David Futrelle FAQ

I‘m a freelance writer and blogger living in Evanston, IL, with two awesome cats (pictured below, slightly greasy with eardrop residue).

I’ve been writing on topics ranging from gender and culture to money and technology for more than twenty years.

My writing has appeared in a wide variety of places, among them Broadly, TheCut, Salon,  HuffPost, Time.com, The American Prospect, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the New York Times Book Review. I was a staff writer at Money magazine for a number of years.

I was also behind the blog Confused Cats Against Feminism.

For more about We Hunted The Mammoth, see the Mammoth FAQ.

For more me, see:

David Futrelle on Twitter

David Futrelle on Facebook

Here, as promised, are my cats, early in their careers as cats. Yes, they are much cuter than me.

Sweetie and Pantz, doing the kitten thing.

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Inger Hellstrom
9 years ago

David, Do you still love people who cook up “theories that will provide a schema for eradicating every last atom of patriarchy from the planet by any means necessary?” Which is what I read on your website a few years ago and told myself I had to follow up.
If you do, I’d love to know if you’ve found any such schema or part of one.

I much appreciate your work and its purpose.

All the best,

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago



9 years ago

More goodies!

Huff Post blogger writes awesome open letter to Rooshus Vhrist.

Comments section is like idiot ping pong with 1000 balls simultaneously in play.

Rooshus had apparently also responded on his page saying the auther wrote it out of a primal desire for him. Vomit.


9 years ago

I recently saw these stickers where I live https://twitter.com/BlackBeard20096/status/589110702301913088
Why do they link to antimisandry .com?
There’s also this http://www.cmhahamilton.ca/ ( which mentions Dan Perrins and links directly to the Cafe website). Something just bugs me about spreading hatred and misogyny under the guise of supporting mental health . . . seems exploitative.

9 years ago

It’s not below them to do that. After all, AVFM are still trying to imitate the White Ribbon charity, with the hopes of usurping it, by claiming that the original is a fraud and THEY are the One True Anti-Violence Charity.

MRAs since then have denied that AVFM is trying to steal funds by posing as the genuine White Ribbon charity, but it’s pretty clear they’re trying to muscle the real deal out of the way when you have a look at their banner:

“There is only ONE whiteribbon.org.”

9 years ago

Thanks for your response. I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised. It’s disgusting that they are doing that with the white ribbon. Just ugh… no. I face-palmed so hard I think I broke something in my hand.

As for the stickers, I think a distress centre (e.g COAST) number or suicide prevention line would have been logical and helpful . . . but of course, we aren’t dealing with people who are logical or helpful. It’s just another example of them trying to blame women and not actually caring about the mental health of men. Pathetic.
I just wonder if CMHA looked into this dude. My guess is probably not….

9 years ago

I for one am thankful for all the lulz your blog exposes to us viewers.

9 years ago

Loving your work! Gonna tell all friends confused about feminism to come visit this blog!

Robert Marks
Robert Marks
9 years ago

How about some good news when it comes to gender relations, for a change? I recently took a look at women in magic (not the card game) for my Fooling Garwulf column at The Escapist. When I interviewed some established, active professional female magicians to see if there was still gender discrimination, to my surprise and delight, the answer came back as “No, and there hasn’t been for at least a generation.”

So, magic has its act together: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/moviesandtv/columns/foolinggarwulf/14305-Penn-Teller-Fool-Us-Episode-2-Review-Recap.2

9 years ago

Just found your blog today. I look forward to catching up on articles and sending you snack donations (to mock the badgers) when I’m on my home computer. Well done.

9 years ago

So far I like your posts David. They’re funny and show some heart. Keep up the good work.

matthewcardierMatt Cardier

You seem to have inspired me. On this Australian edition of the Guardian I found this article http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/aug/26/facebook-blocks-australian-feminist-anne-summers-from-boosting-post?CMP=ema_632 … and then this comment:

“I think it’s fair enough to ban it on those grounds. I find the bigotry and mental gymnastics required to be a feminist very offensive, although that’s rarely enough to get any feminist ‘speech’ banned unless they use profanity such as in this case. On the other hand, feminists are always pushing (successfully most of the time) to get things *completely* banned e.g. Roosh V’s Canadian tour, Project Harpoon Facebook page etc with or without profanity.

By looking at who generally wins these arguments you’d have to conclude that feminists are firmly part of the establishment, are largely authoritarian, and completely intolerant of any alternative viewpoints.”

To which I replied (and I hope I got my facts right!!)…

“That’s because Roosh and his infantile followers are virtually rape apologists and certainly misogynist grubs. About 30 people turned up to the Canadian fiasco (which was proclaimed as some sort of victory for Roosh) and apparently most of those sad people were ashamed to show their faces. The illogical and infantile denigration of women by Roosh, Elam and other apologists for domestic violence rape that infests certain sewers of Reddit and elsewhere have no place in sane or civilised society. An academic book about the harsh realities of convict era Australia, on the other hand, is probably essential to promote these days. Lack of swearing does not necessarily make something not obscene…”

I’m probably a bit irrational in my response but I have zero tolerance for this crap and even less after recent news from a friend. It’s a toss-up between this and Islamaphobia at the moment, which is rife here at the moment..

9 years ago

Hi Dave. Are you going to cover the upcoming GG blitz attack on Sarah Butts? I’m afraid that that dirtbag Milo Yiannopoulos and crew are about to go all out on this…..=(

9 years ago

Over at the NY Times, there’s a story on the Afghan army raping young boys. The comments section has a ton of MRA taking points being spouted. I saw words like Feminazi and Misandry being thrown around. The comments section is closed but still is all there. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys.html?referrer=

9 years ago

David, have you seen you have had a probable impersonator (since banned) on Wikipedia?

9 years ago

Hot tip: Toronto coffee shop is showing really terrible, political ‘art’ from a guy on trial for harassment and stalking (and if he’s not an MRA he sure references them a lot and is on their side).

The best part is their response is so terrible and coded misogyny. Plus their supporters are all in the UK and Australia – whereas the women who have the problem (the same ones who saw the Jian Ghomeshi affair play out last year, with much of the same rhetoric) are actual patrons or potential patrons.


9 years ago

I don’t know how to submit suggestions, but this guy and his ideas about women are pretty repellent and maybe worth covering. For example, here’s an article about how a husband can enjoy sex with his wife after he’s pressured her into having sex with him and she won’t even fake enthusiasm: http://biblicalgenderroles.com/2015/10/18/how-a-husband-can-enjoy-sex-that-is-grudgingly-given-by-his-wife/

Covered In Cat Hair
Covered In Cat Hair
4 years ago

Why, why are all the comments in the palest of pale gray type? I literally cannot read them! The same font in black would be readable, though one size up might make things easier.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ covered in cat hair

I had the same thing, but ‘dark mode’ sorted it. Try clicking the little crescent moon button thingy.

(Although shouldn’t that then turn into the Sun or something as it’s now a light mode button?)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m not David, but yes, incels are definitely part of the manosphere. There’s a ton of overlap between incels and those other groups.

4 years ago

Hi David I started this post when I read https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/12/10/the-worlds-saddest-tweet/ but then I thought what I was writing seemed more appropriate as a note to you. I have been reading you for years:

When I was born I was assigned a masculine gender I am very comfortable with it. Figuring out who I am was a struggle just like it is for many people. On that journey I was exposed to many things about what it meant to be a man. I was not comfortable with many of those things, even the people who I was seeking guidance from left me feeling very lonely in figuring stuff out. Now I see they really did not know any better than I did maybe they were just more certain for some strange reason. As I figured out how to listen to myself about what it means to be human I was able to leave a lot of harmful ideas behind. One reason why I really hate the patriarchy and the men like Ian Miles Chong is how much they want to restrict men to some narrow realm that has no connection to themselves or other people unless it is about domination, power, and a very perverse view of nature. The dude in the video is just doing his own thing in this world we just have one go round loving and bonding with a cat and sharing that joy with other people. If all those MGOTW were like this dude the world would be a sweeter place but no. They can’t even just be like “that’s cool, but it’s not for me.” They can only celebrate harm and destruction. And then they also have such hatred for women, nonstraight folks and just the idea of letting people be and trying to find their own flourishing.

Thank you for all the work you have been doing David drawing attention to how toxic and harmful these people are. I am sorry you lost your mother this year.

4 years ago

Have you seen this book? I’d be happy to contribute a copy if you’d like to review it. Amazon.com: The Book of Numbers: Analyzing the ROI on the Pursuit of Women eBook: Clarey, Aaron: Kindle Store

3 years ago

Did you see the Canadian judge’s decision on the Toronto van killer case? It seems the killer wasn’t an incel, but he used their rhetoric to pump himself and the media up.


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