Incels have a new sworn enemy: gay men. In a post on the Incels.is forum, someone calling himself SocialzERo laid out the basics of what he calls the “f*gpill.”
Incels have a new sworn enemy: gay men. In a post on the Incels.is forum, someone calling himself SocialzERo laid out the basics of what he calls the “f*gpill.”
The war on drag queens continues apace. Last Saturday, members of the all-male neo-fascist gang Proud Boys tried to shut down a drag event at a DC area venue, physically attacking counterprotesters and leaving at least one bloodied, according to reports. Last year, there were 120 such protests of drag events in the US. The Proud Boys have been known to show up armed with handguns and assault rifles.
Another insight into women from a man with zero insight into women. According to one deeply unpleasant dude on the PurplePillDebate subreddit called Round-Relative-7859, “no woman has ever been manipulated into sex.” How does he know this? He redefines manipulation out of existence when it comes to sex. Hey presto, no manipulation.
Professional far-right hatemonger Candace Owens declared on a recent Daily Wire podcast that she would beat a hypothetical trans grandson with a cane.
Over on the Antifeminists subreddit, they’re discussing what is probably the central issue of our age: “Why have feminists made it forbidden to talk about the fact that female comedians aren’t funny?”
Yes, this is an actual topic of discussion on Incels.is:
The (extended) pledge drive is over, and I want to begin by thanking everyone who donated, whether it was a lot of bucks or just a few. This pledge drive started off very unpromisingly, but you all turned it around in a big way and brought us close to our goal.
That said, we didn’t make it all the way. We came a couple of thousand dollars short of what I need to keep the blog on an even keel.
The Pledge Drive is close to its end, but we’re still short of our goal! So please donate what you can. Thanks! You can also contribute on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
Yesterday, the New York Times was sent two open letters criticizing what many have seen as biased and misleading coverage of trans issues that has given ammunition to anti-trans activists and legislators. One of the letters was from the LGBTQ+ advocacy organization GLAAD; the other was signed by 170 New York Times contributors disturbed by the paper’s slanted trans coverage.
The Pledge Drive is in its final days, but we’re still coming up short! So please donate what you can. Thanks! You can also contribute on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
A favorite pastime of the bitterest of men is to imagine just how gloriously easy it is to live life as a beautiful woman. One of these fellows recently sat down and penned an interesting work of fiction on the topic to post in the PurplePillDebate subreddit. So let’s give “How I imagine life as an attractive woman is like” by somanyshawties a quick read; I will be offering some notes.
The pledge drive got off to a worrisome start, but thanks to you, things have once again turned around in a big way. Thanks so much to everyone who has donated so far!
But we’re still a few thousand dollars short of what I need to keep the blog running. This is a one-man, two-cat operation, and I depend on these pledge drives to pay the bills. So if you haven’t donated yet, please click the button below and give what you can.
You can also give by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.