, offering technical advice, providing insights in the comments sections, and so on.
Thanks in advance, and thanks as well to those who already donate monthly or between the pledge drives. Sustained support like yours is crucial to keeping We Hunted the Mammoth going!
You have to give Reddit’s lady haters credit for one thing: they are endlessly creative in coming up with new excuses to hate the ladies. The latest? Women laughing amongst themselves.