Mammoth FAQ

A mammoth, hunted. By leocigale
A mammoth, hunted. By leocigale

We Hunted the Mammoth: The FAQ-ening

Q) A mammoth, huh? What’s this blog about?

A) Misogyny, not mammoths.

Specifically, this blog focuses on what I call the “New Misogyny,” an angry antifeminist backlash that has emerged like a boil on the ass of the internet over the last decade or so. These aren’t your traditional misogynists – the social conservatives and religious fundamentalists who make up much of the far right.

These are guys, mostly, who range in age from their teens to their fifties, who have embraced misogyny as an ideology, as a sort of symbolic solution to the frustrations in their lives – whether financial, social, or sexual.

Some of them identify as Men’s Rights Activists, trying to cast their peculiar struggle against what they see as the excess of feminism and the advantages of women as a civil rights issue of sorts. Alongside those who explicitly label themselves MRAs we find a great number of antifeminist and antiwomen activists we might call Men’s Rights-adjacent – like those in the Skeptic and Atheist subcultures who still haven’t gotten over an offhand remark Skepchick founder Rebecca Watson made about a dude in an elevator a couple of years ago.

Others proclaim themselves Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), declaring a sort of independence from women – while spending much of their time on message boards talking endlessly about them.

Still others see themselves as Pickup Artists (PUA), or masters of “Game,” espousing elaborate “scientific” theories of male superiority while trading tips on how best to pressure or manipulate drunk women into bed. This misogynistic wing of the PUA subculture has a considerable overlap with a subset of traditionalist and far-right blogs. Many of those in what has come to be called “the manosphere” — hey, don’t blame me, I didn’t come up with that name — don’t simply embrace misogyny; they also proudly embrace “scientific” racism and other bigotries.

Still, while some of the New Misogynists see themselves as conservatives, even “neo-reactionaries,” many identify themselves as libertarians or even as liberals. Theirs is a backlash that frames itself as a step forward.

That said, there are numerous posts here that don’t have anything to do with MRAs or MGTOWers or PUAs or any of their ilk. Sometimes I like to post cat pics.

Q) Ok, but you still haven’t explained the mammoth thing.

A) This is a reference to a quote I once posted from a dude who felt women weren’t sufficiently appreciative of what men had supposedly done for them over the ages. Here’s the quote, in all of its weird glory:

We men built a nice safe world for you all the the coal-mines of death, roads, railroads, bridges and tall office buildings. Its $1,000,000 spent per death of a man on a large dangerous project on average now you can just 9-5 it and call it a day in air-conditioned and heated safety. Forget about the wars we died in and the sacrifices made just ignore history or is it now hersorty? You are accruing the benefits without ever having to pay the price you still don’t have to sign up for the draft and who will protect you? The Sex and the City girls will fight off the North Koreans with their Manolo Blahniks?

Men gave you this modern world now you take it for granted we hunted the mammoth to feed you we died in burning buildings and were gassed in the trenches but that was just for fun right?

How quick and conveniently you forget who made this possible.

We gave you Leonardo da Vinci, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy not to mention countless others, Jonas Salk saved half the world from death and you just piss on it all.

This quote is such an amazing clusterfuck of misogyny, entitlement and unwarranted self-importance – not to mention historical ignorance – that the bit about mammoths became a catchphrase around here, neatly conveying pretty much everything this blog is against. And so I decided to make it the name of the blog.

Q) And who exactly are you?

A) David Futrelle. I’m a freelance writer and blogger living in Evanston, IL, and the guy behind the Confused Cats Against Feminism blog. For more on my illustrious career, see the David Futrelle FAQ.

Q) You’re against the Men’s Rights movement. Are you against men having rights?

A) Of course not. As hundreds of posts on this site show pretty clearly, the so-called Men’s Rights Movement is a hateful, reactionary movement driven largely by misogyny and hatred of feminism. It doesn’t help men. It encourages them to scapegoat women and stew in their own bitterness.

Q) Are you secretly funded by the international feminist conspiracy?

A) No. I’m not funded by any organization. Some readers have very kindly given me donations. You can too, if you wish.

Q) What’s with all the cat pictures?

A) I like cats.

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11 years ago

No. I want to believe that among you there is people who appreciate dialogue, and others who apparently do not appreciate it. As in every social or political group there is a radical-moderate dualism. Otherwise, if all you are radically telling me to go away, then you are just playing a role.

11 years ago

RE: Guit

In general, my approach is talking with feminists in order to make my opinion more complete, and in order to find areas were my idea is wrong. I dislike my vision of the society I live in. Denigrations worsen my state and good people with open minds improve it.

Hate to break it to you, but I think neither the manosphere nor this site would be helpful for you, then.

Ally S
11 years ago

I’ve just read those two articles, and they seem to be sorely lacking in citations and relying mostly on unfounded assertions. And then there’s this gem:

This is a duo [Shulamith Firestone and Simone De Beauvoir] whose books, far from promoting peace and equality between men and women, support a form of social engineering, promote female superiority and push hatred between men and women.

Gee, that really gives the author credibility. Not.

11 years ago

RE: Guit

You’re coming here for the wrong reason. We MOCK things. We aren’t an education site, or a dialogue site. What you’re doing is walking onto the set of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and expecting a dialogue on film criticism. You seem to misunderstand this site’s purpose and how we interact with other people, and you’re not going to get very far here, ESPECIALLY by invoking the Holocaust.

11 years ago

“Hate to break it to you, but I think neither the manosphere nor this site would be helpful for you, then”.

Disagree. I believe that many of you here, are skilled enought to be helpful for me and for other readers. Otherwise, if I thought this is an actor’s school I wouldn’t start posting.

11 years ago

Guit, you can’t bait us by saying that if we don’t politely engage with you we’re not “skilled enought” or “just playing a role.” We’ve seen it all and it makes us pretty hard to bait.

11 years ago

RE: katz

*shakes head* They never read the tagline, do they?

11 years ago

And here’s the most radical way I know of telling you to go away.

11 years ago

I’m sorry. Next question is strictly pertinent to FAQ: what is this forum meant for?

11 years ago

For mocking misogyny. Exactly what it says on the tin.

11 years ago

RE: Guit

The tag-line is up at the top left. We mock misogyny. That’s what we’re here for. I told you this earlier.

11 years ago

Hey Guit? Here’s some dialogue.

“Fuck off.”

That is all.

11 years ago

Ok I’m sorry, I was mislead by categories. Mocking is entertainment. So definitely I go. I need politic and social stuff.
It was useful anyway. Ciao.

11 years ago

Okay, betting right here, step right up, how long will it take for Guit to bounce the flounce?

11 years ago

July 19, 2013 at 5:07 pm, Aristotele said: “Fuck off”.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“I believe that many of you here, are skilled enought to be helpful for me and for other readers.”

You are confusing ability and intent.

Also, I repeat what LBT said —

“*shakes head* They never read the tagline, do they?”

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — 3 minutes apparently.

Guit — yes, there are categories of things we mock.

11 years ago

Weak-sauce flounce, but I’ll give a few points for actually fucking off instead of sticking around and going “Educate meeee!!!”


11 years ago

I promise not to bounce after this last session, believe me. I was thinking this site existed to talk on social issues with people that have different point of view. I do the same in Italy since 10 years. I’m honest. Now I know this site is not helpful. Eventually I’ll return only if I have a funny joke on misoginy.

11 years ago

Also, distracted by the categories? One of them is “I’m totally being sarcastic.”

11 years ago

Bye, Guit! Have a nice time fucking off!

11 years ago

*shakes head sadly* They always bounce the flounce. And they never read the tag-line.

11 years ago

Bye, Hellkell! You too. What a sad moment 🙁

11 years ago

Three bounces. -2 deduction each. Total score: -2/10.

11 years ago

Argenti Aertheri: “Guit — yes, there are categories of things we mock”

So, this site is mocking:

– feminism
– misandry
– rape
– sex
– sluts
– vaginas
– violence against men/women

Let’s go. Change tagline or delete categories before blaming mislead users.

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